Huang Jizong, born in December 1962, joined the work in August 1983, joined the Communist Party of China in October 1984.Former member of the Standing Committee of the Zhengning County Party Committee, Deputy County Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Zhengning County Party Committee, and County Party Secretary of the Zhengning County Party Committee, Assistant and Secretary -General of Gansu Provincial City Government, Deputy Mayor of Qingyang City, Pingliang, Gansu ProvinceMember of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor.

On November 28, 2019, Huang Jizong accepted investigation and investigation by the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision for suspected violations of discipline and violations.

In May 2020, with the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and the provincial supervisory committee committee and reporting to the Gansu Provincial Party Committee for approval, it was decided to give Huang Jizong to expel party membership and dismissing public office; seize its violations of discipline and law;The authority reviews and prosecution according to law.

On September 23, 2020, the first instance of the Lanzhou Intermediate People's Court in Gansu Province publicly tried the bribery of Huang Jizong and announced that it would be pronounced.

Liu Yilin Fang Yi, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, reported that the organization was originally promoted, but I heard that it was stopped by the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission.Huang Jizong paced back and forth and restlessly.He took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, and turned his head to Li Mou: I will go to the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission to find out the reality tomorrow morning.If you have n’t come back tomorrow afternoon, you will tell me his wife immediately, let her move the things in the villa and erase all the traces of life.

The next day, Huang Jizong came to the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. When he explained the problem, he covered up and avoided it.The case handler told him that since he came, he scraped his bone to treat poison and treat lsquo; disease rsquo;In the afternoon of the same day, Huang Jizong was announced to be kept.

It was found that the situation was wrong. Li, who was waiting nearby, immediately informed Huang Jizong's wife Yu to change the fragrance and transferred the property with him. That night was a night's night for Huang Jizong's family.However, the careful arrangement is destined to be a farce of a stolen bell.In the face of the organization's influence, the deterrent of discipline and law, and solid evidence, Huang Jizong finally explained his violation of discipline and law.

When transferring to the procuratorate for review and prosecution, Huang Jizong bowed three deep bow at the case handling staff of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and choked: Thank you for your care and rescue. You gave me a new life.No matter how many years I sentence me in the future, I plead guilty.Then he turned around and waited for his high walls and iron windows.

The frustration of the promotion is attributed to no money, and the couple both mentally unbalanced

In Qingcheng County, Gansu, Liang Yan was undulating and gully, and Huang Jizong was born in a peasant family here.From the children of farm to the party members and leading cadres, to corrupt elements, he experienced suffering and joy, joy and sadness, glory and humiliation.

Huang Jizong summarized his life into three 18 years.

In the first 18 years, from 1962 to 1980, this is the 18 years he has been studying hard.According to Huang Jizong, when he was a child, he had a large population at home. When the production team had a final account, he overtaken every year. The embarrassment of his life made him the only hope to change his destiny in diligent learning.In 1980, he was admitted to Qingshui Agricultural School. After three years, he graduated from technical secondary school and successfully realized the two transformations of his life.Essence

In 1983, Huang Jizong joined the work.From this year to 2001, he served as the magistrate of Zhengning County, and he believed that it was 18 years of hard work.At that time, Huang Jizong could still remember that he was the son of a peasant, and remembering that his parents did not bend over and did not reach out, Li Xia did not reach out, work diligently, and strictly observed discipline.During this period, Huang Jizong introduced the fragrance and established her own family with her.From a young age, Yu changed his incense and handsomeness, and he was a good hand at home.

At that time, Huang Jizong had a relationship with who and how to associate with anyone, and changed the incense to actively the staff and closed. She had repeatedly threw the gifts in front of the gift person, and even pulled Huang Jizong to send some others to retreat and retreat and retreat.The money that does not go back is given to the Discipline Inspection Commission, and it is a discipline inspector at home.

On one occasion, my daughter kindergarten went home from school and asked Yu to change the fragrance. Why do other children have dad driving to pick up, and I have no?After changing the incense, he touched his daughter's head and said: The car is used by the public to work for his father, not for us.

