(Beijing Comprehensive News) The three deputy ministerial level in China were notified yesterday. In this week, a total of seven central management cadres were punished. The authorities continued to have high -pressure anti -corruption signals in 2021.

The State Administration of Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China issued three notices yesterday to expel Liu Guoqiang, deputy secretary of the former Communist Party group of the CPPCC of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the CPPCC;The former members of the Communist Party of China and vice chairman Li Wei and public office.

On the first working day of this year, the State Administration of Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection continued to report on the 4th that Deng Huilin, former deputy mayor and former director of the Public Security Bureau, the former deputy governor of Qinghai Province Wen Guodong, and the former COFCO Group of the Communist Party of China.Luo Jiayu, a member of the party group and the chief accountant, and Hu Wenming, the former secretary of the Communist Party of China, the former Party Secretary of the China Shipbuilding Industry Group.Among them, the three of Deng Huilin, Wen Guodong, and Luo Jiayu were "double -opened" (expels the party and public office). Hu Wenming was expelled from the party.

The next day, Lai Xiaomin, the former chairman of China Huarong Company, was sentenced to death for bribery, corruption, and marriage. It is the most severe sentence in China in recent years.

This year is the beginning of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the beginning of China's "14th Five -Year Plan" (the 14th five -year planning). It is also the year before the Chinese Communist Party's 20th National Congress.At the beginning of the New Year, the authorities continued to punish a number of senior cadres and severely punished Lai Xiaomin, and released a strong deterrent in politics.

According to yesterday's report, retired in 2017, Liu Guoqiang, 68, was accused of "blindly listening to 'political scammers'", and once spent a huge money for running officers to buy officials.The question of the notification column includes his problem, including the party's centrifugal and unrealistic, dishonest and unrealistic about the party, engaged in two sides, and two sides;The bottom line of morality has no concept of discipline. "

Liu Guoqiang is also accused of "family style is corrupted, and his family disassembles his tutoring", which means that his family may also be found to have a problem involving corruption.

The 64 -year -old Wang Yong has previously served as the head of the Hainan Provincial Department of Transportation and the mayor of Sanya. He is also accused of "family style is not right".Ownership transactions, intervene in intervening in justice.He was also accused of "arranging others and performing performances" at the party's democratic life meeting.

58 -year -old Li Wei was accused of receiving gifts in violation of the rules, engaged in profit -making activities in violation of regulations, and had non -listed companies shares. She was willing to be "hunting" and engaged in power and money transactions.

All three were investigated last year, and they are also transferred to the procuratorate to review and prosecute in accordance with the law.