The Chinese government promotes independent colleges and independent colleges and universities and universities.Vocational schools merged into "Vocational and Technical University", which aroused dissatisfaction with students and parents.They were worried about the depreciation of their education and was not conducive to future job hunting, so they initiated rights protection and conflict with the police.

According to Hong Kong and Taiwan media reports, the demonstrations of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places were circulated on the Internet. In the videos, some people were fiercely pulled, and some were carried away by police officers. The Public Security Bureau of Danyang City, Jianglng confirmed that some students in the Central and North College of Nanjing Normal University on Sunday (6th) in the afternoon of Sunday (6th), they were "gathered for a long time in the school for a long time."

The Danyang Public Security Bureau reported yesterday (8th) that the student will "illegally detain" the 55 -year -old dean of the college, "restricted his personal freedom for more than 30 hours."However, according to Hong Kong media reports, some students at the scene said that "illegal detention" was not true, and said that the dean did not try to leave at the time. The report also said that the public security organs have warned students many times that "carry out legal propaganda, but they are siege and obstruct the law of law by some students." In order to maintain the order of campus and the personal safety of the trapped persons, the public security organs "take necessary means in accordance with the law will be taken in accordance with the law.The trapped persons are brought away "and sent to the hospital for treatment.

The Ministry of Education of China announced the suspension of transfer The Ministry of Education of China has promoted the restructuring of independent colleges in recent years. Last Friday, it announced that it plans to transfer independent colleges under the name of 13 universities into "Vocational and Technical University", five of which are in Jiangsu.

A large numberAt the confrontation, students click on mobile phone lights to form a lamp.(Video screenshot)

Some students are emotional because of the original universities related to the independent college, which originally belonged to "ordinary undergraduate".Undergraduate ", which affects the opportunities of finding a job, applying for a research institute, etc., it is determined that the relevant transfer is unfair to students.

A netizen said on Sina Weibo: "The score is processed under the undergraduate score, and the tuition fee is more expensive than most of the undergraduate, so why do you not choose a college at that time?Can't do it. "

The Ministry of Education of China issued a post on its website on the 7th of this month. The independent college transferred to a vocational and technical university, which still belongs to the same level as ordinary undergraduate universities.At the same time, it is emphasized that the completion of the transfer will be handled in the principle of "old man old methods and new methods for newcomers".

In other words, students recruited in the name of an independent college before the transfer can use the name of the independent college to register the student status, issue an academic certificate, and register the academic qualifications.The recruited students will be registered with the school name after the transfer and a certificate of education.

But this is not believed to be enough to appease students and parents.The Education Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education, and the Education Department of Shandong Province issued an announcement in the past few days that the merger and transfer of local independent colleges and vocational colleges were suspended into vocational and technical universities.

Vocational education is a low -person?

Students and parents have strongly opposed the merger of independent colleges and vocational schools to become vocational and technical universities. What phenomenon reflects?

To put it bluntly, vocational education is generally discriminated against.People generally feel that the University of Vocational and Technical University is a worker and a low person.Coupled with the fierce competition of educational resources, parents hope that they will not read the book from the child not to read the book from a young age.

Workers of a car parts manufacturer in Jiangsu Province, China are working.(Agence France -Presse)

Xiong Bingqi, Dean of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, pointed out that as early as 2014, the Ministry of Education of China had promoted the transformation of 600 local undergraduate colleges to vocational education, but actively responded to the place where it was actively responded toThere are not many undergraduate colleges, and public opinion also believes that this is a downfall of undergraduate colleges.

Xiong Bingqi analyzed that students and parents did not oppose the transfer. They opposed the merger with higher vocational colleges and became vocational and technical universities. They were worried that they would be labeled with a professional undergraduate.Xiong Bingqi urged to eliminate vocational education discrimination from the "top -level design", build an educational management and evaluation system according to the construction of high -quality type education, and effectively eliminate discrimination against vocational colleges.

