The picture shows the scene (information picture) by Zheng Shaofeng, general manager of Kunming Cairo Technology Co., Ltd. (information picture)

The Cairo bribery case involves 105 national public officials, involving 9 provincial management cadres, and 96 public officials at the level and below.Among them, there are 12 people who have taken the case for review and investigations, 3 people with reservation measures, 3 provincial management cadres, 3 cadres at the office, and 6 other public officials.There are 24 party discipline (government affairs), 5 provincial management cadres, 14 cadres at the level, and 5 other cadres.A few days ago, the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection launched a warning education film in Kaier's bribery, revealing the details of Kunming Cairo Technology Co., Ltd. through hunting party members and cadres and public officials to seize the medium details of improper interests and finally punished.Strong signal.

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to insist on accepting bribes and bribes to investigate.The 19th Central Discipline Inspection Commission's five plenary work report pointed out that it explores the implementation of the blacklist system for bribes and seriously investigating and dealing with many bribes and huge bribes.In practice, disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels accurately grasp and effectively implement bribes and bribery to investigate together. They do not ignore bribes by investigating bribes, nor do they cause the illusion of bribery without guilt.High -pressure situation.

Relying on the leadership of the leader to win the project, the 5,000 yuan Kaier company has achieved an annual marketing of 200 million yuan in just a few years.

In just a few years, the business covers 16 states and cities in Yunnan, and established branches in 11 states, covering the provincial courts, procuratorates, public security and other units, with an annual marketing value of 200 million yuan.Kunming Kunming Cair Technology Co., Ltd., which starts with a corporate legal person, is a miracle in the expansion of the business layout.

This company established in 2002 mainly provides services such as intelligent planning, design, integration, operation and maintenance and other services.However, it is puzzling that as a company that provides information -based intelligence technology services to major units, the focus is not technical.It can be seen from the financial statements that the company's large amount of expenses are marketing fees; from the perspective of human resources, a large number of personnel in the company are marketers.

So, how does such a peculiar technology company stand out in the cruel market competition and win the strict government procurement project with a strict bidding process?

Along with an authoritative release in October last year, the question that confused many people gradually unveiled the answer.On October 16, 2020, the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection issued news that Zheng Shaofeng, the legal representative and general manager of Kunming Cairo Technology Co., Ltd., was suspected of serious illegal illegal and bribed to public officials.

You can settle some leaders.Sending money, some leaders agreed to let you do some projects.In the investigation, Zheng Shaofeng admitted that the secret of his company's high -speed expansion was to send money.

The survey found that the Financial Office of Cairner has a special fund reserve card for gift giving. Cardi has more than one million funds all year round. It is nominal travel expenses, but it is a bribe reserve.Zheng Shaofeng, who did not understand management, gave employees a great trust. The company included some red envelopes, money I sent by me, and their salespersons. We never made any records, and there were no traces of financial financial.They said that 100,000, 200,000, 300,000, 500,000, and one million, I would agree.Instead, it will cause the company to be dissatisfied. Salesman Zhang Jiayong recalled that Zheng Shaofeng once called him: Why can't you get the project?There is no willingness to spend money, no more expenses.

In 2010, Zheng Shaofeng met Chen Chang, the dean of Zhaotong Intermediate People's Court. In order to expand the company's business in Zhaotong, Zheng Shaofeng stepped closer to Chen Chang step by step in the temptation.From the gifts such as tobacco, alcohol, and local products to cash, the recognized Zheng Shaofeng no longer turns around, but directly discussed with Chen Chang for the project.After that, where Chen Chang went, Zheng Shaofeng's business followed.At the end of 2017, Chen Chang moved to Yuxi, and Zheng Shaofeng opened up a new market.In the past ten years, the two sides have taken their own needs. Chen Chang used his position to facilitate Zheng Shaofeng's project for more than 60 million yuan. He also illegally made more than 4 million yuan illegally.

According to the person handling staff, Chen Chang's help to Zheng Shaofeng mainly arranged for the infrastructure officers to say hello.Kaier provided information parameters to Zhaotong Intermediate Court through the technicians below them. According to this, Zhaotong Intermediate Court was used as the standard opening standard. At the same time, Kaier will also find several technology companies with the same qualifications to siege the bid to successfully win the bid.

