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On March 2nd, learned from Wang Jingqing's friends that Mao Zedong's son -in -law and Li Na's husband Wang Jingqing died at the age of 94 at 6:58 in the morning of March 1.The farewell ceremony of the body will be held in Babaoshan, Beijing on the morning of March 3.

Wang Jingqing Data Chart

Public information shows that Wang Jingqing was born in 1927, from Yulin, Shaanxi.

People's Daily reported in 2013: In 1940, Wang Jingqing, 13, walked into the troops, starting from a little warrior of a rescue seriously wounded.Participate in the revolutionary struggle in Shaanxi -Gansu -Ningxian District, carry out large labor production in Ganquan County, and support the salt land in Yanchi County.

After the founding of New China, Wang Jingqing worked in the Central Guard and later transferred to the Chief of Staff of the Yunnan Military Region as the Chief of Staff of the Nujiang Military Region.

In 1983, through the Li Yinqiao couple, Wang Jingqing saw Li Na. As he continued to deepen his understanding, the two came together. The wedding was held a year later. They did not have a sound, only a table of wine mats, and invited Ye Zilong, Li Yinqiao couple, and several leaders of the Central Office to participate.

Wang Jingqing and Li Na

It is reported that after the marriage, Wang Jingqing and Li Na lived in harmony. After formal retired procedures, the relationship also transferred from Yunnan to Beijing. Wang Jingqing almost assumed all the housework at home, bought vegetables, food, cooking, repairing doors and windows, pulling coal pieces, and making a small bench for Li Na.Chinese cabbage, push the carbone car and return pickled sauerkraut. Every time I go to buy food, the master who knows Li Na's Hutong state -owned store will say to Wang Jingqing, "You are here, Li Na's life is much better. In the past, she only bought 1, 2 hairsThe meat of money is too less to cut. "

Wang Jingqing said with a smile that he would buy 2 catties at a time to eat a few meals at a time."Later, in order to reduce the burden of Li Na, we saved money and asked for children to have a nanny." Two were very willing to treat the child.

Li Na is 13 years younger than Wang Jingqing, and Li Na, who is not in good health, is very concerned about his wife's body.Wang Jingqing said, "When I was in my 70s, I started creating the script, and Li Na always reminded me, 'You are older, don't be tired, don't hurt too much.'" During the Revolutionary War, the right eye, left shoulder and cervical spine were suffered.Wang Jingqing, who was not too good in injury and bones, was moved to hearing his wife's words and warm words.

It is reported that For so many years, Wang Jingqing is willing to accompany Li Na no matter where he goes. During the more than 30 years with Li Na, because of his efforts, a former very special family was returned to ordinary families like most Chinese people.

In his old age, Li Na, like Wang Jingqing, likes Lishu and Qi Shu very much, and studying calligraphy has become an indispensable entertainment in life.Every morning, they went out to take a walk to exercise, but later, Li Na also ended because of leg disease.

"For decades, the Wang Jingqing and Li Nei couples have long been used to the days of ordinary people. When the yellowing past, they have been blowing with the wind. They are the most common people in the water." The report said.

Mao Zedong has two daughters: he and He Zizhen's daughter Li Min, born in Zhidan County, Shaanxi Province in 1936; Girl Li Na was born in Yan'an in 1940.

Source: People's Daily Online