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On July 12, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection published an article observation | 42,000 people took the initiative to invest in the case to highlight the treatment effect.The article revealed that This this has been surrendered by more than 40 provincial management and above cadres to be investigated and investigated.

The article states that the former party secretary and chairman of the CPPCC of the Miao Autonomous State CPPCC in the Wenshan Zhuang Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province "Worrying about the problem exposure, often at night, you can't sleep at night.He sweats. "He Frankly revealed his main reason for his active case: scared.

On June 1 this year, according to the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Li Jialong, chairman of the CPPCC of Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan Province, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations.

The following is the full text of the article:

According to the website, Liu Chuansheng, former secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Normal University, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and actively voted the case. He is currently undergoing discipline review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.The resume shows that Liu Chuansheng has exceeded 70 years old this year, and has stepped down as the party committee secretary of the university for nearly 5 years. It has taken the initiative to invest, which has aroused strong attention.

In fact, Liu Chuansheng was not the first cadre to actively invest in this year. Prior to this, Meng Yongshan, the prosecutor of the People's Procuratorate of Qinghai Province in June this year, was informed to actively invest in the case and was reviewed and investigated.At the same time, the reporter sorted out the review and investigation of the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and found that has surrendered to more than 40 provincial management and above cadres this year to be reviewed and investigated.

Data show that since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the deterrent of punishing corruption, with the party's policy call, 42,000 people have taken the initiative to find party organizations and disciplinary inspection and supervision organs. Cadres illegal and illegal cadres chose to actively invest in case, showing that they were not daring to rot, cannot rot, and did not want to rot to form a superposition effect. The effectiveness of anti -corruption governance continued to improve.

In fear and 忐, they finally choose to believe in the organization and take the initiative to invest in the case

"I worry about the exposure of the problem, I can't sleep at night, sleep and eat hard, and often dreamed of being taken away by the disciplinary inspection and supervision agency in the middle of the night.During the secret choice of education, Li Jialong, former party secretary and chairman of the CPPCC of Wenshan Zhuang Miao Autonomous State CPPCC in Yunnan Province, faced the lens.

From December 2001 to May 2020, Li Jialong used his position convenience and influence, and successively received more than 60 subordinate leaders of the subordinates, townships, townships, party and government leadersThe money sent involves important departments and townships in Maguan County and Wenshan City, Wenshan Prefecture, with a total of more than 3 million yuan.

In addition to accepting their subordinates bribes, Li Jialong is willing to be "hunting" by the bosses, from half -push, and of course, to take the initiative to ask for themselves, and to get angry with them, intervene in mineral resources development, municipal construction, and real estate development, and use job convenience for enterprises for enterprises.Reform the "green light", say love and greeting in municipal engineering construction, and seek improper benefits for the owner of the enterprise in real estate development.

Bare is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more bribes, but Li Jialong's heart is getting more and more embarrassed.Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has adhered to the "three nos" to advance, focusing on curbing, strong high pressure, long deterrence, not decreasing, and not loose standards. Seeing that those who violate discipline and discipline and have been investigated and punished one after another.

In May 2020, Li Jialong, under high pressure deterrence, finally chose to take the initiative to submit the case and explains the issue of disciplinary violations that the organization has not mastered.After investigation, Li Jialong received a bribe of 12.285 million yuan, HK $ 1 million, $ 60,000, and 1,500 grams of gold.In October 2020, Li Jialong was expelled from the party and was expelled from public office. The crime problem was transferred to the procuratorate to review and prosecute in accordance with the law.

The reporter learned that in the active investment of the cadres, "fear" and "believe in organization" are the true ideas of many active investors.In the special film, there is a retired cadre who faces the "lost choice".She is Chen Xiaohua, former vice chairman of the CPPCC of Wenshan Prefecture, and took the initiative to invest in August 2019.

In 1999, when Chen Xiaohua met Tang Xiuwen, deputy magistrate of Ren Wenshan County.In 2001, Chen Xiaohua wanted to buy a house in Kunming. Tang Xiuwen took the initiative to show goodness to choose a house for Chen Xiaohua and pay the house.Since then, Tang Xiuwen has purchased a house for Chen Xiaohua many times. In order to avoid organizational review, Chen Xiaohua goes through the purchase procedure with a fake ID card.

