Ye Liu Shuyi, chairman of the Hong Kong New Democratic Party and the director of the Security Bureau of the former Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, said: "Hong Kong has returned to the motherland for nearly 24 years, and it is also necessary to integrate into the state's governance system.P>

According to the Hong Kong News Agency, April 15 this year is the sixth National National Security Education Day, and it is also the first National National Security Education Day since the implementation of the National Security Law of Hong Kong.For performance projects.

Ye Liu Shuyi said that the disciplinary forces on the National Security Education Day of the People are also significant. "This means that Hong Kong and the country are connected in one part."Two systems'".In the issue of supporting national security and maintaining national security, Hong Kong's position must be consistent with the country.

Looking back at the past, the Hong Kong Disciplinary Force has been using the way before returning.According to Ye Liu Shuyi, in the early days of return, Hong Kong society had no sound to ask the disciplinary forces to change to Chinese steps.

Ye Liu Shuyi said that in the early days of return, the central government had restricted self -restrictions on power and did not completely require Hong Kong to follow the Mainland system.At that time, Hong Kong people were most worried about "changes", and the central government also considered the Hong Kong people's "sensitivity" and did not make a rigidity on the steps of disciplinary forces.It did not gradually change until 6 to seven years of return, and Hong Kong sent people to learn Chinese style.

Ye Liu Shuyi, who has learned British step -by -step exercises, is actually a Chinese -style fans. When he served as the director of the Entry -Affairs Office, he has heard that the Chinese step exercises are more stringent. He is a good exercise for disciplinary forces personnel.