Liu Lianzheng, the official of the Hainan Falling Horse Girls' Office, who had been sentenced to a life of bribery, has been sentenced five times. Liu Lianzhang's recent release of bribery by Liu Lianzheng, which was recently released by the China Referee Document Network, disclosed the information.

Surging News ( noticed that the criminal ruling of this case number (2020) Qiong 96 sentence 699 showed that Liu Lianzhang was ruled to be in prison in August 2007 and was reduced in December 2009 and was reduced in December 2009.It was sentenced to 18 years in prison, and then was subsequently sentenced in June 2012, November 2014 and March 2017, respectively.Recently, in November 2020, there were indeed repentance performances due to the duration of the sentence. The assessment period was praised. The court ruled that it had been sentenced to 5 months in prison and the execution of the sentence until November 21, 2023.

In 2007, the second trial of the Liu Lianlian case opened.Hainan Economic Daily Picture

In 2015, a confession record with Liu Lianzhang as the first person mentioned that after losing freedom, she spent all day and night in remorse.What can be done now is only active transformation, hoping to redeem the freedom as soon as possible, and do something that is beneficial to society and the people.

Providing inside information stock markets are sentenced to life

Public information shows that Liu Lianxian, female, born in March 1954, Han nationality, master's graduate culture, was born in Hongze County, Jiangsu Province., Secretary of the Party Committee, Deputy Director of the SASAC of Hainan Province, etc., was investigated in 2005.

In January 2015, the Procuratorate published a confession of Liu Lianzhang.Among them, in August 1978, Liu Lianzhang, who had a master's degree, was assigned to the Ministry of Textile Industry. In March 1996, he was introduced to the Hainan Textile Industry Corporation., Secretary of the Party Committee.

In order to retain talents, Hainan Textile Industry Corporation allocated more than 2 million yuan for Liu Lianzhang to buy a house in Beijing in Beijing.Liu Lianzhang was also reused. It was not long before he was appointed chairman and party secretary of Hainan Xingye Polyester Co., Ltd., general manager of Hainan Huashun Company and director of Hainan Xiangye Technology Development Company.Director, entering the deputy hall -level cadres.

However, just as the women's office officials were proud of the Qingyun and spring breeze, the disciplinary inspection department noticed that she had contributed to the illegal act of collecting money.

On August 4, 2006, the former Hainan Intermediate People's Court of Hainan Province was sentenced to life imprisonment for bribery, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated all personal property.Division and punishment, decided to implement life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life, and confiscated all personal property.

The court trial found that in early 2000, Liu Lianzhang was about to be listed on the market while serving as chairman of Hainan Hainan Judong Polyester Co., Ltd..She and the then general manager of Taicang company in Jiangsu Province repeatedly contacted the phone call to discuss the purchase of Xingye's stock as a strategic investor.Liu Lianzhang proposed to help provide inside information, so that Taicang company subscribed successfully and negotiated the profit distribution plan.In May 2000, Shi Jianming arranged that Yalulu purchased more than 1.81 million shares of Xingye's shares as a general legal person, and received a profit of 16.97 million yuan after selling. Liu Lianzheng received 4 million bribes from it.

In addition, after deducting its legal income and criminal income from Liu Lianzhang's property and expenditure, there are still RMB 2.91 million, USD 2.246 million, HK $ 1.922 million, British pound 335 yuan, and 1 million yen.

After the first instance was pronounced, Liu Lianzhang's identification and the punishment of all personal property on the crime of accepting bribes and confiscated all personal property and appealed.The Hainan Provincial High People's Court made a final ruling in August 2007, rejected the appeal, and maintained the original sentence.

For me, I was once distant and unfamiliar to me. When I really fell on my head ruthlessly, did I ask myself that it was accidental? Is anyone imposed on me? In fact, it is not.My sad end is completely cocoon.In the aforementioned confession, Liu Lianzhang admitted that from a respected office -level cadre to becoming a prisoner, how painful the conversion is, only he knows.

Liu Lianxian also said that after losing freedom, he spent all day and night in regret.Today, she is carrying the pain of her loved ones, the accusations of the society, and the consequences of illegal crimes in endless pain and suffering.What can be done now is only active transformation, hoping to redeem the freedom as soon as possible, and do something that is beneficial to society and the people.

After being sentenced to imprisonment, he was subtracted 4 times after imprisonment

As mentioned in the confession record, Liu Lianzhang, who served his sentence in prison, implemented active transformation on action.

The recent criminal criminal ruling released by Liu Lianzhang's bribery showed that Liu Lianzhang was admitted to the prison on October 10, 2007.During his sentence, Hainan Higher People's Court reduced its penalties to 18 years in prison on December 22, 2009, and the deprivation of political rights was changed to 8 years. From December 22, 2009 to December 21, 2027Essence

After the imprisonment was changed, Liu Lianzheng was reduced for 2 years on June 28, 2012, and the deprivation of political rights was changed to 7 years; the sentence was reduced by 1 year on November 21, 2014, and the political rights were changed to 6 years; March 30, 2017; on March 30, 2017Eight months of commutation, deprived of political rights to 5 years, and executed after the sentence was reduced until April 21, 2024.

In 2020, the executive organs Hainan Province Qiongshan Prison proposed a proposal to be reduced to submit it to the Hainan Provincial First Intermediate People's Court for trial.After the court filed a case on October 12, 2020, the collegiate panel was formed in accordance with the law, and the case was opened on November 5 of the same year.

The aforementioned criminal ruling introduced that Hainan Province Qiongshan Prison was proposed to subtract 7 months in prison for repentance during the execution of the punishment period and deprived the political rights by 4 years.

The Hainan Provincial People's Procuratorate raised objections to the suspension of the execution organs, arguing that the criminal criminals were sentenced to life imprisonment for the criminal criminals, and the cumulative illegal regulations were accumulated within the assessment cycle.Factors such as circumstances, social hazards, the consistent performance of the original sentence and penalty execution of punishment have strict grasping situations, and it is recommended that the criminal Liu Lianzhang's commutation will be adjusted.

After hearing, the court found that during his sentence, the criminal Liu Lianzheng pleaded guilty, seriously abide by laws and regulations and supervision regulations, accepted education and transformation, actively participated in three lessons of ideas, culture, and vocational and technical education, actively participated in labor, and strived to complete the tasks assigned by the police.The criminal Liu Lianzhang from November 2016 to March 2020, with a total of 41 months of assessment, and obtained 7 praise.

It is also found that the court has auctioned Liu Lianzhang's two real estate in Chaoyang District, Beijing.The offender was identified as a sick prisoner due to hypocritical thyroiditis, thyroid dysfunctional dysfunction, and lowering cervical spondylosis on November 27, 2013;It is recommended to deduct the reduction of 2 months.

The court believes that the criminal Liu Lianzhang did have repentance during the transformation of his sentence and could be reduced.However, the criminal Liu Lianzheng was a criminal of criminal criminals, and was sentenced to life imprisonment for tribute and punishment, and a total of three violations of the rules during the assessment cycle.The procuratorial organs suggested that the reasons for the adjustment of the criminal Liu Lianzhang to be adjusted to be established and adopted.

On November 5, 2020, the Hainan Provincial First Intermediate People's Court made a ruling that the prisoner Liu Lianzheng minus 5 months in prison (the execution of the sentence after the sentence was reduced until November 21, 2023), and the deprivation of political rights was reduced to 4 years.