There is no free lunch in the world.From 2001 to 2012, Chen Xiaohua used the convenience and influence of his position to obtain the government subsidy funds of more than 80 million yuan for Tang Xiuwen's company, and provided help in the process of borrowing 120 million yuan from his financial department, which seriously affected the principle of fair competition and destroyed it.Wenshan's business environment.

Until the incident, Chen Xiaohua's family did not know that she had received the situation of unlike business people's property, but Chen Xiaohua couldn't lie to herself, and the psychological burden became heavier."Corruption is always pressed like a stone. There are still burdens and pressure in thought. I decided to surrender the case and confess to the organization. I believe that only the organization can save me and help me." Chen Xiaohua said.

Whether it is because of the fear of the psychology that cannot be done all day, or recognizing that it is the right way to believe in organizations, rely on organizations, and clarifying problems.Essence"As I dare not rot, cannot rot, and do not want to rot into the same deepening, party members and cadres who violate disciplines and laws are increasingly recognized, abandoning the fluke, and the problem of convering the problem with the organization and confessing my mistakes.The personnel said.

The trend of active investment in the case is further prominent, and cadres in the political and legal systems frequently invest in cases

Active investment in the case is not limited to one place. Analysis of more than 40 active investment cadres notified this year can find that from the perspective of the work field, there are both leading cadres of party and government organs and managers of state -owned enterprises.There are also people who have left and retired.

It is worth noting that among the cadres who have taken the initiative to invest in cases this year, cadres in political and legal systems have appeared many times.For example, on the same day of Mengyongshan's active investigation, the Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a notification that Gao Weili, the former Attorney General of the People's Procuratorate of Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, took the initiative to invest in disciplinary review and supervision investigation.

When the 19th Central Discipline Inspection Commission's five plenary sessions deployed the main work of this year, they emphasized that they would increase the punishment of corruption in the political and legal system, and severely punish the abuse of power and private law.The disciplinary inspection and supervision organs of various places combined with the education and rectification of the national political and legal teams under development, accurately and effectively supervised the law enforcement of disciplinary discipline, investigated and punished Gan Rongkun, member of the Standing Committee of the Henan Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Liu Xinyun, Deputy Governor of Shanxi Province, and Director of the Provincial Public Security Department.A group of grass -roots political and legal "worms" continued to form high -pressure deterrence.

Under the deterrent of high -pressure, the cadres in the political and legal system have a certain concentration.For example, in May this year, there will be Yang, the Attorney General of the People's Procuratorate of the Pudong New District of Shanghai and YangJun, Huang Tiansheng, member of the Standing Committee of the Yunfu Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Guangdong Province, and Hui Congbing, deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, took the initiative to invest in the case. They all worked in the political and legal system for many years.In addition, due to the violation of the cases of violations of the cases, asking the cases for the case of the case "and other violations of discipline and violations, Tan Xiaorong, the original deputy secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee Political and Legal Committee of Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, was also notified to expel party membership and public office in that month.

"Actively investing this phenomenon is an inevitable result of anti -corruption high -pressure trend, reflecting the high -pressure deterrent of the Party Central Committee's resolute punishment of corruption and corruptionThe effectiveness of governance of corruption has been continuously improved. " Professor Liu Yiqiang, a professor at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (National Academy of Administration), said.

Insist on the use of discipline and law deterrence and policy calls to promote the active explanation of the problem cadres

"I chose to take the initiative to invest in the case after the unit warning education activities." In April this year, Li Mou, executive bureau of the People's Court of Hubei Province, After watching the warning educational film, the eagle was fell, and his heart was very touched. He took the initiative to invest in the county disciplinary committee and supervisory committee, explained his violation of discipline during the implementation of the case, and actively cooperated with the organizational investigation."After watching the educational film, I often insomnia, and I have‘ Three Fear ’: One I am afraid of the meeting, and I’ m afraid of knocking on the door. I am afraid to go home, and I am afraid that the disciplinary committee cadres will take me away. ” Li said.

On May 11th, after studying and decided by the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Public Security County, Li was given to the party for two years and the government affairs was dismissed."Not only Li, the county disciplinary committee and supervisory committee received a total of nine cadres of political and legal organs who took the initiative to invest in the case after receiving education." The relevant person in charge told reporters.

"Report the negative typical example, strengthening warning education has become an important means of promoting the integration of various places in various places, and the method of" educating people around you with things around ", which reflects the punishment and policy of punishment and policy in practice.Appeal, ideological and political work, and guiding the cadres to abandon the fluke. "Tian Kun, an associate researcher at the Marxist Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, believes.