He said that China has not regarded vocational education as a type of equality with ordinary education for a long time.To run a school in junior high school, to evaluate high school running schools with a undergraduate rate, that is, vocational education is a low -level education."If even local government departments do not recognize vocational education, how can students be required to recognize students and parents?"

Another public opinion pointed out that the discrimination of vocational education in society is closely related to employment prospects and professional honor. To a large extent, it depends on the standards of enterprise employment.If the enterprise can look at it all, and has the selection criteria of the "ability of the ability to take office", I believe that students and parents will not have a strong confidence in vocational undergraduate education.

From the perspective of Professor Liu Yuzhao, deputy dean of the School of Social College of Shanghai University, the reason why vocational education is not valued by the public and has a lot to do with the return of education. "Everyone goes to college.Is the improvement of education returns. "

Some netizens believe that the concept of discrimination against workers in socialist countries is "a bit funny". This cognition should be corrected as soon as possible, investment in vocational education should be increased, so that technical workers and ordinary college students have an equal social status.

Difficulty employment, technical waste: Talent and market misplaced problems

Educational policies in any country must meet the needs of economic development.

One of the root causes of China's active implementation of vocational education and skills education is to alleviate the employment structural contradictions of "difficulty in employment, technical waste", and solve the problem of incompatibility with market demand for talents cultivated by the education system.

Back to the history, Liu Yuzhao said that in 1999, the expansion of Chinese universities was expanded in 1998, and university expansion was to solve employment.After China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, foreign -funded enterprises entered China on a large scale. The entire employment market was a sharp expansion process.Employment expansion and university expansion are basically synchronized. However, around 2005, when the first college students graduated from the first batch of college students, they immediately appeared in the problem of difficulty employment of college students.

Liu Yuzhao analyzed in an interview with observation network that the problem was misplaced in China's education system, educational content and employment market.After 2000, Chinese industrial manufacturing enterprises developed on a large scale, but at that time, the university enrolled undergraduates, and this part of the students were actually difficult to enter the manufacturing enterprise.In other words, the shrinking of Chinese vocational education is accompanied by the expansion of ordinary education, but the employment market needs talents provided by vocational education.

Liu Yuzhao said that the Chinese government quickly realized the problem of vocational education and increased its investment in vocational education since 2006, but also had problems.

He said that China's vocational education system is more complicated. Some belong to schools, some belong to the education department, some belong to the specific industry system (technical secondary school), and some belong to the enterprise (technical school).After the government increased its investment, a large number of vocational education began to focus on the education department. In a sense, vocational education is getting farther and farther from the market. Although the number of vocational education is increasingofThe degree is getting worse and worse.

Vocational education is a big game ??

To build a strong country, a large number of "big country craftsmen" are required as a backing.

But according to Xinhuanet in March this year, the latest data shows that Chinese skills talents have exceeded 200 million, accounting for 26%of the total employment, but only 50 million people with high skilled talents, accounting for 28 of the total number of skills.%, There is still a gap compared with the manufacturing power of Germany and Japan.

In addition, the aging of workers is also serious. The previous generation of workers became old, but young people were unwilling to enter the factory.

In the opinion of Chen Lixiang, vice chairman of the Chinese Vocational and Technical Education Society, the main reason for the "green and yellow non -connected" of manufacturing positions is that the social concept of despise skills and unwilling to engage in skills has not yet changed.Social status still needs to be improved. "He believes that specific measures such as increasing the salary of technical workers and the" bottlenecks "of career development may be effective.

Vocational education is a big chess. It must not only transport talents for China's economic transformation and move towards high -quality development, but also involves the livelihood of the general public in the era of industrial 4.0.

From the merger of university students to the "Vocational and Technical University" rebound in the "University of Vocational and Technical University", even the incident of more than 30 hours of "detention" of the dean should be changed.The development of vocational education is by no means easy.

If young people recognize vocational education, they have to let them see that as long as they can master a skill, when technical workers can also live a decent life with dignity.