More than 40 countries urged China to allow the heads of human rights to enter Xinjiang immediately to investigate reports on illegal detention about more than 1 million people.

According to Reuters, the Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations Leslie Norton on June 22 local time on behalf of Australia, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, and the United States, the United Nations Human Rights Council was read out to the United NationsA joint statement on China urged China to allow the heads of human rights affairs to enter Xinjiang immediately and investigate reports on illegal detention about more than 1 million people, and some of them were tortured or forced to work.

The joint statement stated that "a reliable report shows that more than 1 million people in Xinjiang have been detained arbitrarily, Uighurs and other ethnic minorities have been widely monitored, and basic freedom and Uyghur culture are restricted."


statement also said that independent observers, including senior commissioners, are urged to enter Xinjiang immediately, meaningful, and unlimited.

The UN Higher Human Rights Senior Commissioner Bacheryt opened the opening of the UN Human Rights Council's meeting the day before yesterday that he hopes to conduct a consensus on visiting Xinjiang with China this year to investigate the report on the human rights of Xinjiang Victoria.

This is the first time that Bachelet has publicly stated that he hopes to visit Xinjiang.

The senior diplomatic officer Jiang Yingfeng, a high -level diplomat of the China Permanent Permanent Deal of Geneva, refuted a joint statement on Tuesday, saying that it was a "political motivation" interference.

He expressed to the council that senior commissioners are welcome to visit China and visit Xinjiang. "This visit is to promote exchanges and cooperation, rather than investigating based on the so -called guilty presumption," but he did not give the schedule.

According to the China CCTV News, before the Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations in the United Nations, the United Nations Herchi Office of the United Nations Office of the United Nations Chiang Duan, the envoy of the delegation of the Representatives of the Geneva Office, represented Russia, Belarus, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Sri Lanka and other countries at the meeting.Speaking on the Canadian human rights issue, it was urged to immediately stop the human rights of human rights in Canada.

Co -spokes together on Canada's "serious infringement of indigenous human rights", pointing out that Canada has plundered indigenous land in history, killed indigenous people, eliminates the culture of indigenous people, and called for all indigenous people, especially children,A comprehensive and impartial investigation was conducted to ensure that all responsible persons were ropeed by the law, and the victims were fully relieved.

Speaking also has deep concern against immigration's discrimination and non -human treatment in the Canadian detention center, illegal killing civilians in Canadian overseas soldiers, and systemic racial discrimination in domestic systemic racial discrimination in Canada.Specialized and related mechanisms continue to pay attention to Canadian human rights issues.