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Analysts said that Wang Fu has been trusted by Chen Minle, Secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China since the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee in 2018, and often visits Chen everywhere.Wang Fu has graduated from the Master's Class of Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore. It is no stranger to Singapore. It is believed that it can bring good benefits to the China -Singapore (Chongqing) strategic interconnection demonstration project.

The Chongqing Municipal Government has recently announced a new wave of leaders. Wang Fu, Secretary -General of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, who was born in the Economist, and Cai Yunge, a member of the Municipal Government, filled the deputy mayor's vacancies.Want to push the economy to a new level signal.

Chongqing analysts said that Wang Fu has been trusted by Chen Mindele, secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China since the Chongqing Chongqing Municipal Party Committee in 2018, and often visits Chen everywhere.Wang Fu has graduated from the Master's Class of Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore. It is no stranger to Singapore. It is believed that it can bring good benefits to the China -Singapore (Chongqing) strategic interconnection demonstration project.

According to the Chongqing Daily Daily of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, on March 31, the Chongqing People's Congress Standing Committee meeting decided to appoint Wang Fu and Cai Yunge as the deputy mayor of Chongqing, and Li Bo resigned the deputy mayor who had performed his duties for nearly two years.According to the official website of the Chongqing Municipal Government, Wang Fu replaced Wu Cunrong's vacancy, served as the executive deputy mayor, ranked first in the median deputy mayor; Wu Cunrong was promoted to the deputy secretary of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee after his steps down in January this year.

According to the public resume, Wang Fu, born in 1962, was born in Hunyuan, Shanxi. He was born in an economist. He worked in Shanxi for nearly 20 years before coming to Chongqing.Secretary -General and other positions.A few months after Chen Minle arrived in Chongqing in July 2017, Wang Fu across the province as a member of the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, Secretary -General, and Office Director of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee in January 2018.

Like Wang Fu, Cai Yunge, who was born in 1971 and from Hebei Bazhou, is a senior economist; after the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Wang Yang, after the main administration of Guangdong at the end of 2007.Year.He was the former director of the Bank of Communications in March this year, and is currently the only post -70s official in Chongqing's leadership team.

Cai Yunge attended the plenary meeting of the China -Singapore Project Management Committee hosted by Li Bo on March 9. It is expected that Li Bo, who stepped out of the hand, was out of hand.The 21st Century Economic Herald quoted sources this month that 49 -year -old Li Bo has returned to the Central Banking System, served as a member of the Party Committee of the People's Bank of China, and will serve as the deputy governor.

Tan Gangqiang, director of the Chongqing Concord Psychological Consultant Office, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Chongqing used to select deputy mayor from district officials in the past, but some officials have a single ability and their comprehensive ability is not strong.This time, the two economic divisions and the experience of local development and reform committees were promoted to the deputy mayor, which means that the personnel adjustment is more valued by the deputy mayor's familiarity with the economy and comprehensive management capabilities to inject more vitality into the leadership team.

Chen Miner returned from Beijing to the first municipal committee from Beijing last month to hold the first municipal committee, emphasizing the need to continue to consolidate the good momentum of economic recovery growth in Chongqing, realize the economic opening of the first quarter, and release signals to make more obvious results in the economy.

Tan Gangqiang said that the government -leading personnel adjustment aims to further implement Chongqing's economic development goals, indicating that Chongqing needs to show further performance, and people with a stronger sense of practical and ideological reforms need to truly promote innovation to another step.

Wang Fu visited Singapore with Chen Miner and Wu Cunrong in September the year before. In March 2005, he went to Singapore Nanyang University of Technology for 10 months at the Deputy Director of the Shanxi Development and Reform Commission and obtained a master's degree in public management.

An analyst of unwilling to be named in Chongqing told reporters that Wang Fu's appointed deputy mayor was not surprising. The reason was that after he came to Chongqing, he had been trusted by Chen Minder for a long time and had been grasping the top -level design behind the scenes.Wang Fu is no stranger to Singapore. It is believed that he has the ability to further use Singapore's international open resources to stimulate Chongqing and western China to trade and interconnection.