With the implementation of Suning's equity restructuring plan, Suning Tesco, its main listed company, announced that the board of directors was announced.Zhang Jindong resigned as the chairman of Suning Tesco.

According to Xinhua News Agency, on the evening of the 12th, Suning Tesco issued a decision announcement of the board of directors to review and passed the candidates for non -independent directors of Huang Mingduan, Hanti, Cao Qun, and Zhang Kangyang.At the expiration of the current board of directors.The meeting also reviewed and approved the proposal to appoint Zhang Jindong as the honorary chairman of the company's board of directors.

Among them, Huang Mingduan is a non -independent director candidate nominated by Taobao (China) Software Co., Ltd.; two non -independent directors candidates nominated for the second phase of the Jiangsu New Retail Innovation Fund (limited partnership), one is Hanki, one,One is Cao Qun; Zhang Kangyang is a non -independent director candidate nominated by Zhang Jindong.

After resigning, Zhang Jindong sent an open letter to Suning Tesco employees, saying that adjustments and changes are to make Suning Tesco develop better.He said, "Today, the growth and maturity of young cadres have become the mainstay of the enterprise, so today I chose to let go and support."

Zhang Jindong also said in an open letter, "Faced with the fierce changes in the industry, we took the lead in creating the industry's leading smart retail model; in the face of modern corporate governance mechanisms, with the completion of the recent strategic investment work, Suning TescoThe governance structure has become more open and diverse. "" Next, we must firmly promote the deepening of the landing of smart retail and constantly make Suning Tesco. "

Suning Tesco said that with the improvement and upgrading of the governance structure, they will become a new socialized enterprise for the market.On July 5 this year, Suning Tesco issued an announcement, saying that a new round of strategic investors will be introduced through a share transfer method.On the afternoon of July 12, Suning Tesco announced that Zhang Jindong and his consistent active active mobile group and shareholder Suning Electric Group have completed the transfer of 16.96%of the listed company to the second phase of Jiangsu New Retail Innovation Fund to complete this round to complete this round.Strategic investor.

According to the announcement, the second phase of the New Retail Fund was established by the Nanjing Emerging Retail Development Fund, Huatai asset management, Alibaba and Haier, Midea, Xiaomi and other industrial investors as consorted by the limited partner.It will follow the principle of marketization and rule of law and support the smooth and healthy development of Suning Tesco.

According to Bloomberg's previous report, Suning has been in trouble for some time.During the epidemic, the slowdown in expenditure weakened the retail business, and after Zhang Jinsong abandoned the most important real estate developer in China in September last year, after Zhang Jinsong gave up the requirements for the most important real estate developer in China, China Evergrande's 20 billion yuan equity repurchase requirements, investors' cash flow on Suning Tesco cash flowThe concerns are intensified.