Recently, He Jiaolong, deputy head of Zhaosu County, Yili Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, released a short video of a snow -ranging eye on Douyin, which has attracted the attention of netizens.As a leading cadre, how does He Jiaolong think of the phenomenon and traffic effect of Internet celebrities?When Zhaosu becomes an Internet, how to avoid problems existing in some scenic spots such as slaughtering?In this regard, on December 15, He Jiaolong accepted an exclusive interview with political affairs.

He Jiaolong said that that video can attract the attention of netizens, which is both accidental and inevitable.The strong support of netizens is the recognition and support of the grass -roots cadres of tens of millions of roots in the frontiers of the motherland. I am just one of countless grassroots cadres.

In the face of popularity, He Jiaolong said that we are public officials, and public officials must be the public and the people, not to become the so -called Internet celebrity.After becoming popular, we must calm down and stop the live broadcast of cold treatment. It is to calm down to study and study how to further improve our tourism service level and the quality of agricultural products.

He Jiaolong was born in December 1979. He Shighong, Sichuan, has worked at the grassroots level in towns and towns for a long time.Essence

Talk about video creation

Some netizens found that the horses in the video were not the same, and they thought that they used a substitute, not like this

Political affairs: Because of a video of a red cloak in the snow, you have attracted the attention of the majority of netizens. Is it surprising to become popular this time?

He Jiaolong: That video attracted the attention of the majority of netizens. I think it is inevitable with the accidentality.Occasionally, the popularity of the Internet is an inadvertent insertion; the inevitability is because the county head of He County said that Zhaosu, the self -media number, had a certain amount of basic fans before. From May 20thIt has been close to half a year of accumulation and precipitation, and there are already about 500,000 fans.These fans reposted and reproduced, so that more people and more media saw the snow riding video. Through that video, I learned that Zhaosu County, a small town in the northwest border of the motherland, is the hometown of Tianma and the capital of the rainbow.

Political affairs: How did you think of this way to bring the goods?

He Jiaolong: On May 20th, Yili Prefecture held a real estate agricultural and sideline product exhibition and marketing. It aims to build a platform for rural commercials and agriculture to provide direct sales to direct sales, promote resumption of work, re -business, and resume the market to help poverty alleviation.This exhibition organized a live -broadcast agricultural product with the whole state of Yili Prefecture, county leaders+head anchor+product model, and required counties and cities to select 1 county leader and one head anchor to participate in the county and city live broadcast.Activity.

The cost of inviting head anchors is very high, and our Zhaosu County is the only five types of difficult areas and counties in Yili Prefecture, with limited financial resources.The county party committee decided to let leading cadres in contact with the Internet and learned to live broadcast in a short time to explore and try a new way for live broadcasting e -commerce to poverty alleviation to help farmers.Because of understanding and incorporating short video live network new media, this is also a job that leading cadres in the new era must face.

Prior to this, our county held the Tianma International Cultural Tourism Festival. In order to understand the Internet thinking, I registered a personal number on the short video platform.Of course, the leading cadre live and bringing goods is not my personal originality. On the exhibition of agricultural and sideline products on May 20, the leaders of many counties and cities in Ili Prefecture rose up their sleeves and appeared in the photo. I was just one of them. I was just one of them.member.

Politics: You said just now that the snow -horse video that attracted the attention of many netizens was taken by chance.What was the scene at the time?

He Jiaolong: At that time, the Internet celebrity anchor with about 1 million fans came to Xinjiang. Their short video played on the platform was very high.Because we are known for our hometown of Tianma, I invite them to Zhaosu, hoping that they will shoot more popular videos on Zhaosu's grassland to promote the tourism brand of Tianma hometown.They are caring lovers. They have not been to Zhaosu before, so they arranged time to come over. It is completely free of charge. I thank them very much.They ride very well and are very professional. They know that I can also ride horses. They kept calling me that day.

Some netizens mistakenly think that I have a professional production team.In fact, the small town like Zhaosu, video production professionals are scarce, and they are all amateur players in our county.These so -called teams composed of relatives and friends are not very professional. I explore experience in hard work. Today you will help me shoot a video. You will live with me tomorrow. You will have a small plan for the day after tomorrow.Slowly, the amount of 500,000 fans at the time was achieved.

That day, our shooting team also hoped that I could shoot a horse riding video, which can increase the traffic room traffic and better drive the sales of agricultural products.In order to cater to promoting the promotion of winter tourism resources in Zhaosu, I agreed.But usually I was busy with work. I could only take two hours of lunch break, and made three small videos intermittently. The three small videos were connected together, and the combination became later snow -riding videos.Some netizens found that the horses in the video were not the same, and they thought that they used a substitute.Other netizens saw that I had been grabbing saddles. The saddle was a safe handrail. The weather was at a temperature of more than a dozen degrees. I didn't wear a horse boot, it was ordinary boots. It was frozen like ice.Sliding, it is safer to grab the saddle.

Talk about riding

This is the skill that the grass -roots cadres of pastoral areas must master. Where the cars cannot reach, they will use the horse to climb

Political affairs: Many netizens pay attention to your horse riding well.

He Jiaolong: Zhaosu is the hometown of Tianma. Every household of every family will raise horses. When we were young, our family also raised horses. My father also took me to ride a horse.I have worked in two townships in Zhaosu County. They have pastoral areas. For grass -roots cadres in pastoral areas, riding is a skill that must be mastered. Because the car cannot drive, we will ride a horse.One of them is Tianshan Township is the most remote mountainous area in Zhaosu. It takes about four hours to ride the mountains and rides in and out of the mountain.

Netizens who have never been to Xinjiang mistakenly think that we are riding on horseback. This is not the case.However, countless ethnic cadres who have rooted in the frontiers of the motherland, especially grass -roots cadres working in pastoral areas, would ride horses.Although it is not as good as a professional rider, the car cannot reach the place, they will use the horse to climb, and they will measure the last mile with their own steps to make the love of the light and warm mountains of love. The common features of these cadres are pragmatic innovation and innovation andWith temperature, I am just one of tens of millions of cadres.

Political affairs: Some media reports that you are from Sichuan, so some netizens think you are working in Xinjiang later, is it?

He Jiaolong: My ancestral home was Sichuan. He was born in Zhaosu. After reading a few years of books, he never left Zhaosu.I have seen the prosperity of the metropolis and the opportunity to work elsewhere, but I don't want to go.

Because my hometown is a place where you have not left, you have already started nostalgia.Some tourists said that Zhao Su can take a picture to use a mobile phone screen insurance, which is not exaggerated.Zhaosu has the characteristics of world -class high -quality tourism resources. Here is a small town on the horse. It has a history of raising horses for more than 2,000 years. The people's love for horses is deeply penetrated into the bone marrow. Treating horses is like treating themselves another child. HereDrive to the sky, from the sky to your tip of your heart.

Many people think that Xinjiang is a desert Populus Popular Gobi Beach, but there are also places such as Zhaosu in Xinjiang. It is a national ecological civilization demonstration county. It is the only county in the state without desert. The ecological environment is great.Good mountains and good products and good products. Yili horse and brown cows are all our fist products.soThe hometown was rated as a national tourism demonstration county by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Many tourists came for the first time and took a look; the second time, it became a retorter; the third time, it became a maker.Create here.This proves that the strength of my hometown is worthy of the people across the country.

Talk to popularity

I care more about whether I am a qualified deputy county chief, do I do my job well, and I don't want to be posted on the so -called lsquo; Internet celebrity rsquo; label

Political affairs: Some netizens are concerned that you have exceeded millions of rewards in Douyin live reward, and all reward income must be used for public welfare.

He Jiaolong: In fact, after the snow riding video caused widespread attention, he stopped live broadcast, so there was no reward income.All reward income is the revenue of the previous public welfare farmers.

