After the Chinese regulatory authorities were investigated on the suspected monopoly behavior of the Chinese takeaway giant Meituan on the 26th of last month, Wang Xing, founder of Meituan Wang Xing last week (May 6), cited on his own social platform "Rice".The poems of the burning punch were regarded by the outside world as a ridiculous Chinese government. Some people even speculated whether Wang Xing would follow Alibaba's founder Ma Yun Houchen.

Although Wang Xing quickly deleted this post, and published a text, the original meaning of quoting the Burning Book pit verse was to remind himself that the biggest enemy may not be a competitor, but some "did not pay attention to it."Companies and models", but from the recent performance of Meituan in the stock market, the market's explanation does not buy it.

The founder of Meituan Wang Xing last week on the Chinese social platform "Fan", he quoted the poem of Burning Burning Pit, and was regarded by the outside world as a motion of the Chinese government.(Bloomberg Archives)

Just yesterday, the Shanghai Consumer Rights Protection Committee interviewed Meituan, pointing out the prominent problems in the protection of consumer rights and interests, and required to abandon the traffic thinking during the operation process.From the perspective of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, the main responsibility of the platform is truly implemented.

Wang Xingshi Xing Dafa

The State Administration of Market Supervision of China reported on the 26th of the National Market Supervision. According to the report, the "two -choice one" was implemented in accordance with the law to investigate suspected monopoly behavior.

This is the second Internet giant in China after Alibaba, which has been filed for investigation for suspected monopoly.

The Shanghai Consumer Insurance Commission reported yesterday afternoon that before and after "May 1", the Shanghai consumer market complaints were generally stable, but at the same time, the consumption disputes of online platform categories were relatively concentrated.To this end, the Consumer Protection Commission interviewed Meituan and pointed out that the main problem in Meituan was to cancel the refund issues caused by orders; the issue of ordering meals and fresh vegetable distribution; and the problem of misleading consumers on the page.

Wang Xing quoted the burn of books and pits during the two official actions. The full text of the poem is: "Bamboo smoke sells the emperor's industry, Guanhe Kong locks the ancestral dragon.Reading. "It is difficult to make people think he does not mean to point out.

Wang Xing forwarded the burning punch of the Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Yan on the "Rice".Xiang didn't read books. "(Internet)

However, Wang Xing, who is fast -moving, is not the first time to point out Jiangshan on" Fanfu ".

He continuously targeted the short video platform Tiktok (Douyin International Edition) in July last year, and on the grounds of national security, pressure bytes to beat TIKTOK in the US business said: Real high -tech products will not be the will not be on the US business.I am afraid that a country will not open the market to you, but a country is afraid that you will not sell it to him. The typical example is Intel's chip.

Earlier this year, in response to BAIC New Energy, Huawei released the first smart electric car polar fox Alpha S, and Wang Xing also commented: (American electric car brand) Tesla finally encountered a technical strength andThe flicker ability is quite opponent.

But this time involved Wang Xing's own company, and its words and deeds are more noticeable.For Meituan, which has been standing at the forefront of public opinion in the past two years, it is not surprising that the Chinese government has recently been stared at.

In fact, in addition to monopoly, Meituan pleases consumers to obtain the maximum profits and sacrifice the basic rights and interests of the riding. It has been criticized for a long time.Last year, a screenwriting article has attracted great attention from public opinion on the living environment of riders.

The criticism of the criticism

The character magazine published a takeaway rider in September last year. It was trapped in the system. The article pointed out multiple issues of the takeaway platform, including compression of delivery time, bad weather distribution, incomplete navigation systems, and loss of accidents.Ferry results are frequent accidents of rider.

The article also starts from the perspective of takeaway riders. It explores the current dilemma of takeaway rider in the current takeaway ecology.Criticism and thinking of algorithms.

Meituan issued a statement after a period of public opinion fermentation at the time, saying that it would increase the optimization adjustment measures of "leave eight minutes of eight minutes of eight minutes".

Meituan pleases consumers to obtain the maximum profit and sacrifice the basic rights and interests of the rider, which has been criticized for a long time.(China News Agency)

But then the rider pointed out that the eight -minute elastic time has already existed.Meituan has sent riders for eight minutes of "punishment elasticity" that is not included in the overtime, but now it is only one minute more than the original.

In other words, Meituan's response only uses the concept that general users do not understand to get rid of the pressure of public opinion.The real problem lies in the company's compression of absolute time.

Sun Ping, assistant researcher at the Institute of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, who focuses on the study of digital labor relationships between the takeaway system algorithm and the riding of the riders, and his team believed that the delivery time was based on a data structure that was easy to understand.deviation.

For example, the requirements for rider delivery in a certain area are the average time that integrates the speed of all riders.If three kilometers of delivery distance, the algorithm gives the expected time of 30 minutes, and each takeoff will be delivered before the specified time to prevent the time of timeout.After the big data summary, the intelligent algorithm will find that most of the three -kilometer -as region takeaway rider delivery time is 28 minutes. Based on the principle of improving efficiency, the extra two minutes may be reduced.

