CGTN broadcast the fourth day the day before yesterday, Xinjiang's anti -terrorist documentary undercurrents -China Xinjiang's anti -terrorism challenge disclosure, the original deputy secretary of the Xinjiang Political and Legal Committee of the Communist Party of China, Hill Zati, colluded with overseas terrorist forces and won the East.Iranian Games promises to be elected as "national leaders" after the founding of the People's Republic of China.The 2003 and 2009 edition of the primary and secondary school students, the textbooks of the primary and secondary school students, contain a lot of bloody, violent, and divided thoughts, and have been used in the local area for 13 years.

(Hong Kong News) Documentary produced by Chinese official media disclosed that the former deputy secretary of the Xinjiang Political and Legal Committee of the Communist Party of China colluded with overseas terrorist forces and was promoted to "national leaders" after the founding of the East III.The use of Uyghur textbooks containing extremist content in the past 13 years, and the imperial incubation of extreme ideas to students is an important reason for the unstable situation of Xinjiang.

According to Ming Pao, China Global Television Network (CGTN), a subsidiary of China Central Radio and Television, broadcasts the fourth Xinjiang counter -terrorist documentary the day before yesterday -China Xinjiang's anti -terrorism challenge, about 58 minutes long, divided into ""Life that goes astray", "Internal Enemies", "Textbooks for Hidden" and "Threats in the Internet".

Among them, "internal enemies" for the first time exposed the case of Hill Zeti Baowong, the original deputy secretary of the Xinjiang Political and Legal Committee.He was injured in an arrest of terrorists and was awarded the title of "anti -terrorist hero". The career gradually rose. Later, the person in charge of the mosques with separatist thoughts, including the child to promote religious extremist thoughts, and actively introduced the initiative to introduce the initiative to introduce the initiativeMembers of East Turkestan, which are accused of terrorist organizations, encouraged them to do business in Mo Yu County, and withdraw 2 million yuan (S $ 410,000) shares each year to support East Iran.And these Dong Iraq members also arranged more than 60 Uighur young people aged 14 to 18 to participate in the jilation training courses abroad.

The film revealed that Hilziti mentioned his strategy, including killing the exposed violent terrorists, and the opening of other participants and development objects, making extreme forces endlessly.During the official outbound outbound in 2015, Hilziti met with the backbone of the East Iraqi, revealing Xinjiang's anti -terrorism information information.The East Iranian Games promised to select Hilza as the person in charge of Xinjiang. After the founding of the PRC in the future, he was elected as "national leaders".Hilzy was previously sentenced to death and deprived of political rights for life.

In the "Fun Text Materials", it shows that Xinjiang's 2003 and 2009 edition primary and secondary school student Uyghur textbooks contain a lot of blood, violence, and division of ideas, and have been used in the local area for 13 years.In 2017, the original hall of Xinjiang Education Department, Changsha Shati, the former department of Xinjiang Education Department, compiled the textbooks of subordinates who organized split thoughts since 2002.Participated in the writing of Xinjiang Education Publishing House, the original president of the Xinjiang Education Publishing House, Abu Dudu Gavac Saku Mu revealed that Shatar told him that this time is a good opportunity, asking the textbooks to add more "national oppression" and "Turkish hero"Content, especially the stories that resist the country and pursue independence, and cultivate "successors".Satar also acknowledged in the film: "Regardless of the 7.5 (Xinjiang riots) incident, or in some violent terrorist incidents, a considerable part of the participants are students we" cultivated '. "

Some people from Xinjiang educational circles reported to Ming that these issues were instilled in education to students, including "not talking about Beijing when introducing the capital, but Mecca. It will preach the flag or badge of the East Turkistan."Sources said that the two -sided person hidden in the education system used the uncomfortable national language and modified the textbooks wantonly.In addition, in the past, the "national class" lectures were completely unable to understand the problems of them due to their language failure, which led to long -term use of related issues in Xinjiang.