(Moscow Comprehensive News) Narrashkin, director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency, said that the United States is no longer the only big country in the world, causing this situation to have nothing to do with geographical politics, epidemic or climatic issues, butIt is the natural result of the global process.

Sergey Nryshkin said, "We are witnessing the emergence of a new multi -world."He believes that in the current international situation, the United States has been unable to respond to the global crisis alone, a new multi -pole world is formed, and the world has gradually got rid of the arrogance of some countries.

He said that the empty stations of the Tokyo Olympic venue and participants who are strictly restricted by epidemic prevention are explaining the complex changes in the world."When you read the news, this concept will be stronger. In addition to various victory reports in the field, you will also read terrible natural accidents and disasters in various places ... We see news about the mutation of coronary virus mutations, which is harmful to humans.Large. The news about the continuous increase in threats in the Middle East and Central Asian terrorism has been continuously spread. Obviously, this successive geopolitics and climatic events are not accidental coincidences, but the inevitable result of the global process today. "

He said: "The United States has gradually lost its position as the only superpower. In this case, the United States cannot solve the above global crisis alone ... In front of the epidemic, the United States shows extremely confusing, which seriously affects it in the eyes of the international community.The authority. "

Narrashkin also said that the United States has once again proved from the withdrawal of the military operations from Afghanistan and ending the Iraqi military operation."" ".