(Beijing / Washington Comprehensive News) The Minister of Commerce of China and the United States first called for the first time since the Bayeng government took office. The two sides agreed to promote trade and investment cooperation and continue to maintain work.

According to the Xinhua News Agency, the Minister of Commerce of China Wang Wentao and the US Minister of Commerce Raymond yesterday called yesterday to exchange opinions on the relevant issues of the Sino -US business field and the concerns of each other and pragmatically.It is reported that the two parties stated that dialogue and exchanges between the Sino -US business sector are very important, and they agree to promote the healthy development of the practical and cooperative and cooperative development of trade and investment, and properly handle differences.

This is the third call between senior officials in the United States in recent weeks.Earlier, Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Liu He spent a call with US trade representatives Dai Qi and Treasury Minister Yellen, respectively.

Bloomberg reported that the Chinese Ministry of Commerce spokesman said last week that the Sino -US economic and trade field has begun to communicate normally.He said that the two sides agreed to solve some specific problems for producers and consumers and promote the healthy and stable development of Sino -US economic and trade relations.The signal sent by the United States is not so optimistic.Dai Qi, a US trade representative, said that the Sino -US trade relations are "seriously unbalanced" and the Bayeng government is committed to achieving balance.

The US Biden government has retained the former President Trump's economic policies for China's most economic policies, and has not reduced tariffs.On Tuesday, the US Senate also passed a bill of nearly 250 billion US dollars (about S $ 331 billion) on Tuesday to respond to economic and strategic challenges brought by China by increasing investment in the field of manufacturing and technology in the United States.

Asian foreign exchange strategies in the capital market believe that in the sense of strengthening economic and trade communication between China and the United States, the Minister of Commerce of the two countries is a positive signal, but the two parties have not issued significant decisions or statements.According to reports, the U.S. Department of Commerce issued a statement that it did not call the Minister of Commerce between China and the United States yesterday.