No one is a natural corruption.In the good years, Huang Jizong also sweated for his ideals.If he can self -cultivation as strict as from the beginning, he is right, and his wife can be as good as ever, and the ending should be successful, but unfortunately, after entering the third 18 years, his mentality should be in his mentality.Change.

After Huang Jizong served as the county magistrate of Zhengning in August 2001, the platform for talent was big. The team who followed the Lara team in the back also grew, and began to swell.At first, he still had precautions for the hunting of people who were interested. However, the impact of the failure of failure directly changed his values and power outlook.

In 2006, it was an important node on Huang Jizong's career.At that time, he thought he was working well and hoped to go further.During the inspection, my ranking was relatively high, but I didn't promote me after the organization's consideration, and I felt very frustrated.Huang Jizong said.

At that time, some people joked when they changed the incense and meal: You are in front of your home, and you take it out of 5 million.Yu changed his fragrance and cried, and attributed Huang Jizong to the reasons for the election to give gifts without sending money.In the face of review investigators, Yu Xiangxiang said frankly: From then on, my thoughts have changed. There is no money to be so pitiful that no money is so pitiful.That is, from that time, she wanted to do business and make money.

In the face of his wife's wrong understanding, Huang Jizong not only did not educate guidance, but adopted an attitude of recognition and approval. As a result, the husband and wife were unbalanced and the values were seriously distorted. The desire and possession of money became their greatest pursuit of life.

The correct world view, life concept, values and power outlook, concept of power, political achievements, and career view are essential for personal development.Some party members and cadres are accustomed to promoted express train, and they are dissatisfied with the pause of one or twice. They believe that the money does not have a hard relationship.The officer of the running part has become the promoter of their corruption quagmire. Huang Jizong is such a typical example.

Kainea's wife and wife stores together to collect money, and believe in fishing a lot of money and getting a big official to get a lot of money

Two years later, Huang Jizong was promoted to the deputy mayor of Qingyang City.However, the trust of the organization did not correct his values, power views, and career views. He is still obsessed and defines his life goals as a big money to fish for a big official, he is a big official to make a lot of money.Hang on your mouth.

Since then, Huang Jizong has begun to regard power as a product with a clear price, and treat private business owners as the god of wealth on the road of wealth.He uses the position of the deputy mayor in charge of urban construction planning in Qingyang, and intervenes in the project to take the initiative to follow the general regulations, optimize the detailed regulations, and actual illegal operation methods., I take the opportunity to find a lot of money to collect money and live with power.

After investigation, Huang Jizong used his position to seek benefits for others in terms of project contracting and coordinating procedures. It has received more than 1,800 million yuan in 89 times to receive 45 merchants.

For the changes of Huang Jizong, Yu Xiang no longer supervised reminders as before, but instead supported it.When she saw relatives and friends spending money and shyness in her pocket, she couldn't swallow this breath. With the acquiescence and support of Huang Jizong, I ignored the status of her national public officials (the staff of the Qingyang Intermediate People's Court).The road to business.Fully changed from Lian inner to greedy help.

Using the relationship between Huang Jizong and the oilfield, Yu Xiangxiang opened the oil company. By providing mud to the oil field, 1.2 million yuan was made in the first year.

P> 1.2 million a year, what concept, I can't earn so much in the court!When it comes to this, Yu Xiang's mood still fluctuated, and immediately she lowered her head. I was stunned by the huge interests that I had never imagined at the time. I thought that I could finally breathe and look up.

After that, Yu Xiang's mantra became a fire in the money, like a moth fluttering on the fire, rushing on the money.Huang Jizong, who saw the shortcut of making money, slowly changed his attitude towards his wife's business from shaking to support, and even personally came forward to pull relationships, greets, picks up projects, so that family business spread throughout oil fields, micro -credit, house decoration, urban greening and other fields and other fields.In just 4 years, it made more than 1,400 million yuan.

