In the early years, Shi Ping, the official of the Anhui Hall, who had attacked millions of property in the early years, came from the Anhui Department, who had received much attention from the house. New news came from his dismissal for more than 2 years.

The Criminal Decision of the Crime Decision of the Crime Decisions of the Crime Decision of the Crime Decision of China Referee Document Network shows that Shi Ping was sentenced to ten years and three months in prison in October 2020 due to bribery, and fined 600,000 yuanYuan.Before submitting the execution, he submitted an application to the court for temporarily executing to the court on the grounds that he suffered from rectal cancer with postoperative complications, but was not allowed.

Shiping Information Map

In June 2018, Surging News once exclusively disclosed that the then Director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Transportation Shi Ping's house was robbed of more than 1.3 million property related to the case.In April of the following year, Shi Ping was investigated for serious disciplinary violations. His wife and then deputy director of the Social Security Division of the Anhui Provincial Department of Finance, Han Jianhui, was removed from office at the same time.

In 2019, the Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out in a double -opening notification that Shi Ping disappointed the organization's trust, refused to organize the rescue, pro -clearing, collusion with officials and business, and seriously violated the party's political discipline and organizational discipline.The discipline and life discipline of integrity constitute a duty violation and suspected bribery crimes. After the party's 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, do not converge and do not stop.

Millions of property were robbed of the head of the transportation department

Public information shows that Shiping, male, born in 1960, was born in Feidong, Anhui, joined the job in 1977, graduate degree, master of management, member of the Communist Party of China, former deputy director of the Anhui Provincial Taxation Bureau, member of the party group, Anhui Province, Anhui ProvinceDeputy Director of the Development and Reform Commission and deputy secretary of the party group (at the level), etc., in March 2015, served as the party secretary and director of the party group of the Anhui Provincial Department of Transportation, presided over the department's comprehensive work.

For more than a month as the head of the Anhui Provincial Transportation Department, Shi Ping's family encountered a gun robbery.

In June 2018, the Hefei Intermediate People's Court released the prison judgment of the first instance (2018 Anhui 01 No. 12, hereinafter referred to as the judgment) on the China Morning Book Network.

According to the judgment, on April 28, 2015, the defendant Ma Jian and the same case of solving a gas pistol had a case of crime and other crimes.In the house of Han Jianhui, the cash was RMB 830,700, USD 28980 yuan, and a variety of shopping cards, consumer cards, and mobile phones, cigarettes, etc. with a value of 288,815.72 yuan. The total value was 1303921.85 yuan.After the incident, Han Jianhui contacted his husband Shi Ping with a fixed phone call. Shi Ping immediately called the police after learning the situation.

According to the defendant Ma Jian and the same case, Xie Mou's statement in the judgment, in 2012, Ma Jian and Xiemou invest in Bengbu to invest in the project, but the project funds should not come back.For a period of time in 2015, Ma Jian was particularly lacking in money and wanted to find a way to come quickly.At this time, Ma Jian saw that there were thieves on the Internet that there were many officials. The officials had a lot of cash at home. Some officials did not dare to report to the police after being stolen.Inspired by this, he decided to imitate the thief and steal money at the official's house.

Ma Jian confessed that he had found two or three officials and failed.In early April 2015, he searched on his mobile phone and found that Shi Ping, director of the Anhui Provincial Department of Transportation, believes that the other party must be rich, and he reconciled to make a business as the target of the crime.

The judgment shows that Shi Ping was not at home when the incident, and only Han Jianhui encountered with Ma Jian and Xie.

According to the confession of Ma Jian, according to the division of labor in advance, Xiemou observed the situation of the Shiping couple at the entrance of the community.When Han Jianhui went upstairs to open the door, Ma Jian controlled her with one hand, holding the air pistol with the other hand against her back, and opened her key to push it into the room.After entering the door, Ma Jian wrapped Han Jianhui with his tape and asked her for money.

Ma Jian and Xie Mou's robbery left, Han Jianhui contacted his husband Shi Ping with a fixed phone call at home. After knowing the situation, Shi Ping immediately called the police.

