China achieves magnificent "carbon reduction" and "carbon neutralization" goals.Many state -owned bank presidents and economists believe that the support of financial exit for fossil energy and high energy consumption industries will be a gradual process, so as not to lead to the loss of losses and banks for enterprises and banks.

According to Bloomberg, Prime Minister of the State Council of the Chinese State Council said at the P4G Seoul Summit that China will establish a sound green low -carbon circular development economic system, focusing on carbon reduction as the focus of strategic directions to promote the coordination of carbon reduction and efficiency.According to the Chinese government's plan, China will realize the "carbon peak" in 2030, reaching "carbon neutrality" in 2060, and promised to reduce coal consumption from 2026 to 2030.

According to the previous estimates of the President of the Bank of China, the annual investment of "Carbon Dafeng" from 2021 to 2030 reached 2.2 trillion yuan (S $ 4.46 trillion);"China He" needs to invest 3.9 trillion yuan each year.At that time, the proportion of fossil fuels in China's energy consumption structure will drop from the current 80%to less than 20%.

Zhou Xuedong, deputy governor of the National Development Bank of China on Saturday, said at the Spring Conference of the International Financial Forum (IFF): "This goal is very large, not overnight, it is a gradual process." He pointed out that coal, steel, etc.The industry's existing credit resources are quite large. If you are in a hurry during exit process, it will also cause deterioration of bank asset quality. This is also a financial risk.

He believes that it is necessary to gradually support the transformation and structural adjustment of some high -energy -consuming and high -pollution industries.It is recommended to strictly control the inflow of funds in the fields of coal, steel, non -ferrous, metallurgy, building materials, etc., and one of the projects with expansion of production capacity will no longer support it, but support these enterprises for technological innovation, research and development, and advanced process transformation.At present, the National Bank of China has improved credit standards for these industries.

Liu Jin, the president of Bank of China, also said that the financing of the withdrawal of coal companies must also be carried out simultaneously with transformation finance. "Otherwise, it will be returned too fast. Both coal companies and loan banks will suffer losses.Talking. "

Zhu Xian, the former deputy governor of the World Bank, also believes that removing coalization is a strategic direction, but at the same time, it is necessary to consider the high sinking cost. "If it is urgent to remove coalization, it will not only affect the company, but alsoThe risks of financial institutions and financial markets have influence. "

UN Secretary -General Gutres said in the same forum that in the middle of this century, to achieve net zero emissions in the middle of this century, it is necessary to have independent contributions of the government and the country, as well as emission reduction plans for enterprises and financial industries.This means that the subsidy of fossil fuels to renewable energy also means that it has stopped funding the coal industry at home and abroad and gradually eliminating the use of coal.

However, since this year, as the global economy has gradually recovered from the epidemic, it has brought strong demand, and the main economy still maintains extremely loose monetary policy to push the inflation expectations.At a record high, it rose about 20%compared with the beginning of the year, and China's export processing enterprises were under pressure.If the financing support and restrictions on coal, steel, non -ferrous smelting and other industries are reduced, it will undoubtedly further exacerbate the contradiction between supply and demand of raw materials.

Zhou Yueqiu, chief economist of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, said: "The cause of the price increase of commodities in commodities is complicated, and green finance solves the problem of commodity prices." Zhou Yueqiu pointed out that the support of exiting or restricting coal and coal power is not stopped supporting immediately.The stock projects also need to continue to operate.In addition, from the change of "brown" to "green", the conversion of fossil energy needs to be gradually realized.

According to the latest research of Rhodium Group, headquartered in New York, in 2019, the emissions of six kinds of greenhouse gas in China accounted for 27%of global greenhouse gas emissions, far exceeding the 11%second largest largest second largest.The United States is emitted; however, since China is the country with the largest population in the world, the per capita emissions are still much lower than the United States.