Yu Zeyuan Beijing report

Faced with the increasing crown cases, Lou Yangsheng, the secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, asked the province to extinguish the epidemic before the end of this month.

He emphasized that the severe, complexity, and uncertainty of the current epidemic prevention and control situation are still very large. We must soberly recognize that it cannot be dragged.Work caused great passive.

According to the official report from China, 94 cases were diagnosed in China on August 8th (41 cases in Henan, 38 cases in Jiangsu, 12 cases in Hunan, and 3 cases in Hubei).Among them, from July 31st to August 8th, Henan Province has reported a total of 90 local confirmed cases and 51 symptoms of natives.

The day before the day before, Lou Yang was required at the CCP's Henan Provincial Party Committee's epidemic prevention and control special meeting to do a good job of investigation of hidden risks. The key is to meticulously, timely determine high -risk medium -risk areas, and appropriately expand the scope of closed and closed control, as soon as possible as soon as possibleSeal the epidemic circle; find all the tightrs and sub -dense; if the densely connected and the sub -dense are found, the confirmed cases must be found, and the flow traceability must be continued.

Lou Yangsheng emphasized that in the next two weeks, especially next week, it is a critical period to deal with this round of epidemic.Before the end of the month, the epidemic was wiped out.

On the other hand, former Minister of Health Gao Qiang of the Ministry of Health of China also issued a post recently, emphasizing that China must adhere to the strict prevention and control of the epidemic and dispel the idea of "coexisting with the virus".Some public opinion pointed out that Gao Qiang's article is a "coexistence with viruses" proposed by Zhang Wenhong, a well -known anti -epidemic expert in China.

"Coexistence with the Virus" Disputes

Zhang Wenhong posted a post at the end of July, "In the futureAnd repeated, but if the disease mortality is reduced to the level of flu, then the serious consequences of the virus can be eliminated.Reduced the level of seasonal influenza. If human beings do not have a vaccine, they will gradually establish group immunity and learn to get along with such viruses, but this takes decades, and at the same time pay a lot of money. "

He pointed out: "Now more and more people believe that the epidemic will not end in the short term, and may not end in the long run. Most virusists in the world recognize that this is a resident virus, and the world must learn to coexist with it."

But Zhang Wenhong's point of view was criticized by many netizens.On August 5th, the official website of the China Society of Health Economics also published a "coexistence with the virus 'feasible with the virus' with the virus?" Questioned Zhang Wenhong's point of view. The People's Daily Health Client reposted this article on August 7.

Gao Qiang wrote that in the face of the severe rebound of the global epidemic, experts and scholars from Britain, the United States and other countries did not find the cause from the government's prevention and control policies, but pushed the responsibilities to virus mutation in a word.The point of view of the responsibility of the rebound of the epidemic to the virus mutation actually covered the responsibility of the government's anti -epidemic, and it is a new type of "shaking pot" and "responsibility".

The article states that it is amazing that some Chinese experts also talk about the amazing power of Delta's strains. It is recommended that the state considers the strategy of "long -term coexistence with the virus" and "learn to coexist with the virus."Isn't the serious threat of Delta virus that "coexist with the virus for a long time", isn't it contradiction?

The article emphasizes that "coexistence with the virus" is not feasible.The "coexisting with viruses" in Britain and the United States has brought serious consequences to the global anti -epidemic situation, and China must not repeat the same mistakes.As long as the epidemic is still widespread internationally, the policy of strictly preventing overseas virus input cannot be changed. The strategy of resolutely cutting off the virus infection chain cannot be changed, and the goals of early discovery and early control cannot be changed.