Chen Meijuan, the principal of Yinghua Primary School, Hong Kong Direct Sports, revealed that about 50 students from the school this year have dropped out of school, which is more than double the number of people compared with the previous year.

According to Ming Pao reports, Yinghua Elementary School held a briefing on the Internet on the 10th.After the meeting, Chen Meijuan revealed that about 50 students withdrawn from school this year, accounting for 5%of 950 students in the school, and the number of people increased by more than double the previous year.

She said that she would not be eager to admit the intercourse students. She still attaches importance to student abilities. Under the low birth rate and the tide of immigration, she is not worried about the problem of harvesting.

President Chen revealed that in addition to the students who withdrawn from school, several teachers also left due to immigration. Due to strict requirements, they were still screening suitable teachers to fill the vacancies.

The school announced on the 9th from July 14th to 18th, and the registration fee must be paid 150 yuan (HK $ 26.09). All applicants have the first round of interview opportunities.Content is about life and simple discipline knowledge.The tuition fee for the new school year is still 18,000 yuan, and the payment is paid in 10.