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On September 1, the official website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was bold and rushed to run on the road to violations of discipline and law -the former deputy secretary of the party committee of the Delingha Industrial Park and former executive deputy director of the Delingha Industrial Park in Qinghai ProvinceAnalysis of Zhangbiao's serious violation of discipline and violations.

Zhangbiao, male, Born in February 1979 , joined the work in August 2000, and joined the Communist Party of China in December 2005. The Second Division of the Second Division of the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development , deputy director of the Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province (Aid Qing), Qinghai Haixi Mongolian Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Dezhuha Municipal Party CommitteeStanding Committee member, executive deputy mayor, deputy secretary of the party committee and executive deputy director of the Management Committee of the Delingha Industrial Park of Chaidama Circular Economic Pilot Zone.

On October 27, 2020, the Haixi State Commission for Discipline Inspection was filed for investigation and investigation of Zhangbiao's serious violations of laws and disciplines, and reserved measures were taken according to law.In June 2021, after the meeting of the Standing Committee of the State Discipline Inspection Commission, he was reported and submitted to the State Party Committee for approval to give Zhangbiao Fleeing the party, expelled from public office, and transferred his suspected crime issues to the procuratorial organs to review and prosecute in accordance with the law.The case is currently under further trial.

According to the article, as a cadre of the central state organs, Zhang Biao did not hide his desire for money and the temptation of beauty during his tenure.In order to purchase luxury homes, please please two families, and protect the two families, they rushed on the road of disciplinary and law, and eventually moved towards the way.

I like to buy a big house, design the decoration by myself, and taste the decoration effect repeatedly

"My 'total switch' has a big problem, and mistakes are inevitable." Rebelling the process of corruption and corruption, Zhang Biao regretted it.

Zhang Biao had a difficult life when he was young, his mother died early, and there was a sister 10 years younger than him. This situation made him dream of becoming a "rich man" and no longer live a poor life and bitter life.Zhang Biao self -analyzed that "This extreme desire for money also laid a foreshadowing for my subsequent corruption and corruption."

In 2007, Zhang Zhi was admitted to the State Minister and Commission to engage in audit work in the field of housing and urban and rural construction."There are many travels and many inspections. There are special receptions wherever they go, and they will go smoothly and get some time when they come back." Zhang Biao talked, "After the leaders in contact withI feel that I am not an average person. When I first received the gift, I was embarrassed, and I was used to it later. I even felt that some units were sent less and the grade was low. "In this way, he was lost in eating, drinking, and drinking.Gradually fall and corruption.

"Zhang Biao has a strong vanity and possessive desire, and his pursuit of material is more manifested on buying big houses." Said the case staff. In 2010, Zhang Biao had the first house in Beijing because of small apartment and very narrow living space. Living in a large house became his biggest pursuit at that time.Therefore, after asking for a bribe of 10 million yuan, Zhangbiao bought three real estate in Xi'an for a total of more than 17 million yuan.These real estate designed and decorated in Zhangbiao personally, and repeatedly taste the decoration effect like appreciating works.

"It's like some people do not spend after collecting money, put them in one place, count the taste, taste the taste of money. I like to appreciate my decoration design. I think this is a kind of enjoyment. Other things.The corrupt elements are 'cash custodian', I am a 'real estate administrator'. After a few years, the originals make the public! I really became the clown and sinners who even jokes myself.Self -ridicule.

In August 2013, Zhang Biao was organized to be sent to Yushu Prefecture, Qinghai Province to participate in the construction as aid.If you want to have greater development on the career, and realize that "once the power is in hand, you can do the goal of life to make money in life."One cavity of blood", a set behind the person.

"At that time, I thought life was impermanent, and I had to enjoy it in time. I always felt that only making a lot of money can reflect the value of life, but in front of people, I kept talking about love and struggle. Now I feel ashamed to think about it." Zhang Biao said.

In May 2016, Zhang Biao stayed in Delingha as executive deputy mayor, and the bureau was in charge of more than a dozen.Double Standing "" allows him to have important words and decision rights. However, these powers have been alienated into power and money transactions, conspiring and private, and collecting money.

Government is a career pursuit.Zhang Biao failed to establish the correct view of power and career. He had to follow the politics and want to get rich. In the end, he could only be reduced to the stolen officials and corrupt officials who refer to the spine."I have twisted three views, and I have been hanging" I don't want to heaven for a long time. I only want to have money to have money. I have money on my mouth. The Communists have no faith.If you do n’t return to the road, be abominable or sad! "Zhang Biao regretted it.

Four and a half years of crazy more than 40 million yuan

The same company, 7 times, 14.86 million yuan, these numbers recorded the "crazy" life who worked in Delingha City for 15 months.

