China Climate Change Affairs Jie Zhenhua Jie Zhenhua today (24th) revealed in Beijing that China is formulating a timetable and roadmap of carbon peaks, carbon neutralization, and related top -level design policies will be released one after another.

According to China News Agency, China has announced that carbon dioxide emissions will strive to reach its peak by 2030 and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060.Xie Zhenhua said at the Global Wealth Management Forum 2021 Beijing Summit on the same day that from carbon peak to carbon neutralization, the EU needs about 60 years and the United States needs about 45 years. China will strive to achieve this process in about 30 years.As a developing country, China needs to make difficult efforts, "we have 100%confidence to implement the goal announced to the outside world."

Jie Zhenhua said that China has established a carbon -peak carbon neutralized work leadership group to formulate a timetable and roadmap of carbon peaks, carbon neutralization, and will launch the "1+N" policy system.As the top -level design, it involves carbon -peaks, carbon neutralization, and policies and measures in the country and various areas, various fields and industries. The main purpose is to adopt a series of policy measures in various major fields to accelerate transformation and innovation.

He revealed that the relevant policies include optimizing energy structure, controlling and reducing fossil energy sources such as coal.During the "14th Five -Year Plan" period, China must strictly control the growth of coal consumption, and gradually decrease during the "Fifteenth Five -Year Plan" period; the development of nuclear power safely and efficiently, the development of hydropower according to local conditions, and vigorously develop wind power, solar energy, biomass energy, ocean energy, geothermal energy, etc.Among them, the capacity of China's wind power light voltage installed in 2030 will exceed 1.2 billion kilowatts.

China will also promote green low -carbon technology innovation.Research and develop renewable energy, smart grid, energy storage, green hydrogen energy, electric and hydrogen fuel vehicles, carbon capture utilization and sealing, resource circulation utilization technology and other low costs, high benefits, obvious emission reduction effects, safe and reliable, promotion, promotion, and promotionLow -carbon, zero -carbon and negative carbon technology of the foreground.

Jie Zhenhua also pointed out that China will establish a improvement of the carbon market and carbon pricing mechanism to achieve the goal of the whole society's emission reduction at the low cost.On the basis of existing pilots, China has launched a national carbon market transaction in the power industry. In the future, it will gradually expand market coverage to enrich transaction varieties and transaction methods.