On May 12th, according to the website of the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, the former secretary of the Yichun Municipal Party Committee Yan Ganhui, the former deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and the former director of the Management Committee of the Yichun Economic and Technological Development Zone,The former secretary Hu Quanshun, including three leaders, learned the case of serious disciplinary violations, and held Yichun City warning education conference.

On the second day of the meeting, Zhang Qinghua, the party secretary and director of the Standing Committee of the Wanzai County People's Congress, took the initiative to commit the case.Subsequently, 34 people in the city took the initiative to explain the problem.

According to reports, during the review and investigation, Yan Ganhui, through in -depth ideological and political work, has 7 materials on the basis of deep reflection and self -province, not only self -analysis of individuals in charge of party governance of the party, selection of people, political and business relationships, etc.The problems existing are also in -depth analysis of the sinking of Yichun's political ecology to help the organization find the crux.

In the Yan Ganhui case, some entrepreneurs and family members involved in the case actively helped the work of other persons involved and actively helped the work of the bribery, so that the relevant personnel explained the issues clearly.

Yan Ganhui was born in February 1962. He was the member of the Standing Committee of the Shangrao Municipal Party Committee and the Minister of Organization Department, the member of the Standing Committee of the Yichun Municipal Party Committee, deputy mayor, deputy secretary of the Pingxiang Municipal Party Committee, Mayor of Jingdezhen City, and Mayor of Shangrao City.

In June 2020, Yan Ganhui was investigated and was doubled in February this year.In April of this year, Yan Ganhui was sentenced to 11 years in prison for bribery and fined two million yuan.

After hearing, it was found that from 2007 to 2020, the defendant Yan Ganhui used the position as a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Mayor of the Yichun Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of Pingxiang Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Jingdezhen Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Shangrao Municipal Party Committee, Mayor of the Yichun Municipal Party Committee, etc.The convenience of the above provides help for others in matters such as corporate operations, financing loans, project planning development, equity acquisition, job promotion, job adjustment, etc., and use the convenient conditions formed by their own authority or status.In order to invite people to obtain unfair interests, the property given directly or through the illegal acceptance of relevant personnel through others is equivalent to a total of RMB 26.119243 million.

In addition, the former director of the Yichun Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee mentioned above Deng Jipeng and Hu Quanshun, the former secretary of the Wanzai County Party Committee, were investigated in May and July last year.

After investigation, Deng Jipeng violated political discipline and confrontable organizational review; violated the spirit of the eight central regulations, worked hard to hurt the people, and engaged in formalism.Affecting banquets and tourism arrangements that affect fair execution of official duties; violating organizational discipline, violating the rules of the discussion, individual decided to major matters, conceal the relevant matters without reporting.Just to seek jobs for myself, illegally seek benefits for others and receive property; violate the discipline of integrity, and use the impact of power or positions, and the cost of personal payment shall be paid by others;, Utilize the convenience and authority of the position, the convenience conditions formed by the formation of status to seek benefits for others, illegally accept the property of others, and the amount is particularly huge.Convenience, misappropriation of public funds, is large, huge amounts of amounts, and profit activities; abuse of power, causing major losses to the interests of the country and the people.

The report pointed out that as a leading cadre, Deng Jipeng loses his ideals and beliefs, deviates from his original mission, is aggressive with the party, is not honest with the party; the discipline and law consciousness is indifferent, destroying the principles of democratic centralism and organizational principles., Damage to public fertilizer; life is corrupted, and moral quality is corrupted.Deng Jipeng seriously violated the party's discipline, violated national laws and regulations, and was suspected of crime. The amount was particularly huge and the plot was particularly serious. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was still unscrupulous, unprepared, and not aggressive.His bad, should be dealt with seriously according to law.

After investigation, Hu Quanshun violated political discipline, confrontable organizational review, and forged evidence; violated the spirit and integrity discipline of the eight central regulations, received gifts and gifts that may affect fair execution of official duties, and accepted banquets that could affect fair execution of official duties;In the process of concealing the relevant matters of the individual, in the process of the selection and appointment of cadres, violating the provisions of the selection and appointment of cadres, and giving state staff property to the promotion of duties.In violation of work discipline, intervention and intervening of judicial activities in violation of relevant regulations; violations of life discipline; violation of national laws and regulations; use the convenience of their positions, seek benefits for others, illegally accept others' property, and have a huge amount and suspected bribery crimes.

The report pointed out that Hu Quanshun, as a leading cadre of party members, lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, was unfaithful to the party, forged evidence, and confronted organizational review; seriously violated the principles of organizational principles, and did not report personal matters in accordance with regulations.2. Buy officials and officials; there is no fear of party discipline and national law, after the disciplinary disciplinary punishment, and deliberately violated discipline, intervene in violations of regulations, intervene in judicial activities;Destroy local political ecology and business environment.Hu Quanshun seriously violated the party's discipline, violated national laws and regulations, and was suspected of accepting bribery crimes. The amount was particularly huge and the circumstances were particularly serious., The circumstances are bad, it should be dealt with seriously according to law.

Zhang Qinghua, who actively committed the case in the second day of the warning education conference, was the deputy head of Wanzai County, the member of the Standing Committee of the Wanzai County Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Deputy Secretary of the Wanzai County Party Committee.director.Hu Quanshun, the original secretary of the Wanzai County Party Committee, who had been dismissed above, was transferred to the Wanzai County Party Secretary in 2016.

According to the website of the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, in 2020, a total of 391 party members and cadres in Jiangxi Province took the initiative to invest in the organization. Among them, 49 cadres at or above the county level were.From January to March this year, 113 party members and cadres in the province took the initiative to invest.

It is necessary to put the right and anti -corruption, deepen reforms, improve the system, and promote governance, and make overall plans for investigating and handling cases.Standing Committee Member of the Provincial Party Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Director of the Supervisory Committee, Marson said.