In order to bleach illegal income and earn greater benefits at the same time, the Huang Jizong couple returned the bribery income and business profits together to care about the development of the enterprise and alleviate the difficulties of the enterprise.Get more than 9.73 million yuan.

Huang Jizong is a lively person. He is good at drilling camps. Whether it is a relationship or money, he has his own set.Yu Xiangxiang is also a courageous person. The two of their husband and wife are lsquo; rake rsquo; one is lsquo; box lsquo;, formed a mode of lsquo;Use power to be used to the extreme.The case handler commented.

As shown in the fragrance, there is indeed a fire in the money, but it is not the fire that can bring the warm hope of the family, but the burning fire attached to the greed.

The words of the home and the mounds are very similar on the surface. The difference is where the point is placed. This is like family building. It is better for family building to become a happy home. Below may be buried in a good family.

Georitic Qingyang Yu Sister

In Qingyang, the cadres and the masses have long argued that Huang Jizong had an accident and must be on his wife.

At the entrance of a hotel, an Audi Q5 was parked on the side of the road to affect traffic. The traffic police were issuing a ticket according to the law enforcement procedure. A middle -aged woman rushed out of the hotel next to the hotel and threw a stack of money to the traffic police.Give you the captain, I'm very busy, don't post my car in the future!The traffic police later learned that the middle -aged woman was the wife of Mayor Huang, who was famous for changing the fragrance.

After making money to make money, Yu Xiangxiang thought that his waist was straight, his contribution to his family was great, and the strong and domineering side of his character gradually revealed.

She grew up in the forest area and studied at her children's school. She lacked basic education and moral education for a long time. She was like a natural forest in the forest area.Huang Jizong sighed.For the various behaviors of incense, Huang Jizong wanted to manage it at the beginning, but he was not convinced at all, and he also taunt Huang Jizong who was not a person to make a big person.More often, the quarreling Huang Jizong had to choose to compromise in order to take care of the whole family.

In order to make Huang Jizong yield, Yu changed to the theory of Huang Jizong in the middle of the night. If he could not reach the result he wanted, he would not let the rest, or he simply did not let him go out to work the next day.During Huang Jizong's work, she once made a dozen phone calls in one breath, and found something to find something when I got home. Huang Jizong was so annoyed that she could only bend and became the second leader at home.It is often reasonable.

Under the principle of Huang Jizong's no principles, Yu changed the fragrance and was even more afraid. He scolded Huang Jizong's brothers and sisters, drivers and bosses around him.Later, in the absence of scolding, he began to hit people.Huang Jizong's brothers and sisters basically had her fight. If she said nothing, raising her hand was a slap, and even she played, kicked and kicked by Huang Jizong.

Not only do you not be friendly for brothers and sisters, to his in -laws, and uncomfortable with his incense.Once I went to see the in -laws with Huang Jizong, I found that there was no place to stop in front of the courtyard. It was unwilling to change the incense. I picked all kinds of problems in my mouth and made my in -laws very nervous.Go, just move a stool early and sit at the parking space to occupy her.

On a family dinner, Yu changed the incense because her mother -in -law did not drink her sake. When she was angry, she poured a glass of water to her mother -in -law in front of Huang Jizong, but Huang Jizong dared to be angry.

The strict management of family members, especially spouses, is not only the responsibility of a party member leading cadre, but also the clear requirements of party discipline and party rules for leading cadres.However, as a party member and cadre, Huang Jizong did not teach his wife, and even when his son refuted the fragrance errors, he advised his son to tolerate tolerance.

Later, Huang Jizong never dared to change the incense to the unwillingness and let it go.The attitude of the peaceful people makes Yu Xiang not only play prestige in the family and family, but also have no scruples and notes outside.She often lives with her elder sister, and she has become the sister of Qingyang's population.For this title, Yu Xiang is very useful.

Even after being kept by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, Yu's character was still not changed, and he was spoiled and refused to obey management.It wasn't until she was transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution, and she suddenly realized that she was not a paper tiger, so she cried and stood up and held her chair and did not leave.All kinds of behaviors are ridiculous.