On April 29, 2015, Xie Mou was arrested and brought to justice in Hefei.After the incident, Ma Jian fled to Jiujiang, Jiangxi, and was arrested and brought to justice in Jiujiang on October 28, 2017.

On April 17, 2018, the Hefei Intermediate People's Court made a first trial judgment: the defendant Ma Jianfenda was convicted of robbery, sentenced to 14 years in prison, and fined 100,000 yuan;And the 6 shopping cards detained in the case returned the victim.

Apply for execution for temporary execution of the supervision after being sentenced.

April 11, 2019, that is, the court made a year of judgment of the Ma Jian robbery, Shi Ping announced the dismissal.8 days later, Han Jianhui, the deputy director of the Social Security Division of the Anhui Provincial Department of Finance, was also removed from office.

In January 2020, Shi Ping was notified to double open.The Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection pointed out that after investigation, Shi Ping violated political discipline, provided confidence in other people, confronted organizational review, and committed superstitions; violating organizational discipline, not as explaining the problem during the organizational letter, using the convenience of the position, in cadres in cadres, in cadres in cadresIn the selection and appointment, we seek benefits and receive property for others; violate the discipline of integrity, receive gifts and gifts, and obtain huge benefits through private loans in violation of the regulations; violate life discipline; suspected bribery crimes.

The notification also emphasized that Shi Ping, as a party member leading cadre, lost his ideals and beliefs, ignored the party's discipline and state law, disappointed the organization's trust, refused to organize the rescue, pro -clearing, collusion with officials and business, majority in power and money transactions, seriously violated the party's political discipline., Organizing discipline, integrity discipline, and life discipline, constitute duty violations, and are suspected of bribery crimes, and do not converge, do not stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, have serious nature and bad circumstances.

The latest release of Shi Ping's bribery and punishment for the newly released by China Referee Book Network will be introduced.It was sentenced to ten years and three months in prison and a fine of RMB 600,000.

The aforementioned criminal decision also shows that before the criminal, Shi Ping shall submit an application to Anqing Intermediate People's Court to the Anqing Intermediate Court on the grounds that he suffers from rectal cancer with postoperative complications.

The court entrusted the judicial and technical room of the court to diagnose the criminal Shi Ping.The judicial and technical room issued a legal and medical review opinion, and believed that according to the history records, clinical symptoms and medical diagnosis, Shiping suffered from hypertension level 1. After rectal cancer, the vertebral base arteries were insufficient, and no other clinical symptoms and signs were seen.In accordance with relevant regulations, Shi Ping does not meet the medical conditions for the temporary medical treatment of abroad.The Anqing People's Procuratorate issued an opinion that Shi Ping did not meet the medical conditions for the temporary medical treatment of the abroad, and suggested that it will not be allowed to the application for the temporary execution of the supervision.

Anqing Intermediate People's Court believes that the application of the criminal Shi Ping shall review it according to law and commissionThe judicial and technical room of the hospital conducts a forensic review of forensic medicine, and the criminal Shi Ping did not meet the requirements of the regulations on the implementation of temporarily to the supervision and the scope of serious diseases of the medical treatment.On December 25, 2020, the court made a decision to implement the criminal Shi Ping's absence.

Shi Ping's sentence in prison, Ma Jian, who had been sentenced to 14 years in his home, ushered in a sentence to minimum sentence.

China Magistrate Document Network Earlier Criminals Ma Jian's criminal punishment for a criminal ruling show that Ma Jian did have repentance during his sentence, and he met the law of minimizing the law.He was sentenced to more than 10 years in prison for the crime of robbery, and there were large amounts of property judgments that had not been fulfilled, and the evidence that could confirm his ability to confirm his ability was insufficient.Integrate factors such as the specific circumstances of the crime, the degree of social harm, and the performance of the property judgment of the referee in the referee, the reduction of the sentence should be strictly grasped.

In February 2021, the Hefei Intermediate People's Court ruled that the Majian was sentenced to 6 months in prison. The sentence after the sentence was reduced from October 28, 2017 to April 27, 2031.