Sun Guofeng, director of the Bank of China Monetary Policy, said on Thursday that whether the Fed launched a large -scale currency stimulus policy last year or the future continuous adjustment policy, the impact on the Chinese financial market is relatively small.

According to Reuters, he also pointed out at a press conference in the National Office of the National Office that he should cherish the normal monetary policy space, pay close attention to changes in the international economic and financial situation, and enhance the elasticity of the RMB exchange rate.

He said: "We are happy to see other major economies back to normal monetary policy efforts, which will help promote long -term healthy development of global economy."

He also said that as long as the growth rate of currency supply and the scale of social financing is unified, and basically matching the economic growth rate, the basic stability of the macro leverage can be ensured.

The first -quarter regular meeting held by the Bank of China Monetary Policy Committee recently pointed out that a stable monetary policy must be flexible, accurate, reasonable and appropriate, grasp the time results of the policy, and maintain reasonable liquidity.