(French New Power in Washington) The U.S. government is investigating the mysterious orientation energy attack incident in China, and the attack is outside the White House together.

At least two officials have emerged, and the symptoms are very similar to the "Havana syndrome" appeared by dozens of U.S. government a few years ago.

It is reported that in November last year, an official of the National Security Council suddenly illuminated in the White House's elliptical lawn; in 2019, an official of the White House was uncomfortable when walking dogs in the suburbs of Washington.Mysterious attack.

The symptoms of the above officials are similar to the "Havana Syndrome".The syndrome first appeared in 2016. At that time, a group of people in the Havana embassy in Cuban suddenly had symptoms such as tinnitus, dizziness, headache, fatigue, amnesia, etc., similar to the symptoms of mild trauma brain injury.

The American Senate Intelligence Committee issued a statement on Friday saying that the mysterious orientation energy attack incident in China is investigating.

Statement pointed out: "In the past five years, we have received notifications that the U.S. government has sent people in Cuba Havana and people around the world./p>

Suspecting Russia is behind the scenes

This type of attacks that have not yet been explained have occurred in American diplomats and intelligence officials stationed in Cuba, China, Russia and other countries.Scientists speculate that mysterious attacks come from "microwave weapons", and the US authorities suspect that Russia is behind the scenes of the attack.