Sun Cheng

The joint statement issued after the US -Japan summit talk on April 17, which once again clearly involved the Taiwan issue after 52 years, which aroused worldwide attention.Not only that, Japan and the United States also agreed to reconstruct and lead the industry chain in high -tech fields such as 5G communication and semiconductors, forming a core partnership, and jointly cope with Chinese challenges.

This shows that the US -Japan policy has changed, and it reflects the strategic idea of rebuilding alliance relations after the establishment of the Bayeng government to respond to China's challenges.As far as Japan is concerned, it can maintain a balance between China and the United States and the "two balances" diplomacy that restricts and cooperation between China and cooperate with China.

Japan is between the two major powers of China and the United States. After the Cold War, the lines of joint anti -Soviets in China, the United States and Japan no longer exist, and Japan's independence is enhanced.In 1996, Japan and the United States re -evaluated bilateral relations and regional situations, issued the Tokyo declaration, redefined the US -Japan security treaty, and shifted the anti -Soviet target to the uncertain threat to the Asia -Pacific region, including the Taiwan Strait.The United States pursues the strategy of "contact" in China after the Cold War. Japan emphasized that when cooperating with the US military, it must make a decision based on an independent judgment.This keeps Japan relatively balanced between China and the United States.

After entering the 21st century, Japan regarded the rise of China as an important diplomatic issue and brewed the national strategy.In 2012, Japan provoked the incident of buying islands (Diaoyu Islands/Shougang islands), intensify territorial disputes, and advocated Chinese threats.Shinzo Shinzo changed its national strategy after the second phase, promoted "positive and peacefulism", enhanced military reserve, strengthened the Japan -US alliance, and promoted the Indo -Pacific Strategy based on Japan, the United States, and Australia.The partnership agreement negotiations to strengthen the defense of China.

While the layout of diplomatic security, Abe also shows good to China to a certain extent and is willing to improve its relations with China.Try to maintain the relative balance of constraints and cooperation on relations with China.

The "two balances" in relations with China is a diplomatic wrist that Japan exhibited to maximize benefits between Japan and the United States.EssenceJapan calls this situation living in the gap between China and the United States, but on the other hand, it also reflects that it tries to use its unique geopolitical advantages and leading economic and technological forces to play with the palms of the two countries.

However, with a new situation in Sino -US relations, Japan's diplomatic wrist is facing a new test.The Trump administration has abandoned the "contact" strategy of China, and the Bayeng government inherits Trump's policies against China. At the same time, he changes isolationism, combined with traditional allies, and collects the joint line against China.Japan has been favored with its unique geopolitical advantages and leading economic and technological forces, becoming the leader of the new policy of Biden.

During the global popularity, Sugi Yiwei became the first foreign leader to invite the head of the head talks after taking office as President. For Japan, which is urgent to consolidate the United States, it is a special treatment.But as Japanese media said, the United States' "thick encounters" in Japan may embarrass Japan, because the request made by the United States will be like the "step painting" of Christianity in the early days of Tokugawa Shogunate (the statue of Jesus proves non -believers), forcing them to force itMake a choice between China and the United States.

joint statement meets the requirements of both parties

From the content of the joint statement of Japan and the United States, first of all, the Japan -US alliance is redefined as the alliance in the new era. The two new goals are to safely establish a "free and open Indian Ocean Pacific" and economically establish the core alliance of competitiveness.Secondly, the United States promised to give Japan the security protection of all means, including nuclear weapons, and the Diaoyu Islands (known as the islands of Jiangang in Japan) applied to Article 5 of the United States and Japan Insurance Treaty.Third, high -tech cooperation, reconstruct the supply chain.Fourth, it clearly involves the South China Sea, Taiwan and Xinjiang, and the behavior of China does not meet international rules.

These contents are mostly consistent with the concept of Japan's "free and open Indian Ocean Pacific". The Diaoyu Islands apply to Article 5 of the US -Japan Security Treaty, which has repeatedly required the United States to confirm it.The revision of the security bill and the ban on the collective self -defense of the ban will not be considered. Now it is just to tell the public secret.Japan -US joint statement meets the needs of the Bayeng government's hope to establish cooperation with the allies to respond to China's challenges, and also meet the commitment of Japan's request to confirm security protection. It is a product that the two sides have requested each other.

Of course, through a joint statement, Japan has completed the strategic goal of Japan's hopes to consolidate Japan and the United States and promote India -Pacific ideas in the world change. It also declares that Japan is a border station between China and the United States.Due to the joint statement that meets the requirements of Japan, the Japanese political community and the Liberal Democratic Party are consensus.

For the statement to write Taiwan, Abe even means very meaningful, and to bear the responsibility of Asia and the Indian Ocean with the United States.In the future, Japan will actively cooperate with the US rebuilding alliance to compete in China's strategy and cooperate closely in restructuring the Asia -Pacific pattern and order.Japan's policy against China will also cooperate with the Bayndon government's "cooperation", "competition", and "confrontation" to China.

Japan's attitude towards Sino -US relations is not a sudden move to today.Zeng Gen, the former Prime Minister of the late Prime Minister, said that Japan and the United States are all alliances and have different relations with Japan and China.Koizumi Koizumi also said that only Japanese and American relations are good, can Sino -Japanese relations be good.The "positive and peacetime" strategy of the Abe government is based on the Japanese and American alliances. Because of the concerns of the United States' strategic shrinkage, it will play a greater role.Now that the United States is to reorganize, but after all, he does not follow his heart and has to rely on Japan to share hegemony, which makes Japan happy.

It is reported that due to the puppets in the United States and the United States, the relationship was selected between China and the United States, and the two former prime ministers of Abe and Ako Taro gave the back to the back of confidence.Under the dominance of conservative nationalism, Japanese politics and the country's direction to make this choice is expected.Japan -US joint statement marks the adjustment of Japan -US relations on the new basis.Japan and the United States break the "strategic fuzzy" of Taiwan's policy, which is an important adjustment to China.

Japan's attitude is the inevitable result of implementing the national strategy of "positive and peacetime". It is necessary to rely on the United States to redeem Asia -Pacific security and economic and trade order, and to strengthen (restructuring international order and formulating international rules) hard (strengthen military power and Japan and the United States alliance) Build a security barrier with both hands, compete and restrict China.

But on the other hand, how to repair the damage caused by relations with Japan and China is a problem that Japan needs to consider.The statement stated that paying attention to a frank dialogue with China, concerned about exchanging views.This shows that Japan does not want to further worsen Japan -China relations, and hopes to maintain a regional strategic balance.

In addition to explaining that there is a deep interdependence relationship between China and Japan, it also shows that Japan should rely on the United States and want to maintain independence.The joint statement of Japan and the United States to reach a consensus cannot guarantee that the two parties will have common interests in all issues in the future.Therefore, whether Japan can maintain cooperation with China is not affected, it is the test facing the next step.

The author is a professor at the School of Political and Public Management of China University of Political Science and Law

Director of East Asia International Issue Research Center

Japan's attitude is the inevitable result of implementing the national strategy of "positive and peacetime". It is necessary to rely on the United States to redeem Asia -Pacific security and economic and trade order, and to strengthen (restructuring international order and formulating international rules) hard (strengthen military power and Japan and the United States alliance) Build a security barrier with both hands, compete and restrict China.But on the other hand, how to repair the damage to Japan -China relations is a problem that Japan needs to consider.