(New York / Washington Composite Electric) Raymond Doro, a nominated business minister of Bynden, said that it should continue to leave Huawei and other Chinese companies on the list of restrictions on trading companies.After this statement, the US Senate passed nominations for it.

According to Bloomberg, the US Minister of Commerce candidate Gina Raimondo said in writing questions the day before yesterday that it should not take Huawei, ZTE, and Hikvision and other Chinese companiesEssence

Raymond, the governor of Rhode Island, said: "It is included in the entity list and the final military user list, usually because they pose a threat to the interests of US national security or foreign policy. I have no reason to think thatThe entity on the list should not be left on the list. "After this statement, the US Senate Commercial, Scientific and Transportation Commission confirmed that Raymond's Minister of Commerce was nominated by 21-3 voting results.

According to the Voice of the United States, at the hearing on January 26, Raymondo only said that the US government would vigorously counterattack Beijing's unfair trade behavior, but refused to detailed whether Huawei was left in the physical entity.On the list.The White House press secretary Shaqi also refused to make a promise at two press conferences.

This caused Republican dissatisfaction, and the Republican leader of the House of Representatives McCawal and 20 members of the House of Representatives and 20 members demanded that the Senate suspended Raymondo appointment.

According to regulations, if any US company sells American technology and intellectual property rights to Chinese companies listed in the entity list, it must obtain permission from the US government in advance.