Ge Wei, male, Han nationality, was born in January 1964, joined the work in December 1981, joined the party in October 1984. He was the secretary of the party committee and director of the Changxing County Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee of Changxing County, Secretary and Director of the Management Committee of Taihu Tourism Resort in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, members of the party committee of the Huzhou CPPCC Party Group, vice chairman and secretary of the party committee and director of the Huzhou Taihu Tourism Resort Management Committee, and members of the party group and vice chairman of the Huzhou CPPCC.

In October 2019, Ge Wei was reviewed and investigated by the Zhejiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection in accordance with the law for serious disciplinary violations and violations of laws and laws.In April 2020, Ge Wei was expelled from the party and was expelled.In June 2020, after the jurisdiction of the Zhejiang Provincial People's Procuratorate, the People's Procuratorate of Jinhua City filed a public prosecution to the Jinhua Intermediate People's Court for suspected bribery.

In February 2021, the Jinhua Intermediate People's Court publicly sentenced Ge Wei for 11 years in prison for bribery, and fined RMB 1 million.After the verdict, Ge Wei stated in court that he obeyed the judgment and did not appeal.

On February 5th, with the sound of the mallet, Ge Wei, a member of the former party group and vice chairman of the Huzhou Municipal Committee of Zhejiang Province, came to an end.

The organs are too smart.Two years ago, when I learned that he might be checked, Ge Wei wanted to do his best, hurry up the time to squander power, and staged the last crazy mdash; mdash; the preferential conditions that previously promised to a company were implemented as a written agreementIn my heart, I thought to have the opportunity in the future, and we must use this to fulfill the benefits of the company.

The abacus is ready.However, this time, it was only empty!

Power has become a tool for me to seek private interest, and I am afraid that it will be invalidated. Thousands of things will make a look at the greed of greed.The ideals and beliefs collapsed, corruption and corruption in crazy interests, Ge Wei's pro -clearing, regarding the resort as a bag of self -reserved land, step by step as cocoon, hellip; hellip;

Political and business relationships are unknown, and they are hunting by comparison and vastness

You must pay attention to everything, have a little face, and get a little bit.Ge Wei's degeneration and deterioration, starting with the broadness of eating, drinking, and playing, gradually break through the ideological defense line, and then the value orientation has a serious deviation.

After participating in the work in 1981, Ge Wei started from the specialist in the Financial and Taxation Institute of Xiaopu Town, Changxing County.

In December 2006, due to his outstanding work ability, Ge Wei was reused by the organization again. He went to the Taihu Tourism Resort of Huzhou to serve as a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of the Taihu Tourism Resort in Huzhou City.

Since then, the sensitive businessman bosses have followed, and all kinds of banquets have been staggered. All kinds of Amazing inheritance continues to compliment. Under the offensive of sugar and clothing shells, Ge Wei failed to resist the temptation and keep the bottom line.Turn into a piece.

Take the access to high -end places, change the way of eating, drinking, and drunk gold fans, let Ge Wei delay the enjoyment, and even treat the bosses as a good brother, and use their consumption habits and material conditions as the reference standard for life.

If you have a loose inch, you will scatter a foot in action.This sentence was quickly confirmed in Ge Wei's body.

In the second half of 2008, Sun Mou, the owner of a chemical fiber company in Changxing County in order to thank Ge Wei for his previous business help, and for the sake of seeking support in the future.10,000 yuan in cash.

For the first time, Ge Wei was nervous and scared.But soon, Ge Wei's unstable ideals and beliefs were defeated in front of greed. I thought it had been two years since Changxing had left Changxing. Now there is no direct interest relationship, and it is cash.

Ge Wei, who was at first tasted, was uneasy. The money had not dared to use it for nearly a year in his hands.After a long period of time, when there was no problem, his vigilance slowly let go, and he was out of control since then.

During his work in Taihu Tourism Resort, Ge Wei introduced the two largest projects in the resort through investment promotion.Ge Wei, who expanded in his heart, believes that these two projects are his credit and treat the resort as their own personal property.

Driven by greed, Ge Wei cares about the discipline and breaks through the bottom line of the behavior, and uses the opportunity of the project to collect money crazy.According to review investigators, more than half of the more than 1,600 million yuan of personal bribes, Zheng Mou, investor from these two projects.