Earlier, every time I bring the goods on the live broadcast, I told fans that we are public welfare anchors. We do not earn a penny on the platform. All income will be used for charity and public welfare.At a industrial chain at the dining table, these companies with goods are basically leading companies in our county, such as potato noodles and noodle bars factories. The noodle bar factory is a state -owned enterprise in the county.The problem of employment and the problem of selling potatoes in the people.

Some people have said that you can not accept rewards.However, any platform has its platform rules and operating models. Playing is a profitable means of short video live platform. If the platform does not have an income, why should you push you traffic?Why let you sell agricultural products on the platform and promote travel?Some people also proposed that short videos are posted by short videos. Why do you send your own short videos?This is because the platform supports the anchor's face. If you do not show your face, the natural scenery of the pure tourism category, it is difficult to get the amount of likes and views, the amount of likes, the number of views, and the interaction with the fans.The strict calculation formula is set, and the calculation results determine the sales and tourism recommendation effects of agricultural products.

Political affairs: Before and after the popularity, do you have a lot of doubts?

He Jiaolong: We often talk about respect for the rules and use rules. We come to the commercial platform and make full use of the platform's traffic rules to help poverty alleviation on the premise that we meet the requirements of our public officials.Therefore, at the beginning of the live broadcast, we reported to the county party leaders and the disciplinary committee department. The reward income of the live account was supervised by the county disciplinary committee.At the same time, public welfare activities are also made by the county Red Cross, the County Charity Federation and the county's public welfare love team, so that many parties to participate in are more open and transparent.

The propaganda department has done calculations, and the proportion of netizens who support me is about 95%. This is a very gratifying analysis data.In my opinion, this support rate is not the recognition and support of my personal, but the recognition and support of the grass -roots cadres of tens of millions of grass -roots cadres in the frontiers of the motherland.Through me, netizens thought of these cadres, and thought of the common characteristics of the pragmatic innovation on them, and felt their positive and optimistic positive energy. I was just one of countless thousands of grassroots cadres.

Politics: 95%of the support, what do you want to say to these netizens?

He Jiaolong: I am particularly grateful. I was grateful to be in such an Internet era, so that my hometown was a small town like my hometown, from behind the scenes to the front of the stage; thanks to a group of warm family members, my family referred to those fans, especially thanked them.It turned out that when I heard that someone else called the baby and the family in the live broadcast room, it was a bit unaccustomed and felt a little bitth, but I gradually felt the meaning of the name of the baby and family from the heart.

Starting the live broadcast, one for three or four hours, these fans have been interacting with you in the live broadcast room, praising you, commented, and encouraging you, no matter how long you live, you will always be with you.I used to have three times to give up, but these fans have been accompanied by, support, and recognition of these fans. I have come to this day.There is a saying that if you are in full bloom and the breeze, what kind of person you will attract, the fans you attract are all of you in the same frequency, they are consistent with you, the spiritual worldThe similarity is very high.With my growth, these fans have made a small town like Zhaosu who are well known to netizens across the country. This is the credit of fans. It is also the credit of the county party committee and government that strongly supports me to do my career.

Politics: Do you want to give up three times because you have encountered difficulties?

He Jiaolong: Yes.On the one hand, because I usually work busy, I work overtime after work. I have some overdrafts in their physical strength, and some conflicts have occurred in work, life and live broadcasts. On the other hand, I sometimes encounter some worries.Sadness is a little grievance, because this is not for me, but because I am thinking and looking for a new model that suits the development of our county. This is that I am trying to explore. Why spray me?In addition, I have some distress. Compared with the live broadcast to bring the goods, I care more about whether I am a qualified deputy county chief, whether I have done my job well, and I don't want to be labeled with the so -called Internet celebrity.

