Wang Menghui, Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development of China, said that he firmly insists that the house is used to live, not for speculation, and do not use real estate as a means of short -term stimulation economy.Emphasize the comprehensive implementation of the long -term real estate mechanism, strengthen the responsibility of the city's main body, adapt to local conditions and measures to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market.

According to Reuters's interview with Xinhua News Agency yesterday, Wang Menghui stated that one must improve the policy coordination mechanism, establish a housing and land and financial linkage mechanism, strengthen the management of residential land, and improve the macro -prudential management system for real estate finance.Accelerate research and preparation of the "Fourteen Five -Year Plan" housing development plan.

The second is to improve the linkage control mechanism of provincial and cities, strengthen guidance to key cities, and implement precise regulation and control.The third is to establish a monitoring and early warning and evaluation mechanism, normalize monthly monitoring, quarterly evaluation, and annual assessment, implement urban main responsibility, and ensure that the market is stable.

He mentioned that the key development of policy leased housing in large cities with a net inflow of population.Accelerate the improvement of support policies such as land, finance, taxation, and finance.For example, a single -column leasing housing land plan to explore the use of collective construction land and enterprises and institutions to build leased housing.

In terms of standardizing the development of the housing leasing market, Wang Menghui said that it is necessary to promote the introduction of housing leasing regulations and accelerate the improvement of long -term rental policies.Rectify the order of the leasing market, increase the rectification of "high advances and low -out", "long -term paid" and the establishment of a fund pool in violation of regulations to prevent the risk of "exploding thunder".Reduce the burden of taxes and fees for rental housing, and reasonably regulate the rent level.

Wang Menghui said that it is necessary to support the development of large cities with a net inflow of population.In addition, flexible employee participating in the housing provident fund system and housing provident fund support pilot development pilot development pilots.