"A rich life is a valuable life", and the unrequited Zhangbiao of the three views did not conceal the desire for money after staying in the city of Delingha.In 15 months, he asked for 14.86 million yuan to ask the Dekha Branch of a company in Beijing.According to the case personnel, the company was stared at by Zhangbiao because of the construction of the world's highest -oriented tram -Delingha New Energy Rail Demonstration Line project and became his "withdrawal machine". The company was also by him.The company with the largest amount of bribes.

In September 2016, Zhangbiao, as the head of the preliminary work of the project and the leading group of the project construction and operation work leading group, was coordinated as coordinating arrangements.The company asked for 360,000 yuan. Soon, the money was coming.

"I can't believe it for the first time, and I can't believe it." Zhang Biao said frankly.After "small test", he became unscrupulous and became more "crazy."

Two months later, he left the name of "borrowing" and asked the company to ask the company 2 million yuan. Seeing that the company was very "cooperated", Zhang Biao asked him for 4 million in January 2017.Yuan, then, asked for 600,000 yuan in March, 3 million yuan in April, and 4.6 million yuan in May. It was not until September that he asked 300,000 yuan."Stretching to another company.

Ten million yuan is easy to get, Zhang Biao is greedy, and he is no longer satisfied with the small fight.At this time, Fan Moumou, the owner of a cultural company in Wulan County, entered his vision.At the end of 2016, Zhangbiao took advantage of the convenience to help the company's handling of new pre -mixed concrete mixing stations. Since then, the two sides have set up the line and opened long -term "mutually beneficial" cooperation.

In early 2017, Fan Moumou wanted to share a cake on the new energy rail tram demonstration line project, but because he had not obtained the qualification certificate of the construction enterprise, a Beijing company Deza Branch has always refused to sign a pre -mixed concrete with itSale contract.Based on the "happy cooperation" in the early stage, Fan Moumou found Zhangbiao and promised to give him a gratitude fee afterwards.Zhang Biaozheng wanted this money, and he came forward to "platform" without saying a word, greeted Delingha Housing and Construction Bureau, issued the qualification certificate of the construction enterprise in violation of regulations, and promoted the signing of the contract between the two companies. Since then, Zhang Biao has successfully contracted Fan Moumou through the form of biddingThe contract price of 5 projects including the Talent Apartment of Green Industrial Park and the second phase of Jinguang Avenue was 151 million yuan.

After the incident was done, Zhang Biao also regarded Fan Moumou as his own "money bag". In the past 4 years, he asked for 14.35 million yuan. Until one month before was left, he still asked Fan Moumou for 600,000 yuan. Fan Mou had to give him 200,000 yuan first.

"Sorting up Zhangbiao's suspicion of bribery crimes, there is a sum of money.At the Delingha Industrial Park, the Delingha City Government acquired assets such as the factory, production equipment, and employee dormitory building of a wolfberry company.After the transfer contract was signed, Xiao Moumou, director of the wolfberry company, also proposed to ask Zhang Biao to help Zhang Biao withdrawing some of the wolfberry extraction, juice juice and other equipment he owned, and the transfer price increased by 10 million yuan.Zhang Biao agreed on the spot and immediately arranged for the subordinates to do the matter.After the incident, Zhang Biao got 7 million yuan from somewhere in Xiao.

After giving up money, Zhang Biao was deeper and deeper in the quagmire of "pursuing extravagance and enjoyment", and a little money and idle things could not enter his eyes at all.According to the person handling staff, Zhangbiao used his job influence to "platform" for a certain natural gas company on various occasions, and helped the company's settlement in Delingha Industrial Park, participating in the competitive gas supply business, and received 250,000 yuan in cash.Essence The company gave him a watch worth nearly 120,000 yuan. He was extremely dissatisfied and felt that the company had no sincerity and asked him a watch worth 350,000 yuan.

Zhang Biao's power in his hands "clearly marked the price", and After each time he provided help for private business owners, he immediately called to ask for good fees, not covering up, unscrupulous.According to investigations, in the four and a half years of serving in Delingha, Zhangbiao used the convenience of his position to seek benefits for private business owners, in exchange for the benefits of more than 40 million yuan.

" This pen is really shocking. I don't know that I have collected so much money. It is a sinner and society of the country.After his corruption amount, Zhang Biao stayed for a while, and then he cried and scolded himself at the criminal handler.