In addition to being actively investing after receiving warning education, it is increasingly common, and the problem that cadres are concentrated on the initiative to explain the problem.

On May 17, the Supervision Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection issued a notification that Dong Ruizhang, member of the Standing Committee and Deputy General Manager of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Kunming Iron and Steel Holdings Co., Ltd. (Kunming Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd.).Li Ping, member of the company's party committee, deputy general manager, deputy general manager and Zhijun have all proactively committed the case.More than that, another 25 managers of the company actively explained to the organization.

"28 people actively investing or explaining the problem are the result of adhering to the use of discipline and law deterrence and policy calls. It is also a manifestation of promoting the" three no "to promote the continuous improvement of the political ecology of the unit." Tian Kun said.

punishing the front and back, treating the disease and saving people is the consistent policy of our party."Problem cadres" actively invest in the case, and those who have regrets the wrong regrets are also a clear feature.On February 8th, a news from the Discipline Inspection Commission of Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection attracted attention.Qing. After research, the restriction measures should be lifted according to law. "

Party members and cadres and public officials who actively invest in cases and deal with generations, and disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies at all levels will be given a large treatment after checking the problem.suggestion. Liu Shiyu, Ai Wenli, Wang Tie, etc. who had previously been committed to the case were eventually received from light and alleviating, released strong policy signals, so that the cadres who made mistakes believed that the organization, relied on the organization, let go of their ideological burdens, and confess to the organization.

The disciplinary inspection and supervision organs combined with the actual introduction system to regulate the active investment work, strictly control the procedural facts of the factual level

"The initiative of a problem cadre to invest is not only a testimony of the anti -corruption struggle to achieve an overwhelming victory, but also an important manifestation of the continuous improvement of the political ecology." From the perspective of Li Hui, the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University, there are more and moreThe problem that cadres choose to actively invest in the case will form a demonstration effect.The more a hidden corrupt element, the more active investing around it, the higher the probability of the choice of active cases.

Sturning, punishing the sharp swords, the strict supervision of Skynet, the clear line of discipline and the red line, and the cadre ideology has gradually improved.At the same time, under the comprehensive administration and symptoms of the "three nos", the anti -corruption system and mechanism are more mature and stylish, and the system advantages are continuously transformed into governance efficiency.

"Actively reflecting the development of China's anti -corruption system has achieved new results, not only formed a comprehensive deterrent effect on corrupt elements, but also more importantly to gradually play the role of conceptual shaping." Li Hui believes.

It is worth noting that among the cadres who take the initiative to invest in cases, a few people are trying to use the name of actively investing and confession to regret, and to fight against the investigation, such as the former deputy director of the Lincao Bureau of Huizawa County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province,Li Binghui engaged in the "fake investment case" and "saying small and not big". It is better to say the problem to the organization. Deng Changming, the former party secretary and director of the Fuzhou Ecological and Environment Bureau in Jiangxi Province, avoided the weight after actively investing in the case.Other questions are not mentioned.Without exception, these "fake cases" have been punished more severe.

Active investment in cases has a high degree of social attention, and the requirements of discipline and laws are high.In July 2019, the General Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued the provisions of the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs to deal with the issue of active investment (trial), and further regulated the identification and processing of active investments in the supervision and inspection and investigation of the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs.From a practice point of view, the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs of various places have introduced the relevant system in accordance with the actual situation to standardize the active investment work, strictly control the procedures, facts, and policy levels to avoid changing the case.The Discipline Inspection Commission of various places also introduced the relevant systems in accordance with the actual situation to regulate the active investment in the case. For example, Henan, Tibet, Xinjiang and other places have introduced relevant documents in accordance with the actual situation.

"In the active investment case, we have established a collective research and judgment, classification, and rapid disposal mechanism. On the basis of investigating the facts of violations of discipline and law, factors such as active investment motivation, timing, conscious attitude, truthful supply, and actual performance and other factorsTake comprehensive considerations to achieve accurate and standardized disposal. For fake investors who try to lose their deaths and divert their sights, they will seriously investigate and deal with the cases and avoid the investment of the case. "Lu Zhijun, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Director of the Supervisory Committee of Henan Province.

There are still choices in the lost. I believe that the organization will completely give yourself to the organization and take the initiative to tell the organization that the problem is the right way.More and more facts have proved that the correct way out of the wrong cadre is to take the initiative to explain to the organization to explain the problem and regret it.

Source: website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection