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On July 27th, according to the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the former secretary of Wang Jialin of the former secretary of the Luoxi County Party Committee of Honghe Prefecture was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision and investigation.

Wang Jialin stepped down as Secretary of the Luoxi County Party Committee in April this year.

According to the official WeChat public account of Rong Media Center of Luxi County, "Red Plateau Luoxi" reports: On April 14, our county held a cadre conference.Wang Gang, deputy secretary of the state party committee, attended the meeting and spoke. Zhang Junzhang, deputy minister of the State Party Committee Organization Department, read out the removal documents appointed by the Provincial Party Committee and the state. Wang Jialin and Xia Ming made a statement.Zhang Junzhang reads the removal documents of the Provincial Party Committee and the State Committee.The State Party Committee studied and reported to the Provincial Party Committee to agree that was removed from Comrade Wang Jialin's post secretary of the CCP County Party Committee .

It is reported that Wang Gang fully affirmed the work of Comrade Wang Jialin during his period of time as the secretary of the CCP ’s Loshi County Party Committee and the development of Luxi in recent years.

Wang Jialin said that I sincerely thank the leaders and colleagues at all levels of provinces, states, and counties for their care, help and support for him during work.Higher and higher.

Public information shows that Wang Jialin has been the secretary of the Luoxi County Party Committee for many years.In February 2015, he wrote an article forever, and he was always in awe of the party's loyalty to make the "Dinghai God Needle" and talked about how to be a county party secretary.

He said that Party members and leading cadres should take the party's political discipline as the first manifestation of the party's loyalty.Never bully, hook up, shoulders, and group guys."In terms of integrity and self -discipline, we must always be sober head, and be cautious and cautiously. Only 100 % strictness, and one percent of the fluke must not be.You cannot step on the "red line", let alone the "bottom line", to achieve the power not to be "willful", the right to do law, and the outline of the use of power.inDuring the challenge, it is always stable like Taishan, sitting in trouble, fearlessness, and laughed at the storm, and lived money, power, and beauty.As the "parents" and "leaders" in the county area, only by walking in front of themselves, doing it in front, demonstrations, loyalty to the benchmark, and the above rate can be prohibited.

Wang Jialin also said that loyalty to the party must always remember the responsibility of loving the party, worrying the party, promoting party, and protecting the party.As the "first responsible person", whether it is thinking, direction, discussing major issues, or grasping the team, leading teams, and cadres, they must be cautious.The prestige and image in the hearts of the masses.

In June last year, the State Administration of Discipline Inspection of the Central Committee publicly exposed six typical issues of spiritual spirit in violation of the eight regulations of the Central Committee.The report pointed out that in 2019, in the fourth national economic census registration work, the relevant functional departments and township governments of the state, county, and township governments have issued false approvals to fill in the newspaper.Interesting statistics, Jianshui County and Luoxi County statistics are seriously false. During the inspection of the superiors, some units and leading cadres also adopted the dissolution of QQ work group, the discarded proof information, and providing false situations to obstruct the supervision and inspection., Do not identify the county party committee and county government. "

Among them, Wang Jialin, then Secretary of the Luoxi County Party Committee, was warned by the party.