Yu Zeyuan Beijing Report

Zhang Tao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Aerospace Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., has recently detonated public opinion. It is reported that Zhang Tao is the three generations of the Communist Party of China, and his grandfather is the founding of the Communist Party of China Zhang Zongxun.Tao Zhu.But Zhang Zongxun and Tao Zhu relatives have denied that Zhang Tao is related to his family.

Relevant sources pointed out that Zhang Tao's background was strong, mainly because he did not get handling and notification in the first time, resulting in rumors.This shows that privileges still have a market in China, and many people prefer to believe that the privileged class has the influence of surpassing the rule of law.

Earlier this month, there was a video of Zhang Tao hit by the Internet. The publisher pointed out that Zhang Tao refused to recommend himself as an academician because he was dissatisfied with Wang Jinnian and Wu Meirong, who beaten and causing injuries to the hospital for two people.EssenceMany netizens questioned why the relevant parties were delayed, and the rumors of Zhang Tao's strong background spread widened.

On July 5th, the Beijing Chaoyang Police reported that on June 6 this year, when Zhang Tao and Wang Jinnian and Wu Meirong, an academician of the Academy of Aerospace Sciences, Zhang Tao and Wang Jinnian appeared in the corner of Wang Jinnian's residence unit and in the elevator.Zhang Tao has repeatedly kicked and beat Wang Jinnian.Wu Meirong was dragged and collided by Zhang Tao during the dissuasion, and fell to the ground twice, and then went to the hospital for treatment due to physical discomfort.On July 5th, Wang Jinnian went to the hospital for a review, and the judicial appraisal agency issued the appraisal opinion of minor injuries.Chaoyang Public Security Branch detained Zhang Tao in accordance with the law.

On July 4, after the Zhang Tao's hit incident rushed on the hot search, his superior unit China Aerospace Technology Group Co., Ltd. issued a notice announced that he made a decision to suspend his duties and cooperate with the investigation.

After the attack on June 6, Zhang Tao still went to work normally as the chairman. It was not until his hit video became an online hot spot that he was suspended and criminal detention.Some people speculate that Zhang Tao was "a big head", saying that his father was Zhang Zongxian, Zhang Zongxun's eldest son, and his mother was Tao Zhu's daughter Tao Siliang.

Tao Siliang: The rumor is not only to me It is the 100th anniversary of the party's celebration

On July 7, the Red Boat Magazine quoted Tao Siliang: This rumor was not just to me, but the 100th anniversary of the (CCP).Many people now rumors, I believe it will pass soon.It is reported that according to Zhang Zongxun's relatives confirmed: "The general has no such person, it is pure rumor."

A person familiar with the matter analyzed that the rumors may be speculated that his parents are Zhang Xinxia and Tao Siliang according to Zhang Tao's name.However, Zhang Xinxia and Tao Siliang were not couples, and Zhang Tao was born in 1964. At that time, Zhang Xinxia and Tao Siliang were studying at Beihang and the Second Military Medical University. It was impossible to have such a son.

According to the relevant regulations of the Communist Party of China, Zhang Tao has been detained by criminal detention, and his party membership and leadership position may not be guaranteed.

Tao Zhu was the first secretary of the Central and South Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council, Executive Secretary of the Central Secretariat and Minister of Central Propaganda Department.During the Cultural Revolution, Tao Zhu was promoted to the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China, but was soon defeated and persecuted to death.

Zhang Zongxun participated in the autumn income led by Mao Zedong in 1927. After the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1949, he served as the deputy chief of staff of the PLA and minister of the General Logistics Department. In 1955, he was rated as the rank of general.Zhang Zongxun's eldest son Zhang Xinxia was the president of the Great Wall Industry Corporation of China, and the second son Zhang Youxia is currently a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the vice chairman of the Central Military Commission.