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Chinese companies Huawei and Hikvision, Chinese companies on the US sanctions list, recently hired more former US parliament members and officials to lobby them in the US Congress and the government.

According to the Voice of the United States, data from the U.S. Congress Los on Lositors show that in the past month, Huawei has hired a number of lobbying companies, three of which are former US Congress or former officials who are familiar with the US Congress and government affairs.Founded, Glenn Lemunyon (Glenn Lemunyon), who was familiar with Congress's affairs and operations, including the former Republican members, and Stephen Binhak, a lawyer who was proficient in white -collar crimes.

The Hill quoted sources as saying that Huawei's contact with these companies was to promote a better understanding of Huawei and the US government.

According to the information registered by the three company's Congress website, Terry and Rennienn will lobbying in telecommunications and infrastructure, and Ben Haki lobby has related issues related to trade, economic sanctions and annual defense expenditure bills.

In addition to these three companies, the newly registered registered global consulting service company named J. S. Held was recently registered.The company's lobbying areas include foreign investment, telecommunications, export control, economic and trade sanctions and national defense authorization bill.

Huawei has increased lobbying in Washington since 2019, and hired well -known American lawyers or consulting companies as lobbyers to "internal" in the United States.According to the U.S. Congress Available Registration Data, in the first quarter of this year, four of the companies that Huawei previously hired still maintain a cooperative relationship with Huawei, including the Washington Worlds (Steptoe Johnson LLP) and Zhongda International Legal Office (Jones Day) and Sidley Austin, headquartered in Chicago.

Another Chinese company Hikvision has recently added a new US government officials to lobby.Peter Kucik, a senior adviser to the US Treasury Office of the Foreign Assets Office of the United States, joined Mercury Public Affairs (Mercury Public Affairs) hired by Hikvision last month, and served as the company's executive director (Managing Director).

Fara declaration information from the Ministry of Justice shows that the two former Democratic members also joined the Hikvision Avian Lobby Team of Mercury Public Affairs.One was Tony Moffet, a federal member of the sixth constituency of Connecticut from 1975 to 1983, and provided suggestions for the 2008 campaign president in Biden.Another Barbara Boxer, who had served as a Federal Senator from the California from 1993 to 2017, and later retired from the pressure of public opinion.

As Huawei and Hikvision hired former US parliament members and former government officials to expand their lobbying teams, the Bayeng government is evaluating a series of policies related to China formulated by the Trump administration, and the US Congress is reviewingMany bills involved in China.The American Innovation and Competition Law passed by the Senate last month banned the US Department of Commerce from canceling the restrictions on Huawei without approval of Huawei.

Bynden government still seems to continue the restrictions on Huawei and Hikvision during the Trump period.Last month, Biden signed an administrative order to prohibit Americans from investing in more than 50 Chinese companies related to the Chinese military including Huawei and Hikvision.The two companies were also accused of participating in the Chinese government's persecution and monitoring of a few groups such as Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang, and the Ministry of Commerce has not relaxed the export sanctions on the two companies.Both Huawei and Hikvision have denied the charges of the United States.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) also voted last month to agree to start a plan to adjust the approval procedure, which aims to fully prohibit equipment and products produced by Chinese companies that have threatened to US national security to enter the US market and enter the US market andCommunications network.There are five Chinese companies on the list of FCCs, including Huawei and Hikvision.

In addition to lobbying activities, Huawei and Hikvision also hire companies to conduct media public relations and publicity activities.

According to the Fara declaration information of the Ministry of Justice, Huawei currently hires three companies, including Racepoint Global Public Relations Consultation.ADLAB LLC company.

In addition to Mercury Public Affairs Company with cooperation with Hikvision, there are also Burson Cohn and Wolfe (BCW) headquarters in New York.This multinational public relations and communication companies have offices in the four major cities in China.The company's documents submitted to the US Department of Justice in June this year show that the latest basic service fee paid by Hikvision's US subsidiary is about $ 43,000.

In the United States, the lobbying behavior of individuals and companies is protected by law, but former US members and officials lobbying for foreign governments and interest groups have also aroused controversy and some people's concerns.Earlier, members of the Biden Guoan team worked at a consulting company with a Chinese business, which triggered review from all walks of life.

Mike Gallagher, Republican Federal Republic of the Wisconsin, has proposed that Congress and Executive Foreign Lobby (CongRessional and Execution Foreign Lobbying Ban Act) is prohibited from former Congress, retired senior officers, and the former government.Senior officials appointed to lobby foreign government.

He reposted reports on Twitter on Thursday and reported that former US officials reported a report from US officials to Hikvision: "This is disgusting." He called on Congress to pass the two -party bill supported by Congress,To prevent the former senior executive official from "lobbying for foreign opponents."