In December 2009, a project of Zheng reached a critical stage of promotion. In order to get Ge Wei, Zheng Mou gave him a shares of 300,000 shares to him.This bank's dry stocks allowed Ge Wei to obtain a benefit fee of more than 2.35 million yuan in the form of dividends and transfer in the next few years.Under the blessing of Ge Wei's platform, Zheng's project was quickly advanced.

In the past, Zheng's hunting of Ge Wei began to penetrate all aspects of his life.The two went abroad to inspect together, Zheng sent the US dollar to talk about his mind; Ge Wei wanted to buy a house, Zheng sold a set of model houses developed by his company at a low price to him; Ge Wei wanted to decorate the house, Zheng not only bought a lot of him for him for himHigh -end decoration materials also undertake the cost of decoration of 905,000 yuan.

There is no free lunch in the world, which is actually a naked power trading.Ge Wei also knew about it.

According to Ge Wei's confession, in the service project, it is also a hidden method commonly used by its power and money transactions with low -cost purchase of houses at low prices.

In 2011, Ge Wei used the convenience of the party committee secretary of the Taihu Tourism Resort Management Committee and the director of the party committee, and helped a real estate development company in the construction project.In December of the same year, Ge Wei purchased a real estate developed by the company, and greeted the company's heads in disguise through two ways to greet the person in charge of the company.In October 2016, he made the same as the Fa, and bought another real estate developed by the company at a preferential price hellip; hellip;

With the increase in positions and the increase in power, Ge Wei's selfish desire and greedy expanded, regarding the power given by the party and the people as a bargaining chip with power, as a tool for individuals to make a fortune, willing to fall into the trap of the hunter.

Intimate drivers match the bridge, and the bribes will be damaged.

The upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked.Ge Weiwei, I am independent and domineering, and Ye Lizhi, the driver who served him, gradually fakes fake tiger prestige and concentrated on wealth.

This driver's lsquo; RSquo; very big.According to the case staff, more than 16.06 million yuan of Ge Wei received bribery, more than 10.24 million yuan, and his gang was accepted with Ye Lizhi.

Ge Wei described Ye Lizhi in this repentance: I drove me for a long time, honest and reliable, and more loyal.I trust him very much, and I have assured him to handle business and private affairs.On the weekdays of the saddle, Ye Lizhi made Ye Lizhi know the activities of Ge Weitai and the stage, and the two formed an unbreakable community of interests.

On one occasion, Ye Lizhi proposed that she also wanted to make some money and improve her life. Instead of strictly criticizing, Ge Wei actively planned to help Ye Lizhi make money together.

Seeing Ge Wei's face, many businessman bosses also respect Ye Lizhi who can blow up his ears.

In the second half of 2011, at the time of the Taihu Tourist Resort project, a project was openly bidd. Ge Wei and Ye Lizhi agreed in advance. With Ye Lizhi, he contacted the bosses with the help of Ge Wei's help.It didn't take long for the hard fee of 700,000 yuan, and it fell into the pocket of the two without any effort.

The news is terribleSince then, there have been more people looking for Ye Lizhi Pan the relationship.

In the second half of 2013, after providing help for the payment of a company's project funds, Ye Lizhi came forward to sell Ge Wei's market price of 105,000 yuan to the company's legal representative at a high price of 600,000 yuan; in May 2019, in May 2019, in May 2019, in May 2019, in May 2019,After providing help for a company's bidding project, Ye Lizhi and Ge Wei collected the company's project manager 2 million yuan in Hellip; hellip; used Ge Wei's power, and the two made several transactions one after another, and in the joint bribes they were collected.The highest is as high as 3.3 million yuan.

Such a good business makes many flexible guests jealous, and they want to insert a foot and share a share.

In the second half of 2016, Feng Haichuan, former head of the Renhuangshan District Sales Office of Huzhou Water Affairs Group, took the initiative to find Ge Wei and Ye Lizhi, and requested the two to help a company to help the earthwork.Under the proposal of Feng Haichuan, Ye Lizhi agreed with the person in charge of the asked company to calculate the benefits fees based on the proportion of the project and collect it through Feng Haichuan's account to cover up people's eyes.This transaction caused the three -person to receive a total of 1.45 million yuan, of which Feng Haichuan received 280,000 yuan.

