Reporter/Du Wei

On the afternoon of February 27, Hong Kong movie star Wu Mengda died of liver cancer, and his life was 68 years old.Wu Mengda's friend Tian Qiwen said in an interview with the media that when Wu Mengda found that he suffered from liver cancer at the end of 2020, cancer cells had spread, and only 3 months from diagnosis of liver cancer to death.

And just more than 20 days ago, Zhao Shuai, a well -known musician and actor in China, also died of liver cancer due to liver cancer. It was also late when he found liver cancer.

Liver cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors worldwide.In China, the incidence and mortality of liver cancer have been in the world's first in the world for many years.According to the latest global cancer burden released by the WHO International Cancer Research Agency in December 2020, the incidence of liver cancer ranks 6th in malignant tumors, and the mortality rate ranks 3rd.In 2020, the number of liver cancer and deaths in China accounted for about half of the world's. The incidence ranked 5th among various tumors, and the mortality rate ranked second. Among the new 410,000 patients, more than 70 % of men.

Among the common malignant tumors, lung cancer, breast cancer, etc. already have advanced early screening methods and treatment methods, and so far there is no good way to find it as soon as possible for liver cancer. It is often discovered as late.Kill.Nevertheless, we are not irrelevant to liver cancer.

China's liver cancer attribution composition ratio has changed

At present, there are nearly 100 million hepatitis B carriers and 10 million hepatitis C patients.Wang Guiqiang, chairman of the Chinese Medical Association Infectious Disease Branch, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Directors of the First Hospital of Peking University, told China News Weekly that China is a major country of hepatitis B.They are transformed from hepatitis B, and the remaining proportion of liver cancer is caused by hepatitis C, alcoholic hepatitis, fatty hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis, etc.Hepatitis-liver fibrosis-liver cirrhosis is a few steps for liver cancer, and liver fibrosis people are potential high-risk people with liver cancer.

Zhang Xiaodong, chief physician of the Department of Gastrointestinal Cancer, Peking University Cancer Hospital, Zhang Xiaodong, director of the Beijing -Western Cancer Hospital of Peking University International Department, told China News Weekly that people who suffer from hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis or long -term alcoholism are specific people who may develop liver cancer.There is no enough scientific evidence to support liver cancer and genetic factors.

Since the 1970s and 1980s, China began to intervene in hepatitis B. In 2002, hepatitis B vaccine was officially included in immunization planning.In the 1960s and 1970s, if the hepatitis B was not controlled and liver cirrhosis, it has now entered the stage of possibly liver cancer. Therefore, the current age of patients with liver cancer is concentrated at the age of 50 or 60.Due to the large number of this group, in the next 10 to 20 years, liver cancer will still be the top five cancer in China.

Zhang Xiaodong pointed out that in Western countries such as Europe and the United States, the main causes of liver cancer include hepatitis C and alcoholic liver.An article entitled by the Chinese population of liver cancer disease in the 2020 published by the Chinese Popular Diseases Magazine: An article with the update analysis of the renewal of the sources of data states that the potential risk factors of liver cancer in my country include infection factors, smoking, drinking and other behavioral factors, obesity, diabetes, diabetes Waiting for metabolic factors.

Since the incorporation of hepatitis B vaccine is planned to be immunized, the alchemy composition ratio of liver cancer has changed. In addition to viral hepatitis, liver cancer caused by factors such as drinking and non -alcoholic fatty hepatitis should cause vigilance, especially in recent yearsThe incidence of sexually hepatitis has continued to increase.Chi Xiaoling, chief physician of liver disease specialist at the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangdong Province, quoted a medical research data in an interview with the media that the probability of becoming liver cirrhosis and liver cancer for non -alcoholic fatty liver patients were 150 times that of normal people.

With the rapid change of lifestyle, nearly a third of Chinese people suffer from non -alcoholic fatty liver, which has become a major public health problem.An article published in the European liver disease magazine in 2018 said that China is the country with the largest number of fatty liver patients in the world.According to the current incidence, by 2030, there may be 315 million non -alcoholic fatty liver patients in China, and 48 million patients with alcoholic fatty hepatitis may reach 48 million, which means that the conversion rate of fatty hepatitis exceeds 10%.

