Yuan Jiajun, Secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee of China, pointed out on Friday that this antitrust survey is an opportunity to enhance the awareness of fair competition and antitrust compliance awareness of Internet companies.Enterprises must consciously accept supervision, internalize supervision requirements into enterprise management, actively seek change, change opportunities, and strive to achieve new better development.

According to Reuters, after a first ticket was issued ten days ago, the Chinese Market Supervision Administration's latest investigation on Alibaba's suspected monopoly launch cases sounded the corner of the Internet antitrust law enforcement.Although it is still difficult to judge what penalties Alibaba will face, it is foreseeable that anti -monopoly law enforcement next year will continue to strengthen, and platform companies such as Tencent and Meituan may not escape.

Zhejiang Hangzhou is the headquarters of Alibaba and many Internet companies.

Zhejiang Daily quoted Yuan Jiajun's speech at the Economic Working Conference of the Provincial Party Committee on the day that it was necessary to formulate opinions on strengthening the implementation of competition policies, promote the supervision of market -oriented digitalization and coordinated innovation, and optimize the supervision of the full -chain of the compliance, the review of the event, and the after -the -after -to -after -chain.

Yuan Jiajun emphasized that it is necessary to serve the innovation and development of platform enterprises, explore clarification of monopoly borders, promote enterprises to operate compliantly in accordance with laws, enhance social responsibilities, and enhance international competitiveness, and form a dynamic and orderly regulatory system and platform economic ecosystem.

Fair competition is the core of the market economy. Only the competitive environment is fair, can we realize the effective allocation of resources and the survival of the fittest, and monopoly hinders hindering fair competition, distorting resource allocation, harming market entities and consumer interests, and killing technological progress.Yuan Jiajun said.