In the face of the evil behavior of changing fragrance, why did Huang Jizong endure and let it go, and even watched his mother's humiliation and swallowed it?The root cause is its own incorrectness, not hard waist, and insufficient confidence.Huang Jizong repented in the face of review investigators: I did it myself myself, what do I have to say about them, I collect money, take people, I am not right, how can I say others.

Huang Jizong's corruption and corruption became the source of pollution that changed the fragrance to greedy and evil, and his step -by -step tolerance further exacerbated the hegemonic and inch into the fragrance.shake.In the end, both the husband and wife were left, and the doubles were transferred to the judicial organs.

Fighting and fighting in front of children, educating children to make money is the ability, and spending money is art

Mom, which one to buy?

To be high -end.

The best one is more than 10,000.

Okay, that's it.

This is a conversation between his wife and daughter in a WeChat group of Huang Jizong.

Under the stimulus of power and money, Huang Jizong's life pursued extravagance, and his family also greedy him with him.

Huang Jizong's home -living villa outside (information picture)

Huang Jizong's luxury villa interior (part) (part of)

The reporter learned that Huang Jizong's bribes were extremely luxurious. The decoration costs were over 2 million yuan. Chinese restaurants and western restaurants were divided into other categories.He is keen to wear famous watches, with a watch of more than 300,000 yuan; he likes to wear famous brands, and every pants in the wardrobe are equipped with a precious belt; he likes to drink famous wine, and has a soft spot for Moutai wine.There are nearly 100 boxes of Moutai stores in the residence, so that when his wife was transferred to the property, the first thing that thought of was to transfer his Moutai wine.Yu Xiangxiang is not inferior to his fun. The mink coat is covered with wardrobe, and living items are pursuing high -end.

Due to the busy fishing and enjoying it, Huang Jizong's husband and wife lack care of their children. Driven by compensation, the two had no love for their children, and they used money to meet their children's high -end consumption requirements without restrictions.It is the ability to change the fragrance and even educate children to make money, and it is art to spend money.

The family is the first class of the child. The parents are the first teacher of the child. What kind of tutor is there?people.Under the preaching of Huang Jizong's two, his children's worldview and values are also distorted.

Because of the often giving children money, the relationship between changing the incense and the children is increasingly close, making Huang Jizong become a foreigner in the family, and the unwilling Huang Jizong also began to fight for more money with his wife.

During his son's college and one year after work, Huang Jizong gave him more than 1 million yuan to allow him to eat, drink, and play, and usually give him pocket money, and the relationship between father and son is approaching.

After finding that Huang Jizong's father and son held a group, Yu changed his incense to win his daughter. With the name that her daughter wanted to raise, what she liked to buy, and her daughter became unsatisfactory.

The couple compared each other, spoiled to their children, and developed their children's big hands, big feet, extravagant and willful habits.The first car bought by the son after going to work was worth more than 500,000 yuan, and later replaced it with a luxury off -road vehicle of more than 700,000 yuan. The cosmetics used by the daughter were worth tens of thousands of yuan, and the back was a first -line brand bag.

Nourish or not, the father's time.Love is not to be talked about, and it is suitable to harm it.Huang Jizong's son and daughter appeared on the surface to be a enjoyment of luxury life, and they were actually participants and victims of bad family style.As a husband and father, I took the lead in eagerness to enjoy and rot in life.The outlook on life and values, step into lsquo; fire pit rsquo;.I am the culprit of corrupt family style.Huang Jizong was distressed.

Huang Jizong's violations of discipline and laws have been collected by the disciplinary inspection and supervision organs. The criminal income, the court will also deal with it in the judgment.Luxury luxury homes, people go to the building, live a luxurious life, and spend their eyes.In addition to deep confession, there are families who have been separated by the high wall into two halves.

Home is the harbor of the soul and the destination of the soul.The case of Huang Jizong warned the majority of party members and cadres that the construction of the family style cannot be ignored. It is necessary to achieve individuals, spouses without lumping, children's teachings, and family style.Warm harbor, with a good family style to drive a good social atmosphere.