Often it is late when it is discovered

Zhang Xiaodong said that from a pathological point of view, liver cancer is divided into liver cell liver cancer and hepatobiliary cell cancer, which means that the cancer tissue is different.Liver cancer caused by hepatitis B and alcoholic liver is mainly the former; hepatobiliary cell carcinoma is rare, the cause is unknown, the malignant is high, and it is invincible.

Regarding liver cancer treatment, it is divided into early and late stages.Early small liver cancer generally refers to the diameter of not more than three cm.If small liver cancer appears on the basis of liver cirrhosis, surgery or radio frequency ablation is used, and the cure rate is relatively high.If the diameter of more than 5 cm is called large liver cancer, the cure rate is very low and surgery cannot be performed.The lesions on the liver are large, or the lesions are not large, but more than one, dense, means that liver cancer enters the advanced stage, targeted and chemotherapy drug therapy, and new recent immunotherapy effects are very limited. This is a very headache in the world.EssenceCancer cells transfer to vascular, abdominal cavity, lungs and other tissue or organs, which means that liver cancer has reached the super advanced stage.

But often, the discovery of liver cancer is late.Wang Guiqiang explained that this was determined by the characteristics of the liver itself.Hepatitis and liver cancer do not feel early in the early stage, so you have to go to the doctor by feeling. It is often late to go to the hospital. Pain occurs in the late stage of liver cancer. There can be no symptoms in the early stage.In addition, the failure to screen regularly is also an important cause of high incidence and death of liver cancer.Although many people receive antiviral treatment of hepatitis B and hepatitis C, during the treatment process, there is still the possibility of progressing to liver cancer.Some people no longer screen for antiviral drugs.Many people do not know that they have hepatitis C, and finally developed to liver cirrhosis and even liver cancer.Wang Guiqiang said that in the treatment of hepatitis, China and other countries are almost the same, but compared with developed countries with good economic conditions, the domestic regular screening mechanism is weak.Patients with chronic hepatitis are required to conduct a screening for half a year. Patients with liver cirrhosis have to be screened in three months, but many places cannot be done.

In order to avoid discrimination against patients with hepatitis B, China has also issued hepatitis B screening in enrollment, entry, or enrollment. The five hepatitis B examinations require the policy of knowing the consent. This has led to many medical medical examination institutions.check.The hepatitis C was not checked, and it is still the case now, so that hepatitis C is not discovered in time.Wang Guiqiang said that under the premise of establishing a confidentiality mechanism, we hope that when the institution or personal physical examination is performed, hepatitis B and hepatitis C screening will be performed early and early treatment.

Liver cancer is a defensive cancer

So far, for liver cancer, there are no more updated, better, and commonly used early screening methods in the clinic. Some technologies are still being studied and transformed, and more dependence on routine examinations.

But fortunately, hepatocyte liver cancer is the only defense cancer for the digestive system.Zhang Xiaodong said that for people who cause alcoholic liver cirrhosis for hepatitis B or long -term drinking, they can regularly perform blood AFP (fetal protein) testing and liver B -ultrasound examination, and find that small liver cancer is treated in time.Liver cancer is the only tumor in the digestive tract tumor that can be diagnosed through clinical indicators without relying on pathological examinations.When the B -ultrasound or blood detection is suspected to be diagnosed, in order to accurately identify sclerosis nodules, hemangioma, and liver cancer, you can confirm the diagnosis of MDASH; MDASH; MDASH; MDASH; MRI).But usually, magnetic resonance is not used as a means of early screening of liver cancer.

Zhang Xiaodong said that from the current point of view, the focus of prevention of liver cancer is to reduce the hepatitis B infection rate of the crowd, and to get hepatitis B vaccine; after obtaining hepatitis B, control the course of the disease, and avoid developing liver cirrhosis.

Wang Guiqiang said that in terms of cause control, people with chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C must go to the hospital for systematic diagnosis and treatment to reduce the chance of liver cancer. This is the most critical means to control liver cancer.EssenceAll slowHepatitis must be monitored regularly.In addition, because alcoholic liver and fatty liver can also cause liver cancer. In terms of cause control, it is necessary to quit alcohol, and fatty liver should lose weight and lose weight, control diet, exercise appropriately, and pay attention to developing a healthy lifestyle.