Peking University BoLater, Chen Long spent five months to join the takeaway riding team for five months to conduct a doctoral dissertation in the field survey. A summary of assertion was that the platform was never satisfied in the compressed delivery time.Constantly test the limits of people.The data algorithm system of the platform not only constructs a complex labor order, but also forms a compression of compression of the workers.

Some Chinese media reports that Meituan is not afraid of rider loss, because the rider is scattered, lacks organizations, and sufficient supply, and they lack bargaining ability to the US group.When individual riders strikes to protest that the delivery cost of Meituan is reduced, the response obtained is often "hurry up."

Bai Yansong, a well -known host of CCTV, can't help but call for this in CCTV News reporting: I hope that the takeaway platform can sincerely not take the riding as a machine, but be a person to make real changes.

The controversial Meituan model

Meituan's outsourcing model for business insurance for the three yuan (RMB, the same, the same, about S $ 0.6) commercial insurance for takeaway riders also triggers huge controversy.

Wang Lin, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, ran a day before the holiday of "May 1st". The video of Meituan takeaway was widely spread on the Internet.Wang Lin, who was tired of paralysis, complained in the video: "I worked for 12 hours a day, gave five orders, and earned 41 yuan. This money was too bad to earn."

Wang Lin, deputy director of the Beijing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, said in the video: "I feel very wronged", "This money is too bad to earn."(Video interception)

Subsequently, Wang Lin and the representatives of Meituan Company conducted a dialogue on the labor relationship and insurance of takeaway employees.

It is reported that the representative of Meituan said in the dialogue that nearly 10 million among the registered takes on the Meituan platform are not employees of Meituan, but the relationship between outsourcing.It is equivalent to 1,000 yuan a year) Buying commercial insurance, and the money is deducted from the commission. After the rider occurs, the commercial insurance will be borne.Medical expenses.

This is the so -called "Meituan model". Most of the takeaway distribution business is outsourced to third -party enterprises, and the service fee is paid. There is no direct relationship between Meituan and the riding.Employees such as third -party enterprises and riders directly sign a labor contract and pay wages and social security expenses.

But the problem is that many third -party contractors will pay social security to employees in accordance with the minimum payment standards, and even some do not pay social security. The main purpose of doing so is to "save costs."

This mode is also risky for rider who runs on the road every day and running on the road every day -the rider who pass by and the god of death.

Meituan model is very risky for riders who are on the road and racing every day.(Agence France -Presse)

The Beijing News Think Tank released a survey report for takeaway rider such as Beijing, Tianjin, Qingdao, Shenzhen and other cities in November.Insurance.

The spring of the takeaway platform is coming?

In addition to Meituan, China has another big takeaway platform that is "hungry".In fact, in order to compete for the market, the two never stopped your confrontation.

In the first four months of this year, the two platforms have occurred in the relative lawsuit.In February of this year, Meituan was renounced by the Jinhua Intermediate People's Court of Zhejiang Province for improper competition. Is it hungry? 1 million yuan in economic losses.In April, Meituan was sentenced to 350,000 yuan by the Huai'an Intermediate People's Court for the same reason.

Just after Meituan was investigated by the Chinese regulatory agency for suspected monopoly acts such as "two choices", some netizens broke the news on the social platform that "good news" was sent inside the hungry.

But in fact, the situation of being hungry is not satisfactory. In addition to its market share, it has always been less than 30 %, and it is still declining.In this way, it is not dominant in the online wind evaluation.

In addition to Meituan, China also has another big takeaway platform that is "Hungry?"(Internet)

Hungry? There was a rider died suddenly during the 34th single -selling delivery of the day.For humanitarianism, you can comfort your family 2,000 yuan.Under the pressure of online public opinion, he was hungry and finally agreed to provide a pension of 600,000 yuan.

Hungry? Another cyclist for incarnation at the door of the delivery station for the salary of 5,000 yuan he was deducted earlier this year.A number of takeaway rides revealed in an interview that the rider found the webmaster of the delivery station several times in order to ask for salary, and also went to the contract headquarters at the delivery point to find the boss, but none of them were resolved.

At the same time, Hungry also exists in the same platform as the "two selection" unreasonable competition issues as Meituan.In April of this year, he was hungry and was sentenced to 80,000 yuan in the United States Group for the implementation of the "two choices" for the implementation of the "two choices".

Meituan and Hungry's encounters show that in order to avoid legal risks and reduce costs, the takeaway platform has adopted a simple and rude model of cutting with the rider, and minimized the responsibility for covering the pursuit of maximum profits with algorithms.

Although at present, this model is still feasible for the two platforms, but perhaps as Wang Xing explained, it is likely that in the future to subvert takeaway (platform) that has not attracted attention (other) companies and (others other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (others) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (others) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (other) (others) (other) (other) (others other) (others other))moldEssence