(Roman Comprehensive News) Italian Foreign Minister Dima said the day before yesterday that Italy's relationship with the United States is much more important than China.

Comprehensive Reuters and Agence France -Presse reported that Dima said at a press conference held with US Secretary of State Brosky, "We are a strong trading partnership with China.There is a connection. "However, Dima Yue emphasized that" this connection will definitely not interfere with our value alliance with the United States in NATO and the EU, and it is not comparable. "

When Dima served as the Deputy Prime Minister about two years ago, Italy became the first seven -nation group (G7) country to sign the infrastructure and trade initiative of China, which has triggered the Brous and Washington.Worry.

The new Italian Prime Minister Delagi recently emphasized the core position of Italy as the third largest economy in the euro zone in the European family and NATO Military Alliance.

After the US President Biden ended a week of European trip, Brinken visited Germany, France and Italy.He said after the meeting held in Rome that there were signs that "we, the United States, and our European partners and allies have increasingly convergence of China."He also said: "The common goal is to respond to these challenges -whether it is hostile, competitive or cooperative -this becomes more and more what you see."