The general manager of the state -owned enterprise opened the jade shop, and the 5,000 emerald sold 420,000 days hellip; the Central Discipline Inspection Commission analyzed the Ningxia Guarantee Group Corporation's Corruption Case

Tu Guojun, from 1998 to December 2007, served as the director of the business department of Yinchuan Commercial Bank, deputy president and party committee member; from December 2007 to November 2008, he was the Deputy Governor and Member of the Party Committee of the Bank of Ningxia; 2008From November to October 2016, Ren Ningxia Guarantee Group Co., Ltd. Chairman and Party Secretary of the Party Committee; from November 2016 to September 2018, Ren Ningxia State -owned Asset Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee.

In April 2018, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region was investigated and investigated on the suspected serious violations of discipline and violations of the Tu Guojun, and took reserve measures for it in accordance with the procedures.

In the following two years, the cadres and employees of the Ningxia Guarantee Group were given 7 people who were punished by the party disciplinary, 2 were transferred to the judicial organs, 51 were organized by the organization, 6 were lifted by labor contracts, and nearly 80 % of the company's cadres and employees were punished or handled.

On May 29, 2018, Zhu Mou, the former deputy general manager of Ningxia Guarantee Group, was expelled from the party and relieved the labor relationship.Feng Guoqing was sentenced to 6 years in prison for committing bribery and fined 400,000 yuan. On March 23, 2020, the Tu Guo army was sentenced to 12 years and 6 months in prison for committing corruption, bribery, and negligence.Essence

Ningxia Guarantee Group Co., Ltd. was established in 2008 to alleviate expensive financing and loan difficulties in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.Due to the inadequate performance of the group's leadership team and the lack of supervision, the personnel at all levels of the group did not perform their duties or did not perform their duties correctly, the collective decision -making role of the board of directors was insufficient, and there were major mistakes in approval and control.It has been depleted, with a large area of guarantee projects, with a total of 1.396 billion yuan in compensation balance, and the arrears of commissioned loans of 4.2174 million yuan. The guarantee function is basically lost, bringing huge risks and losses to the state -owned assets of the autonomous region.

I think my career has been exhausted

The chairman is negatively idle, seeking private interest

In 2008, the 48 -year -old Tu Guojun was organized as the party secretary and chairman of the Ningxia Gundling Group for long -term work performance and experience in the financial field.

Become a leader in a wholly state -owned enterprise in the district. Facing the heavy responsibility delivered by the organization, the Tu Guojun's heart did not care.He was originally in the golden age of the officer, but he chose a leisurely mentality.

The salary income has dropped, but the responsibility is greater.As soon as he arrived in the guarantee group, Tu Guojun repeatedly described in front of others that his inner loss.But the person who knows the truth knows that this is just an excuse. The reason why he really makes him negative is that he thinks that his career has reached the end, even if he work hard.From then on, the work has no enthusiasm, the sense of responsibility has also weakened, and I do n’t want to care about anything. I just want to leisure.Tu Guojun reflected in confession.

Mental determination.Tu Guojun shirk his work responsibility to his subordinates, and he can worry less, but treat private affairs.When dealing with business affairs, in the words of the Tu Guo army, as long as he completes the work, he can afford his salary. In addition, he often uses trust in his subordinates as a term.In 2013, in order to meet the demand for the growth of the guarantee business volume, the Tu Guojun changed the business transfer authorization of the business in the name of the company's board of directors, and transferred the upper limit of the authorization of the chief of the judging committee from 10 million yuan to 20 million yuan.In this way, the approval business that needs to be signed is naturally much less.

Anyway, the hope of promoting is not much, why isn't it good to use the right to guarantee the right to approve lsquo; how about fish?Contrary to dealing with business affairs, when someone asks someone to ask for private affairs that can make selfish interests, Tu Guojun has changed his leisurely, instantly recovered his power, and changed his boldly.

At the end of 2014, Guo, a shareholder of Ningxia's material company, sent a cash to Tu Guojun 100,000 yuan for help.Subsequently, under the interest of the Tu Guojun, under the drive, it violated the regulations and signed the voting by himself. He replaced the board of directors by passing the spread, which caused other directors to sign it.Like this kind of no meeting records and minutes, only the board of directors who resolved the voting order of the board of directors decided that it was no wonder in the group.

The central government banned leading cadres from playing golf illegally.As a leader of a state -owned enterprise, Tu Guojun knew the offender.From 2013 to 2014, Hai Moumou, the general manager of Ningxia Industrial Company, applied for a loan in Ningxia Gunding Group, and invited Tu Guojun to the Golf Stadium in Yinchuan to play golf.Golf's wanton rolling, recorded his interest exchange with Hai Moumou.In the meantime, I relaxed the conditions for the 30 million yuan loan guarantee he applied for, and greeted the company's related business managers to find a way to support the enterprise.Tu Guojun said.

The upper beam is not right, the lower beam is crooked

The general manager opened the couple's shop to sing the two, the office director's refrigerator was stuffed with cigarettes

On behalf of Pang, an engineering machinery company in Chengdu, Pang will treat the Tu Guojun as the parents of food and clothing. He usually pays great attention to the family life and hobbies of Tu Guojun.

My son went to Chengdu to develop after graduating from college. It was inconvenient to rent a house for almost a year.In 2007, Tu Guojun, then the vice president of the Commercial Bank of Yinchuan City, and Pang Mou frequently complained when they chatted, and Pang immediately realized the taste of the Tu Guojun's words.