From the second half of 2016 to the first half of 2017, under the bridge of Liu Bin, the former deputy general manager of Huzhou Yaoxi Investment Co., Ltd., Ye Lizhi and Ge Wei successively contributed to the contract of the two companies in a company.After the incident was completed, the three of them received the benefits of 2.3 million yuan from the company's deputy general manager, and Liu Bin, the middleman, received 600,000 yuan.

Under Ge Wei's indulgence, Ye Lizhi became increasingly unscrupulous and began to be full of private pockets under Ge Wei's unknown situation. On the grounds of insufficient purchase of house funds, he received an additional 1.4 million yuan in the property and property.

Skynet is restored, sparse without leakage.On February 5, 2021, Ye Lizhi and others stood with Ge Wei to the court's defendant. With the hammer fall, the Jinhua Intermediate People's Court punished Ye Lizhi for bribery and use of influence and bribery.The execution of the prison for eight years and six months, and fined 500,000 yuan; Liu Bin and Feng Haichuan were sentenced to three years, three months and three years in prison for bribery, and a corresponding fine.Really staged a farce of damage.

Turching my brain to fight the organization, I regret it too late

Whether a person can be honest and self -disciplined is the biggest temptation is himself, and the most difficult enemy is himself.Ge Wei, who lost his ideals and beliefs, and consciously emptied his heart, gradually fascinated his degenerate, rotten, proud and extravagant life.

Under the temptation of beauty, Ge Weixin is willing to open the door for the people's congress for the interests of interests.Some have been promoted, some have increased salary, and some of them have drumped hellip; hellip; Using their own position convenience, Ge Wei has provided them with job mobilization, treatment enjoyment, work arrangement, demolition compensation and other matters to help them help them help them.Essence

Without sufficient political determination, Ge Wei defeated in front of money and beauty. The bottom line was completely lost, and he embarked on a non -return path to play fire and funeral.

According to investigations, Ge Wei violated organizational discipline and opened a securities account in the name of his sister to conduct stock transactions.For profit activities, through investment in a concrete products Co., Ltd., profit of 565,000 yuan hellip; hellip;

Ge Wei has no principles of party spirit. Through the manufacture of repayment illustrations, transferring items involved in the case, and stringing with others, he tries to fight for organizational review and investigation.

In 2014, the inspection team of the Provincial Party Committee entered the inspection of Huzhou. Ge Wei was uneasy all day, fearing that the purchase of a house from a low price from Zheng was revealed.But he did not cherish the opportunity to return to this time, but chose to cover up the truth and sell the original price of the house to the company under Zheng's name.

However, at this time, Ge Wei could not look back, and he had more desires in his heart to be filled with money.Therefore, when the house purchased at a low price returned to Zheng's company, Ge Wei always felt a little lost.So, three years later, Ge Wei's intention Zheng complained about his losses.Zheng, Zheng, will immediately be happy and immediately transfer to Ge Wei for 1 million yuan.

Ge Wei, who was worried about leaving traces, took 1 million yuan in cash from Zheng, and hit Zheng's account through bank transfers to create the illusion that the 1 million yuan had returned.

In October 2019, after learning that Ye Lizhi was left, Ge Wei could not be able to refund some of the disciplinary and illegal income all day long, and made a string with the bosses to unify his caliber.He also handed over some of the illegal income from disciplinary and discipline and friends who had received these years to relatives, friends, and hidden, using all opportunities to resist stubbornness, attempting to hide the facts of the sky and cover up his bribery.

But all this is just self -deception.Whether it is an unbreakable offensive and defensive alliance or a trusted bridge built with money benefits, it will soon collapse in the face of party discipline and state law. The so -called friendship seems to be vulnerable.They finally stood up together.

I transport the benefits that others tailored for me again and again, which is the luck and opportunities of myself, looking for all excuses, and self -paralysis.In -depth analysis of Ge Wei's case is not difficult to find out that Ge Wei's tribute to covering up and concealing the facts of bribery is precisely because he did not dare to face the problems of his existence, but he chose to avoid and cover up the problem carefully, so that the tumor was longer and bigger.

Farewell to regret, regret alone, regret the original intention of might, and regret.During the educational call of the organization, Ge Wei was finally able to face his past bravely and recalls, reflect on, and confess his thinking and behavior.

But as he said, the remorse at this time had come too late.