On December 16, the official website of the State Administration of Discipline Inspection of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection issued the wrongdoing chief of life.

According to reports, Lu Hongmin was born in an ordinary peasant family in Yixian County, Baicheng City, Jilin Province.After graduating from the Law Department of Jilin University in 1986, he has been working in the court.During his tenure in the Jilin Intermediate People's Court, Lu Hongmin was diligent, progressive, and even took the initiative to ask for a lot of group events such as the transfer disputes in funeral home transfer and the petitions of AIDS groups, such as the city's funeral home transfer disputes, and the petitions of AIDS groups, which were affirmed and praised by the party committee, government and the people.

However, after the dean of the Matsuhara Intermediate People's Court, Lu Hongmin relaxed the cultivation of party spirit and failed to clean up the dust in thought. The ideals and beliefs gradually shaken.The ideological landslide made Lu Hongmin gradually lost in power and law.Lu Hongmin has many years of experience in first -line civil trial work. It is one of the only two national civil trial business experts in Jilin Province. The profound legal skills and extremely high legal literacy have made Lu Hongmin's authority in the province's civil trial.Lu Hongmin repented: After working at Songyuan, he relaxed his political theory learning, his ideals and beliefs were shaken, and the ideas and wrongs were reversed. He gradually violated lsquo; he vowed to join the party for the lifelong rsquo;

The inner shaking and degeneration seem to be a momentary decision, but it is actually a long and painful process.lsquo; from good, from the evil collapse rsquo;, the study of political theory learning and the tempering of ideals and beliefs, let my political determination gradually lose, the more losing the fixed force, the more you lose your slackness.Enter a vicious circle and quickly fall into the abyss of desire.Losing my ideals and beliefs turned me into a lsquo; rsquo; in the theoretical center group and the democratic life meeting, I made a lot of confidence, because I knew that I was inadequate.

The changes in thought will inevitably lead to directional problems, and it will inevitably make me go on a wayless path.After working at the High Court of Jilin Province, Lu Hongmin's thoughts were further declined and the judgment of things completely lost the principle, which can be seen from his performance on the trial committee.He changed the style of previous adherence to facts and laws, and bluntly expressed his opinions. Seeing that the dean held the opposite of himself on the trial committee, he changed his original statement at the last voting and voted to the dean to the dean to the dean.Supported opinions made the members of the audit committee present.To this end, Lu Hongmin has an additional nickname mdash; mdash;

According to the article, the stubbornness of the strong wife, Tian, is also a main reason why Lu Hongmin has embarked on the road of corruption: Lu Hongmin's wife, Tian, was originally a legal teacher in a university in Jilin City. He was part -time lawyer, and later transferred to a professor of Changchun.The survey learned that while Lu Hongmin was the dean of Songyuan Intermediate Court, some judges of Songyuan Intermediate People's Court found that Lu Hongmin forgive Lu Hongmin in order to get Lu Hongmin's approval or work errors. There was only one way to find Professor Tian.Sexuality, Sure enough, Tian Mou's speech was all done.

Many people were taken care of by the case, and found Tian Mou through the leaders or colleagues of Tianmou, and then arranged for Lu Hongmin to say hello to the relevant case handling units through Tian Mou.Among the more than a dozen bribery facts, Lu Hongmin was related to Tian.Tian Mou promoted Lu Hongmin's greed and wrapped Lu Hongmin step by step towards the abyss of corruption.In addition, Lu Hongmin was also invited by his son, nephew and other relatives to ask for violations of regulations. From civil to criminal, from trials to execution, from the provincial high courts to grassroots courts.

With the continuous expansion of greed, Lu Hongmin's life gradually became misplaced.Judging from the scope of bribes, he strictly limited the insiders such as Zhang Sui and his wife Tianmou gradually expanded to people introduced by people inside the circle.According to reports, Lu Hongmin once wanted to escape the punishment of discipline and law by leaving his current position.He wrote in the confession: After entering the post of dean, my desire to money has become more intense, especially in the past few years in the Provincial High Court. As long as the parties to the case are lsquo;The person introduced, all the money sent me money, I couldn't collect my hands at all.

However, the fear of being investigated and punished tells me that only by leaving this position can I stop.Beginning in June 2019, Lu Hongmin has repeatedly made a request to resign to the Provincial High Court's Party Group. His office has been cleaned up, but he has not been approved by the organization.Because of the concern of the Dongfeng, Lu Hongmin had long endured the invasion and torture of fear.During that time, Lu Hongmin was stunned all day.Recalling that experience, Lu Hongmin said: There are two weeks in the second half of 2019. I have almost amnesia, I can't sleep well at night, dreaming is all chaotic information.This situation is automatically relieved after two weeks.

In the later period, Lu Hongmin even even thought about committing suicide with his wrist, and his mental pressure was evident.With extreme fear and escape, Lu Hongmin still did not choose to show his heart to the organization and surrender.After learning that his main bribery, Li was surveyed by the organization, he had repeatedly confessing, countering in his wife Tian Mou, and setting an offensive and defensive alliance to fight against organizational investigations. However, all this was just his own cleverness.

In April this year, Lu Hongmin was checked at the party group and deputy dean of the Higher People's Court of Jilin Province.

On November 11 this year, according to the Jilin Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection Commission: Recently, with the approval of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, the Jilin Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted a case for investigation on the issue of the former party group and deputy dean of the Jilin Provincial Senior People's Court and deputy dean.Essence

After investigation, Lu Hongmin violated political discipline and confrontable organizational review; violated the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee, accepted banquets and received gifts in violation of regulations; violated organizational discipline, concealed related matters without individuals.In terms of the selection and appointment of cadres, seek benefits and receive property for others; violate the discipline of integrity, engage in power transactions; violate work discipline, use power illegal intervention, intervene in litigation cases; violate life discipline.Utilizing the convenience of his position, he seek benefits and receive property for others.

According to the report, Lu Hongmin is a leading cadre of the judicial organs, and his ideals and beliefs are lost, the purpose is indifferent, driven by interests, deviates from the core values of justice, integrity, and the people.Rights and money transactions, benefits transportation, unjust judicialness, seriously damage the professional image of the judge, and do not know after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Crime, serious nature and bad impact, should be dealt with seriously.

Lu Hongmin resume

Lu Hongmin, male, Han nationality, born in June 1962, Jilin Town, joined the work in July 1986, joined the Communist Party of China in December 1989, a PhD in law.

In May 2000, the president of the trial supervision of the Jilin Intermediate People's Court;

In August 2001, he served as Deputy Dean of Jilin Intermediate People's Court;

In April 2005, he served as the vice president of the Jilin Intermediate People's Court (at the same level);

In December 2007, the Dean of Ren Songyuan Intermediate People's Court;

In September 2012, he served as a member (deputy director level) of the FAW Trial Committee of the Higher People's Court of Jilin Province;

In March 2015, he served as a member and vice president of the Party Group of the Higher People's Court of Jilin Province, and a member of the Provincial Senior People's Court of the Provincial Senior People's Court;

It was checked in April 2020.

Graphic Source: Central Commission for Discipline InspectionOfficial Website of the Supervision Commission