(Morning News)The ceremony confirmed that Prime Minister Muyudin would submit to the head of state tomorrow.

Line Duan revealed in the current visit to Malaysia this afternoon that Muyudin confirmed the matter to all the members of the Solidarity Party Congress during the two -hour meeting this morning.

"(This news) is conveyed today (to us), and we have just ended the meeting of members of the Solidarity Party Parliament." He said that before Mu Yuding went to the palace to submit his resignation, he would hold a special cabinet meeting firstEssence

The ceremony said that Muyudin has exhausted all methods to maintain the power, but still has no results, so in the end, he can only resign to solve the problem.The party members of the party met.Mu Yuding, the president of the Turkish Mission Party, left his house this morning and came to the National League headquarters in Kuala Lumpur to host this meeting starting at 9 am.