Yesterday, an old colleague said that it was more disgusted with my popularity and related reports this time, because everyone only saw the appearance.I used to have a place called Tianshan Township in Zhaosu County to be the party secretary of the township party committee. This old colleague asked me. You have made a lot of real measures to warm the hearts in Tianshan Township.Isn't it more valuable than becoming an Internet celebrity?I also thought about it for a long time. While agreeing with the point of view of old colleagues, I think that all I do now is not to get the attention of everyone. Behind the Internet celebrity, I must know who I am more clearly?For whom?What am I doing?I think that only if you think about these problems, other problems can be solved.

I think although this time it is unexpectedly popular, in the face of the audience of the entire network, my original intention is to love my hometown, and my purpose is to promote the tourist punch place.There is no private interest and no show here. I have presented on the Internet. In fact, it is also the accumulation and precipitation of years of work experience. It is a kind of power that has been from the deep bone marrow of my hometown for many years.

Political affairs: How do you think of the Internet celebrity phenomenon and traffic effect on short video platforms such as Douyin?

He Jiaolong: I didn't want to be the so -called Internet celebrity, nor did I want to cultivate me into an Internet celebrity.The original intention of the county is to explore and innovate a new way to get rich through the media platform.Because in the Internet era, we are required to come from the masses to the masses. Where is the masses?Just on the media platform, so here is here.

Our good mountains and rivers require traffic, but we also need to clearly realize that the traffic temptation is great, and it is the last word to do your job well.I think the reason why some netizens like to watch my video, including my live broadcast, also saw our attitude of work, because there is no shortage of beauty anchors on the platform, and 40+ women like me can not talk about the face value.EssenceThe traffic is tempting, but it cannot only pursue the fire overnight, and even the speculation for this purpose. Practical officers are the real foothold of the traffic.Everyone should be dedicated in their posts and do things downhill.

Talk about leading cadres to touch the net

In the new era, we need to stand up bravely to explore, and to be pragmatic and innovative

Political affairs: Internet celebrities are risky.Do you have an estimated risk?

He Jiaolong: Since the media era, we have brought us new opportunities. Public welfare to help farmers must come to do it. I am the deputy county head of the county in charge of agriculture.When I made live broadcasts, I was responsible.

I also think that the live broadcast of public welfare farmers is a great thing. On the one hand, good mountains and rivers need good traffic. Zhaosu needs a bridge and bond from behind the scenes to the front of the stage; on the other handThe need for good agricultural products is exactly what Zhao Su owns.So who will do this?Who will pay?This requires our cadres in the new era to use themselvesThe hard work index is to change the happiness index of the people. We must stand up. Although we do not need to throw their heads and sprinkle blood like the revolutionary ancestors in the peaceful age, we also need to stand up bravely to explore, to be pragmatic and innovative, to be a temperature with temperatureCadres in the new era.

Political affairs: Some netizens found that you have been wearing the party emblem during the live broadcast.

He Jiaolong: Every time I live broadcast and appear, I wear party badges, and I usually work at work.On the one hand, wearing the party members' badge reminds themselves to be a party member, a public official, and the words and deeds represent the image of the party and the government.Energy and strength can make me confident, let me know what I work for, and the belief of serving the people can encourage me to go forward without fear.

Political affairs: Now Zhaosu County has become an Internet Red County. How to do the next step?

He Jiaolong: We are public officials, and public officials must be the public and the people, not to become the so -called Internet celebrity.After the popularity, we have to calm down and stop the live broadcast of cold treatment. It is to calm down to study and study how to further improve our tourism service level and the quality of agricultural products.The county specially held a special meeting to make deployment and arrangements around all aspects of tourism transportation, tourism safety, tourism and health, and agricultural products also formulated corresponding development plans.We find a way to make this wave of traffic really precipitated, avoid entertainment and fake air, allow traffic to benefit more agricultural products companies, benefit more tourism practitioners, and benefit more people.

Political Affairs (XJBZSE) writing/ Wang Yan School of Metropolitan Ruqi Interviewees and Video