UN High Commissioner of Human Rights Michelle Bachelet) It was said yesterday that I hope to reach a consensus on the visit to Xinjiang and the Chinese government this year to investigate the reports of the Victorians' infringement.Liu Yuyin, a spokesman for the China Permanent Permanent Lenovon, said that China welcomes human rights high interviews and visits China, but this visit should be a friendly visit, not the so -called "investigation" of guilty presumption.

According to Reuters, when the Bachereter opened at the meeting of the UN Human Rights Council, she continued to discuss the form of visits with China, including entering Xinjiang meaningfully, hoping to be able to become a trip this year, especially in the relevant local infringement of human rights.The report continues to appear.

This is the first time that Bachelet has publicly stated that she wants to visit China.Her office has been negotiating with China for visiting conditions since September 2018.

Bachery also also talked about the Hong Kong issue, saying that the "Hong Kong National Security Law" implemented in Hong Kong a year ago had a chilling effect on Hong Kong's democratic space and the media.She pointed out that 107 people had been arrested for the National Security Law, and 57 of them were officially sued.

In this regard, Liu Yuyin said that Bachereter published an error statement and interfered in China's internal affairs.

Liu Yuyin pointed out that China's formulation and implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law belong to China sovereignty, ensuring that the "one country, two systems" are stable and far away.To exercise better, including freedom of speech, news, and publishing.

On the issue of Xinjiang, he said that the current Xinjiang society is safe and stable, economic prosperous, and the people live in peace, and the human rights of the people of all ethnic groups have been fully guaranteed.China welcomes human rights high interviews with China and visited Xinjiang. At the same time, it also stated many times that this visit should be a friendly interview. The purpose is to promote exchanges and cooperation between the two parties, rather than the so -called "investigation" of guilty presume.

He emphasized that Hong Kong and Xinjiang are an integral part of China's territory. Hong Kong and Xinjiang affairs are purely Chinese internal affairs and cannot interfere with any external forces.China urges the Human Rights to respect the right to pursue a happy life in the pursuit of a happy life, stop expressing wrong remarks to interfere with Chinese sovereignty and judicial independence, carry out constructive dialogue and exchanges with China, and create a good atmosphere for the cooperation between the two sides.