Zhang Tao, chairman of Aerospace Investment Holding Co., Ltd. and secretary of the party committee, exposed two incidents of two Chinese academicians, and Zhang Tao was sentenced to Zhang Tao.

According to the news released by the Beijing Public Security Weibo "Ping An Beijing Chaoyang" on July 5, Wang Jinnian reported on June 12th that he was beaten by others in a community in Chaoyang District on June 6, a 85 -year -old Wu Meirong.

It was verified by the public security organs. On the same day, Zhang Tao, Wang Jinnian, Wu Meirong and others dinner in a restaurant.Zhang Tao and his colleagues sent Wu Meirong and Wang Jinnian to a community in Chaoyang District.Later, Zhang Tao and Wang Jinnian had a mouthful again. Later, in the corridor and elevator of Wang Jinnian's residence unit, Zhang Tao repeatedly kicked and beat Wang Jinnian.

During the

period, Wu Meirong fell to the ground twice due to Zhang Tao's dragging and collision during the persuasion.Zhang Tao was persuaded by his colleagues, and Wang Jinnian and Wu Meirong went home.Later, Wu Meirong dialed 120 due to physical discomfort. Zhang Tao accompanied Wu Meirong to the hospital for treatment. Wang Jinnian rested at home.

Comprehensive factual identification and injury identification, Chaoyang Public Security Branch detained Zhang Tao on July 5.The case is currently under work.

According to the previous report of China News Weekly, Zhang Tao, chairman of Aerospace Investment Holding Co., Ltd. and secretary of the party committee, seemed to be a recommendation academician, and became angry.Hours caused two academicians to be seriously injured.