Australian Minister of Trade Dan Tehan said the Australian government will safeguard national sovereignty and national interests.This responded to the warning of the Chinese Ambassador to Australia to fight against China if Khamberra followed the trend. China will fight back.

According to Bloomberg, Dantehan said in an interview with TV on Thursday: "We have clearly stated that this is not questionable, but this does not mean that we cannot establish a fruitful bilateral relationship. Good friends can do very well between good friends.Difficult dialogue. "

Dantehan tries to emphasize the importance of economic and trade relations in Australia and China, hoping to offset the adverse effects of the exacerbation of political tensions.

He said: "This (Australia -China Economic and Trade Relations) has helped millions of people in China to get rid of poverty and help us develop the economy. Therefore, we believe that we can build a constructive bilateral relationship,"

He said: "But the constructive relationship will be based on our maintenance sovereignty and national interests. We have expressed it very clearly about this."

Because there are reports that Xinjiang has forced labor, the situation in China and the West is suddenly tense, which has prompted some countries to impose sanctions on Chinese officials.Beijing denied the allegations against the human rights against Uyghur people, and it was a century lies of political motivation.At the end of last month, China announced countermeasures on some individuals and entities in the United States and Canada, and had imposed retaliated sanctions on Britain and EU people earlier earlier.

Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne said in a joint statement issued with the New Zealand Foreign Minister on March 23 that the Australian government reported "serious concerns" about the infringement of the human rights of Xinjiang Uyghur and other Muslim ethnic minorities, andWelcome to measures taken by the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and the European Union.

The Chinese Ambassador to Australia, Cheng Jing, said on Wednesday that China will fight back."Don't fantasize that China will only swallow the bitter fruits of other countries to interfere with China's internal affairs."

Since the Australian Prime Minister Morrison appealed to allow independent investigators to enter Wuhan and investigate the origin of crown diseases last April, Australia's relationship with the largest trading partner has turned sharply.Since then, Beijing has adopted a series of trade operations on Australian products including coal, wine, and barley.