The key minority such as the first leader lost the bottom line in front of the bait, the bidding and other system design became a superficial article

Under Zheng Shaofeng's advice and demonstration, the salesperson of Kaier's company all rushed to send money to settle the leadership.Among them, because of winning 21 national public officials, Yin Yongping, a salesman of multiple projects, was also known as the company's sales champion, and won a maximum of one million years of salary.

When it comes to becoming a sales champion, Yin Yongping has his own unique secret: the leader of the unit, the leaders and the scriptures, are basically these.From the first leader to the leadership, from technicians to ordinary staff, as long as they can become a key figure in the project bidding, Kaier's company manages the hunting.

Wu Hao, the former staff member of the Xishan District Court of Kunming, is a technical cadre. He is the director of the direct leader and the head of the judicial administration department of the court.There is a certain right to speak.

Ren Fengchun once told Wu Hao that the hidden rules in the society today are that if they do not give the public officials, they will not be able to get the project, and whoever gives more can get it.They give some benefits and fees.He is also beautiful, and the information project has been done well. Whether it is the leadership's political achievements or the unit's information construction work, including the personnel also have achievements, the company has money to earn, we have money to get.

Under the guidance of such wrong ideas, Wu Hao began to use his power to seek benefits.Sales champion Yin Yongping was amazed that Wu Hao was the only person she had encountered in Cairo for more than ten years to ask for a project rebate.Wu Hao demanded that if the project is bidd, according to their rules, the rebate is 15%of the price of the project.

Theoretically, government bidding projects have strict procedures.However, when the superior leaders did not avoid suspicion and highly sponsored a company, the so -called procedures were similar.According to the case handler, at the party group meeting of Zhaotong Intermediate People's Court, Chen Chang directly recommended Kaier Company. He would also call the dean of grass -roots courts such as Shui Fu and Yanjin, and directly instructed to let Kaier's company establish relevant informationization of relevant informationizationconstruction project.

It is not as difficult as I want to win the bid.Not 100 %, but I can add points to him.Wu Hao, who is familiar with the procurement process, does not care about the relevant system design, and is also very familiar with the ability of the benchmarking of Kaier Company. We only need to hang the net.

In the end, Yin Yongping won the project and gave a contract price of 10%of the contract price of 400,000 yuan.Yin Yongping made the same method as the law, and settled a number of leaders and won multiple projects.

In addition to the relevant responsible persons of the bidding, a pen related to the project payment is also the key target of Cairo.Zhou Yingshu, the former Attorney General of the Chuxiong Prefecture People's Procuratorate, was the deputy dean of Zhaotong Intermediate People's Court, and was in charge of infrastructure and logistics. His signature was very important, but his greed even felt that the knife was too ruthless in private.People can't stand it.

Once the market economy falls into the situation of inferior coins to expel good currency, it will eventually hurt every company and every market participant.According to the analysis of the dean and professor of the School of Law of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, this approach of Kaier seems to be able to pay attention to innovation, service, or even not even pay attention to service, or even not even pay attention to services, or even pay attention to public officials.Rules, if this can win the market and profits, it will inevitably cause a harsh demonstration effect.Over time, it will completely disrupt the market atmosphere, work hard to innovate, and solidly bow their heads.Evil looked up.

Break the hunter and the benchmarking offensive and defensive alliance, accurately apply to break the power of power and money trading relationship network

The direction of bribery crime determines the common interest chain of both parties to form a common interest chain, and it depends on, attracts, and uses each other around power and money to form an offensive and defensive alliance that leads the mind.

Faced with hunting and being surrounded by hunters, the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection insisted on investigating bribery with bribery and bribery. While investigating and dealing with party members and public officials of disciplinary violations, bribes also handled in accordance with regulations and discipline and law.Taking the Cairo case as an example, from the general manager Zheng Shaofeng to the deputy general Zhang Xukui, and the salespersons such as Yin Yongping and Zhang Jiayong, they have been left, and those who wait for them will be legal sanctions.

The hunting like Kaier is shocking but not alone.In the cases of disciplinary inspection and supervision organs in various places, the hunters have a variety of means and are quite hidden, which can be described as omnipotent.The disciplinary inspection and supervision organs investigated together to curb them, so that the hunter paid the price.

Abbex not honest and unrealistic about the party, greedy swelling, and dislike power, and regarded public power as a tool for seeking private interests, engaged in power and money transactions, and had a harsh social impact in the areas of office.On July 5th, the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a notification that Zhang Meiwen, former deputy minister of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee of Hainan Provincial Party Committee, which constituted serious duties and suspected bribery crimes, was expelled from the party and public office.The survey showed that in the bribery of Zhang Meiwen's suspected acceptance, 12 million yuan came from Tang, a company's actual controller Tang.In order to seize the illegal interests, Tang saw the convenience of Zhang Meiwen's then mayor of Wanning City and Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and promised to give engineering benefits and fees for hunting.Zhang Meiwen loses the bottom line in the face of the bait, and uses his power to help Tang take over ten engineering projects. Among them, in the second half of 2013 and the National Day in 2014, the benefits fees they sent twice were 2 million yuan each, and it was said that they would say that they will each say.The above payments are stored in Tang.

As the alliance formed by power and money became stronger, Zhang Meiwen's appetite became greater and greater. It was granted that Tang was washed the bribery by helping his stock.Tang also leads this requirement. Not only does it open a stock account for him in the name of others, it will also be custered for 4 million yuan and other bribery funds. A total of 12 million yuan will be used for its investment.Zhang Meiwen didn't say anything about such huge amounts of money.

Faced with Tang Huntou so carefully, the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection insisted on taking bribes and bribes to investigate together.The Lingshu County Supervision Commission was designated to apply for the case, and the case was filed and approved on the same day.

When breaking the hunter and the siege offensive and defensive alliance, the Discipline Inspection Commission of various places implemented a policy of lenient and strictness.

For example, when investigating and dealing with such cases, the Hangzhou Discipline Inspection Commission of Zhejiang Province emphasized that the three effects focused on comprehensive strategies.For example, the bribery case of the legal representative of a company in Hangzhou Lin'an, in view of the fact that it had a clear willingness to cooperate with the investigation attitude and took the initiative to take the initiative to retire, it was clear.The ability to operate funds.For the excavator of its company, only the property right certificate documents are seized, and the real objects are not seized.On the day of the frozen frozen, He took the initiative to pay more than 55.31 million yuan.

Explore the system of bribery blacklist system and improve the effectiveness of corruption governance

Bringing and bribery are tumors.In the context of the strict governance of the party to the depth, the state's punishment for bribery is increasingly valued.

The Supervision Law stipulates that the person involved in the case of suspected bribery crimes or joint duties, the supervisory organs may take reserve measures in accordance with the provisions of the previous paragraphs.Criminal Law Amendment (9) has increased the punishment of bribery by adding fines of fine punishments and applicable conditions for strict penalties from width punishment.

While continuously improving the legal system, the disciplinary committees and supervisors of various places explore the blacklist system of bribery in accordance with the law and discipline in accordance with the law, and continuously improve the effectiveness of governance.

The Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection insists on investigating bribes with bribery and bribery to bribery. When trial and disposal of bribery cases, even the bribery people propose to deal with them.The measures to strengthen the treatment of bribes; Shaanxi Province establishes a briber database at the provincial level, and includes the blacklist of leading cadres, enterprises and individuals with bribery behaviors, and implement dynamic ledger management.

On the basis of the database of the former procuratorate by the former procuratorate, the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Commission has given full play to the advantages of the disciplinary committee supervision and supervision and national supervision and supervision of the party, and the coordination of anti -corruption organizations to classify key fields such as personnel names and ID numbers, Make up for correction, facilitate the inquiry of the field of the case group group, and improve the efficiency of query.Actively coordinate judgment agencies and procuratorial organs at all levels in the province, and collect more than 4,000 legal documents such as judgments, indictments, protests, and end reports of all bribery cases in the province since 2008.It has enriched the data information of the information library of the bribery personnel, and provides a basic guarantee for the establishment of the bribery blacklist information query system.

Since the reform of the supervision system, the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection has broaden the channels for review and investigation information with scientific and technological means, continued to increase the blow to bribery personnel, and resolutely allows LSquo; Hunter RSquo;According to the relevant person in charge of the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, since 2018, the provincial disciplinary inspection and supervision organs have filed a total of 322 people suspected of bribery and transferred to the judicial organs to handle 73 people.

Edit/Zhou Chao