(Beijing News) Hu Huaibang, former party secretary and chairman of the National Development Bank of China, was sentenced to life imprisonment for bribery. This is the second severe judgment announced by Lai Xiaomin, chairman of Jihua Rongyuan this week.

According to Xinhua News Agency and Finance and Economics, the Intermediate People's Court of Chengde City, Hebei Province made the above judgment yesterday. Hu Huaibang was also confiscated by all personal property.Hu Huaibang expressed his sentence in court and did not appeal.

The court refers to the convenience of Hu Huaibang from 2009 to 2019, and directly or through its specific relations of the person illegal acceptance of property, which is equivalent to more than RMB 85.52 million (about $ 17.53 million); howeverIn his own crime, the fact that he has not mastered the fact that the case handling agency has not yet mastered, pleaded guilty, and actively refunded the stolen goods. According to the law, he could punish him lightly, and the court made the above judgment.

The 66 -year -old Hu Huaibang was a party secretary and chairman of the Bank of Communications.He dismissed in July 2019, and his wife Xue Yingjuan and his son Hu Xiaodong were also taken away for investigation.In May 2020, it was reported that Xue Yingjiu jumped off the building and committed suicide, and this was the second murder involving the Hu Huaibang case: Zhong Xiaolong, the president of the State Cross -Taiwan Branch, cut his wrist at home on July 17, 2019.

According to the report of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, in addition to doing power and money transactions, Hu Huaibang also indulged his family members to collect property, and did not have the requirements for the deployment of the CPC Central Committee's major decision -making and deployment, and the implementation of the central government's inspection and rectification was not in place.