There is a family outside the house, suspected of being crime of getting married, and was investigated by the public security organs

"The willfulness of Zhang Biao's will not only be reflected in the pursuit of money, but also the ignoring the discipline of life. He is bold and even suspected of the crime of drainage.Essence

In April 2017, Zhang Jiaohua's name was "Zhang Xiangtao". In the absence of legal spouses, he still held a wedding with Li Mou, a specific relationship, and had a illegitimate child.

There is a family outside the house, and everyone else is afraid that it will be "shielded", but Zhangbiao is very square and exercised.He frankly said that "I am a very wild and bandit person. When I am impulsive, willful, regardless of the consequences, in order to show my generosity, express my sincerity, buy a house, buy a hero,Car. Rise for a while, buy it when you buy it, you have never had a brain at all. In order to give her an explanation, it is also a big deal with her wedding, regardless of social influence. "

According to the person handling staff, Zhang Biao did not have time to accompany Li, so he used a lot of money and luxurious life to make up for it, and to meet Li's various requirements with a chartered car.With the birth of an illegitimate child, in order to compensate and protect the material life of mother and child, he is even more unscrupulous and crazy.

"2017 is a year when I am quickly corrupted,‘ one riding ”on the road of disciplinary and illegal.” Zhang Biao said. In order to satisfy the increasingly expanding selfish desire, he asked for high benefits; in order to prove his ability, he bought a large house one by one and changed a luxury car one by one.It is arrogant, arbitrary, regardless of consequences, and even in order to the interests of illegal merchants, regardless of other people's opinions, a large number of report letters about his report appear.

Leaders , wife and father have persuaded him to get back, but at that time, Zhangbiao was in the pathological madness of pursuing money and enjoying extravagant life.EssenceTalking about this, he regretted it: "Dare to accept millions of money at that time, not afraid? Really ashamed to poison, crazy! Crazy!" road.

The reason why Zhang Biao is so crazy is in addition to the impulse and irrationality of personality, as well as his ignorance of discipline and law.In the confession book he mentioned: "With power, I was quickly blown like a balloon, and I started to float in the air.Destroy and disappear in the air. "

Zhangbiao is used most of the time to engage in corruption and pulling relationships." I always think that the red line and the bottom line are all set for others. Haixi and Delingha are located in remote ethnic areas of the plateau.There is nothing to be afraid of planting places. "In this way, the bottom line and the red line are touched, and the more red lines are rushing on the road to violation of discipline and law.

2 In August 020, Qinghai and Haixi Prefecture caused an anti -corruption storm in illegal coal mining in the mining area of Haixi. 15 cadres were investigated and punished, including 4 provincial management cadres.EssenceAnti -corruption high -pressure made Zhang Biao have a great sense of crisis. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't help leaving Delingha as soon as possible. "I know that my bribery amount is too large and there are too many matters.Covering, the problem began to be exposed slowly. It was only sooner or later. "In September 2020, Zhang Biao asked Fan Moumou to ask for 600,000 yuan, and he started to prepare for" running ". The thunderous anti -corruption force failed to stop his hands that he repeatedly extended. He still thought that he could control everything and could be transferred back to the state ministries and commissions to land safely.

In October 2020, Zhang Jiao was left, and his crazy life finally pressed the "stop key"."Sadness, painless! No matter how much remorse is, it is too late!" He repented, "The investigation and punishment were like a patient who was seriously ill and was admitted to the hospital.After receiving the punishment you deserve, you can return to the society again, work hard with your own hands, and be innocent. "

Astrobato resume

Zhang Biao, male, Han nationality, born in February 1979, from Luzhou, Shandong, graduate degree, joined the work in August 2000, and joined the Communist Party of China in December 2005.

From August 2000 to September 2004, the Huaxing Engineering Construction Supervision Center of Yanzhou Construction Bureau of Shandong Province;

September 2004 to July 2007 Tsinghua University Law School;

From July 2007 to August 2013, the Inspection Office of the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development Office, chief clerk, and deputy director of the audit;

From August 2013 to May 2016, the Deputy Directors of the Inspection Office of the Ministry of Housing and the Urban -Rural Development Department, the member of the Standing Committee of the Yushu County Party Committee and Deputy County Mayor of Yushu Prefecture, Deputy Director of Yushu Prefecture Housing and Urban -Rural Development Bureau (Aid Youth);

From May 2016 to January 2017, the Standing Committee of the Delingha Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor;

From January 2017 to November 2017, the Standing Committee of the Delingha Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, the Executive Deputy Director of the Delingha Industrial Park Management Committee of the Chandami Circular Economic Pilot Zone (2017 1Monthly go to the position of member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor of Delingha);

Since November 2017, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Deputy Director of the Management Committee of the Delingha Industrial Park of the Chaidama Circular Economic Pilot Zone (at the same level).

Graphic Source: Official Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection