(Data Picture) Zhang Xinqi.Figure/Zhongxin

Reporter/Zhou Qunfeng

On the afternoon of February 23, the official website of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection stated that Zhang Xin, former deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial People's Congress, was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision and investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately brushed the screen in the circle of friends of Qingdao citizens.Zhang Xinqi, 65, has been retired for more than 3 years.In his nearly 30 years, he has never left Shandong, involving Yantai, Weifang, Qingdao and other places.Among them, the five years of Ren Qingdao may be the most controversial.Huangdao oil pipe explosions, 38 yuan prawns and other incidents all happened during this time.Especially in 2012, when he served as the mayor of Qingdao, he was known as the mayor of the planting tree because of crazy investment of 4 billion yuan of trees.

In the later period of the Lord's Qingdao, rumors about Zhang Xinqi's investigation frequently came out and repeatedly ended. Even after he went to the Shandong Provincial People's Congress to perform his duties, he was interpreted as a signal that he had settled on the ground.After the official announcement was investigated, some netizens claimed that they were happy. Unfortunately, Qingdao could not buy firecrackers, otherwise I would like to go to the police station to pay a fine and put it.

A number of insiders who have been in contact with Zhang Xinqi told China News Weekly that Zhang Xinqi was lacking in political achievements, but his career has been steadily improved for a long time. Many of his people were rumored to borrow their influence to make a profit from business.Two days before Zhang Xinqi was announced, a high -end villa in Qingdao was also seized.During his administration of Qingdao, negative news was involved and was not treated by citizens.After retiring, he returned to Qingdao to retire, and eventually he could not escape the ending of the investigation.

Sports tree planting competition

In August 1956, Zhang Xin was born in Rongcheng, Shandong (county -level city, belonging to Weihai).At the age of 18, he went to Rongcheng to go to the countryside to become a educated youth.After more than a year, he went to Rongcheng Aquatic Supply and Marketing Company as a statistician.In 1978, Zhang Xin took the test and entered the Chinese Department of Yantai Division. After graduating, he went to the construction company of the construction company in Yantai. Starting from an ordinary propaganda officer, he stepped up the seat of the deputy secretary and deputy manager of the party committee step by step.

In February 1989, he served as the deputy director of the Yantai Municipal Construction Committee. Since then, he has been a step every two or three years.In December 1997, Zhang Xinqi became the secretary of the Laizhou Municipal Party Committee and became a sequence of the Standing Committee of the Yantai Municipal Party Committee.

A retired office official in Yantai told China News Weekly that he and Zhang Xinqi met in the 1980s.Zhang Xin's head is not high, and it is humble.I can't see what is outstanding in his work, and the performance is at most quite satisfactory.

In January 2001, Zhang Xin went to Weifang City to serve as the deputy mayor, mayor, and municipal party secretary.When he was the mayor of Weifang, Zhang Xinqi promoted the mayor's public phone.According to the Weifang Channel of Volkswagen Network, the total investment of Weifang Mayor's public telephone system is 2.6 million yuan, which can enter 1,440 calls at the same time and run 24 hours a day.The phone was opened for one year, and the mass satisfaction rate was 98.9 %.Zhang Xinqi said: The people's affairs are as big as.The mass of the masses is trusting the government, and we cannot refuse the masses at any time.The mayor's hotline must be a hotline for the masses.

In December 2011, he left Yantai, who had been working for nearly 11 years, went to Qingdao to serve as Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Government. After three months, he served as the mayor of Qingdao.

A staff member of the Qingdao Cultural System Sun Jincheng (pseudonym) told China News Weekly that when Zhang Xinqi arrived in Qingdao, he went to the Municipal Conference room to discuss with you as the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and the party secretary of the municipal government.Direct contact with Zhang Xinqi.Zhang Xin wore glasses, short and fat, speaking slowly, gentle and elegant. He encouraged us to create more good works in Qingdao in Qingdao.At that time, we all felt that this was a milder and willing to listen to public opinion.

But soon, the planting incident broke the first impression of Sun Jincheng and others about the gentle mayor.

On February 27, 2012, the Qingdao Municipal People's Government issued a notice on the development of trees in planting trees in the city, deciding that from 2012 to 2014, the city was concentrated in the city.At a municipal government office meeting in February of that year, Zhang Xinqi asked the districts to take out a plan for planting trees to increase green, and provided a financial investment of 100 million to 200 million yuan.The seven districts of Qingdao will invest more than 4 billion yuan in afforestation in that year, which is the year of the most investment in financial funds in the past few years.According to the data, the local fiscal revenue of Qingdao in 2011 was 56.6 billion yuan, which means that this 4 billion yuan investment accounts for 7.2 % of Qingdao's fiscal revenue.

In the 2012 government work report in Qingdao, it is also clearly mentioned that the goal of creating a national forest city. The plan is to plant landscape trees, update the replenishment road trees, and 10 million of various trees.Completed before.

Shortly after the above announcement, Zhang Xinqi dug the lawn of Huiquan Square, preparing to plant trees, causing the citizens to question and dislike.Sun Jincheng said that some cultural scholars, including him, publicly questioned it.In addition to reflected through some official channels, they also expressed dissatisfaction through Weibo, BBS and other network channels.Soon, after the land was dug, it was returned to fill it, and the grass was covered with grass.This shows that when Zhang Xin arrived at the beginning, his opinions on Qingdao people were still concerned.

While seemingly converging, an unprecedented sports tree breed competition soon launched in Qingdao.A number of Qingdao citizens said that at the time, many vehicles with various trees drove day and night from Suqian and other places in Jiangsu to Qingdao, which was very spectacular.There are large trees and small trees, there are many varieties, and there are even some tropical trees that are not suitable for Qingdao at all.

Several calendarrs said that Zhang Xinqi planted a tree to the level of crazy.Even planting trees under the viaduct bridge, the crown directly reached the bridge; planting trees on the seaside blocked the sight of the sea; planting trees on the sidewalk, driving pedestrians to the motor lane.But in some mountains that need to plant trees, they are not planted, and they are planted in where they can be visible.

Because the planning is unscientific, many trees die soon, and then pull it out again.This move that violated common sense and violated public opinion quickly triggered complaints, and they expressed dissatisfaction with the help of Weibo and other channels.Some netizens said that I did not expect that Qingdao had a grass -breed secretary and a tree mayor.

Du Shicheng, the former secretary of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee, was dismissed due to corruption. During his period, he was keen to build large squares, large lawns, grow grass in the city, and even destroyed many old trees for this.Therefore, Du Shicheng is known as the party secretary of the square.

Sun Jincheng said that he learned from an official channel that because he publicly questioned on Weibo, Zhang Xinqi yelled at him at a mayor of the mayor.I was in Beijing at the time, Qingdao Cultural Circle, including Literary Federation, Writers, Publishing Houses, Propaganda Department, etc., so that I would not speak.Even, I received a strange phone call from a foreign number, threatening me, and then cut off my leg.

From radical to lazy administration

On April 19, 2012, Wang Jianxiang, deputy mayor of Qingdao, interacted with netizens online to publicly apologize for the planting incident and promised to adjust the existing problems.In the online exchange, some people in Qingdao bluntly said to Wang Jianxiang: Qingdao was not the mayor alone. Qingdao belonged to the people of Qingdao. This time, the planting tree caused the citizens' rebound and dissatisfaction, which was the result of ignoring the people.On April 23 of the same year, the Qingdao Urban Garden Bureau told the media that the project had entered a stage of substantial rectification.

Some interviewees said that Zhang Xin's planting trees in Qingdao did not rise for a while, and he was keen on the matter when he was in the government.Public information shows that during the period of Zhang Xin, 7 garden -style parks, more than 20 street green spaces, and 10 kilometers of green urban green belts were built. The green coverage rate in urban areas reached 40 %.Modeling cities.Since 2003, Weifang has launched the construction of ecological cities in an all -round way, carried out the green construction of ten major projects and 100 projects, and was awarded a national garden city by the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development in 2010.

Many insiders, including Sun Jincheng, told China News Weekly that Zhang Xinqi plant trees in Yantai and Weifang. Although it has also been criticized, it has also received some national honors for the city.Performance.After arriving in Qingdao, he wanted to move this successful experience to Qingdao. The purpose was to make a quick result, but ignored the differences in the city.

The trees have not changed the impression of Zhang Xinqi with the official rectification statement.A media person in Qingdao told China News Weekly that the owner of a cafe in Qingdao was a graduate of art and was uncomfortable with Zhang Xinqi's many behaviors. He once painted Zhang's image as a comic, together with a potted plant in the cafeThe bathroom, then took a picture on Weibo, but did not expect that the Weibo was reposted thousands that day.

Another insider who had been in contact with Zhang Xinqi said that in 2012, in a international sports event held in Qingdao, Zhang Xinqi presented athletes to athletes with a leader.When the host introduced a leader, applauded at the scene.However, when the host introduced Zhang Xinqi's name, a booing at the scene was made.Although the staff tone the sound to the maximum, the boo could not be completely covered, and the scene scene was quite embarrassing.To this end, Zhang Xin got sad after entering the VIP room.

In addition to blindly planting trees, Zhang Xinqi was also questioned when dealing with emergencies.On November 22, 2013, in the Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone, the oil pipeline of Sinopec's branch exploded due to crude oil leakage, causing 62 people to die, 136 injuries, and direct economic losses of 750 million yuan.At that time, some media questioned that in more than 7 hours, enterprises and local governments seemed to be busy dealing with oil leakage and did not see early warning of evacuation people.As the mayor, Zhang Xinqi has obvious misconduct in dealing with emergencies.

In the end, the investigation team determined that Qingdao, Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone and relevant departments organized a large -scale inspection of large -scale production safety, and the pipeline protection, planning, municipalities, and security supervision departments performed their poor duties and mistakenly investigated the risk of accidents.The Qingdao Municipal Government was instructed to conduct a deep inspection of the Shandong Provincial Government, and Zhang Xinqi was punished by administrative warning.At the two conferences of the country in 2014, when asked about the matter, Zhang Xin said that this was a profound lesson.

An insider told China News Weekly that this time the punishment against Zhang Xinqi was relatively large, he began to worry about affecting his personal career.That is, from this time, Zhang became very lazy.In the next two years, except for some negative news, there have been almost no things that can be remembered.

The 38 yuan sky -high shrimp incident also occurred during Zhang Xinqi as the mayor of Qingdao.On October 4, 2015, Sichuan tourists, Mr. Xiao, ordered food in Qingdao. When the 38 yuan, the sea catcher was 38 yuan, and the price of a plate of shrimp required a price of more than 1,500 yuan.Tourists called the police, and the police still spent more than 1,300 yuan after coordination.Since then, the relevant departments of Qingdao fined a fine of 90,000 yuan for merchants.This has aroused public opinion of public opinion.

On October 8th of the same year, Zhang Xin took over the relevant meetings, saying that he would severely crack and investigate and deal with various types of illegal acts that disturb the market order, infringe consumer rights and interests, and affect the city's image as soon as possible to make the service industry order and environment of Qingdao as soon as possible.promote.Zhang Xinqi also publicly stated that the price of small price shrimp is a lesson, and Qingdao will fight against consumer rights with a zero tolerance.

In February 2017, Zhang Xin stepped down as the mayor of Qingdao City, retired to the second line, and went to the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial People's Congress as the deputy director.Some insiders said that on the day Zhang Xinqi left Qingdao, Qingdao firecrackers were out of stock.

Corruption while pressing anti -corruption speech

Regarding the news of Zhang Xinqi's sunset, many respondents said that in the later period of Zhang Xinqi's master, rumors about his investigation continued.The provincial and ministerial officials were investigated 3 years after retirement, which was still surprising.

Zhang Xinqi was the first tiger in Shandong Province, which was checked in 2021. It was also after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Following Ji Yiqi, the former deputy governor of Shandong Province, the province's second -level provincial and ministerial officials.

Zhang Xinqi has repeatedly expressed anti -corruption.Qingdao Daily reported that in April 2016, Qingdao held a government clean -government work conference. Zhang Xin stressed that it was necessary to adhere to the discipline and compact the responsibility of clean government.Persist in integrity as the bottom line and lifeline, and work strictly in accordance with the party's discipline and rules.On January 17, 2017, the Qingdao Municipal Government held a party group expansion meeting.He emphasized that supervision organs at all levels of the government should strengthen the supervision role, continue to be positive and discipline, resolutely anti -corruption and punishment, and provide strong discipline and style guarantee for the city's economic and social development.

A person familiar with the culture and business culture of Qingdao told China News Weekly that Zhang Xinqi was an official who made anti -corruption remarks while corrupt.He has a number of villas in Qingdao. The multiple photos provided by the insider show that on February 21, a set of villas in Zhangxin was seized by the Qingdao Municipal Supervision Committee.Two days later, the news that Zhang was checked was officially announced.

The informed person said that Zhang Xin's relationship with the developer was close to the developer during the period of the Lord of Qingdao.It is rumored that he had sold a thousand acres of land as a beach and sold to developers.

Some people know that although there are many Qingdao negative public opinion pushing Zhang Xinqi to the cusp, the reason for investigating is related to the number of officials investigated by Weifang City, and it is also related to the anti -corruption background of many retired officials in recent years.

In the second half of 2020, in just over 4 months, many officials such as Xing Peibin, Wang Shuhua, Zheng Jinlan and other officials who worked with Zhang Xin in Weifang were investigated.In July and September 2020, Xing Peibin and Wang Shuhua, two former deputy mayor of Weifang City, successively dismissed.It is worth noting that the above two people have been direct subordinates of Zhang Xinqi.The report showed that both had a protective umbrella for the evil forces.

Xing Peibin's notification also mentioned that Xing Peibin used the convenience of his position to seek benefits and obtained and accept property for others, and was suspected of taking bribes.On January 14, 2021, the Heizhao Intermediate People's Court opened the trial of Xing Peibin in the first instance.The People's Procuratorate of Rizhao City accused: Xing Peibin used the convenience of serving as the secretary of the Changyi Municipal Party Committee, a member of the party group, deputy mayor, and consultant of the Weifang Municipal People's Government.Integration and other aspects, we have obtained benefits, requesting, and accepting the cash, vehicles and other property sent by others, a total of about RMB 15.38 million.

On February 20, 2021, Wang Shuhua was doubled.The report stated that Wang Shuhua's pro -clearing, greedy and corruption, and engaging in power and money transactions, using the convenience of his position in the aspects of real estate development and construction, engineering contracting, etc., and illegally received huge amounts of property.

On November 23, 2020, Zheng Jinlan, former party committee secretary and director of the Shandong Provincial Geological Mineral Survey and Development Bureau, was investigated.Public resumes show that since December 1992, Zheng Jinlan has worked in Weifang for nearly 13 years. He has successively served as member of the Standing Committee of the Weifang Municipal Party Committee, Minister of Propaganda Department, and Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.In January 2001, when Zhang Xin was the deputy secretary and deputy mayor of the Weifang Municipal Party Committee, Zheng Jinlan served as Deputy Secretary of the Weifang Municipal Party Committee.The two worked in Weifang for about four and a half years.It is worth noting that Zheng Jinlan is also an official who was checked after retirement for many years.She retired in December 2015, which means that she has retired for nearly five years when she was checked.

According to the Volkswagen Daily, on the afternoon of February 26, the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee held a meeting. Liu Jiayi, the secretary of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, stated at the meeting: Zhang Xinqi was suspected of serious disciplinary violations and the lessons was very profound.The Provincial Party Committee has resolutely support the decision of the Party Central Committee that it must be considered to be abstainable and alarm.