Soon, Pang took out 150,000 yuan as the down payment of a house and bought a house for the son of the Tu Guo army in Chengdu.In 2016, Pang learned that the Tu Guo army had the idea of changing a car and took the initiative to sell a newly bought off -road vehicle worth 167,000 yuan at a price of 100,000 yuan.Tu Guojun helped many times in Pang's guarantee business.

Seeing that the group's leader used the guarantee approval to seek personal gain, Feng Guoqing, deputy secretary and general manager of the group's former party committee, was not willing to show weakness. In order to bite a few mouthfuls of Tang Seng meat, he sang a double spring drama and played the two.

When it comes to Cui Ruyi, the owner of the small and micro enterprises in Yinchuan City can be described as no one knows.This jade shop is very strange: the door is locked on weekdays, but as soon as the door of the store opens, customers will be patronized soon.What's even more strange is that every time the door opened, the female shopkeeper hurried away.

The female shopkeeper is Feng Guoqing's wife Cao.In 2013, after Feng Guoqing served as the deputy secretary and general manager of the group party committee, his wife Cao used the advance retirement procedures and laid -off employee cards to cover the illegal handling, and operated the jade shop to operate.

In 2014, Wu Moumou, an enterprise owner of Yinchuan, applied for a loan guarantee of 40 million yuan to the guarantee group, but only 20 million was approved in the end.After being instructed by people, Wu Moumou went to Feng Guoqing's wife's jade shop at a high price of 465,000 yuan, and bought a pendant and a gold -mosa jade pendant.Soon after Feng Guoqing knew that Wu Moumou patronized his wife's jade shop, he approved the remaining 20 million yuan loan quota.After the incident, the two emerald jewelry purchased by Wu Moumou was worth RMB 15,000.

In this way, weird things are frequent.The jade pendant worth 5,000 yuan is sold to the owner of a trading company at a price of 420,000 yuan; the jade bracelet worth 30,000 yuan, with a price of 900,000 yuan, let the chairman of a small loan company buy hellip; hellip;

Through low -priced and selling huge profits transactions at high prices, from 2009 to 2014, Feng Guoqing conspired with his wife, covering it with a jade shop, and sold the emerald head of the person in charge of multiple enterprises., Pendant, etc., a total of more than 1.84 million yuan.The two of the husband and wife shop were vividly interpreted by Feng Guoqing.

As the most trusted person of Tu Guojun, Zhu was the director of the group's office (later deputy general manager of the group). Zhu was nicknamed the research director by the company's employees.In your guarantee application, we have to study.This is a sentence that Zhu often said to the owners of the small and micro enterprises.Behind the research director is actually a unique smoke and alcohol plot hidden by Zhu. In his life, he takes high -end smoke and high -end wine as a symbol of identity.During the two years when Zhu was the director of the office, from 2013 to 2014, he used the guarantee approval of the initial verification rights in his hand to receive 30 boxes of red wine, 10 boxes of Moutai, and 20 cigarettes from Nanjing.The wine cabinets at home can't be installed, and cigarettes are stuffed in the refrigerator.Looking at the piles of tobacco and alcohol at home, Zhu's vanity and sense of accomplishment were unprecedentedly satisfied.

Baisha is in Nirvana, and it is all black.After the incident, Shi Moumou, who had been treated as the organization, introduced it to the group to work in 2012.It didn't take long for Shi Moumou to find out the cornering in the company and openly eat cards in business processing.Once, I accepted a banquet of the owner of an enterprise in private. The picture of drinking was premeditated by them. Later, I used to apply for a loan.From joining to fired, Shi Moumou has worked in the company for less than 6 years.

Similar system

Approval depends on relationships, recruiting skirt belts

The fundamental cause of the guarantee group is that institutional blur, weakening, and inadequate implementation and supervision.Lsquo; Niu Bo Guan Cat rsquo; system design made a few speculators quickly find lsquo; hidden door rsquo;.The Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Ningxia State -owned Asset Investment Holding Co., Ltd. pointed out the flaws in the group management.

A construction enterprise in Ningxia and a logistics enterprise, both sides have the characteristics of high debt and unstable industry operation. In order to obtain loans, these two companies have applied for a loan of 50 million yuan.After the risk broke out, a compensation balance of more than 7,600 million yuan was formed.In addition, the problem of mutual protection for companies that have upstream and downstream customer relations are also an important factor that leads to project compensation. The chain reaction of the industry chain has brought a lot of difficulty to postpone debt recovery.

Where is the role of the project review committee?Where is the function of ensuring anti -guarantee measures?The case handler couldn't help wondering.

As the leader of the company, the Tu Guojun should have been the executor and demonstrator who respected the system and abide by the system, but for the selfishness, it became the first window breaking person.Your own approval principle.

A company in Ningxia greeted by the leaders of the above, and won the special care of the Tu Guo army.Unfortunately, less than two years after the company obtained the loan, the market environment has changed. The development of new products cannot reach market expectations. The company's losses have been suspended from production, the capital chain breaks, and the debt entangled, which directly leads to tens of millions of loans that cannot be repaid.

In the team building, Tu Guojun is also the system of the system.In 2012, after the gift from the leader of the Wuzhong City Public Security Bureau, the Tu Guojun directly arranged his son to work in the guarantee group.Seeing that the leader took the lead in illegal indulgence, other leaders of the company also followed suit. The sons of the seven aunts and the daughter of the eight aunts were constantly arranged to the company.

Knowing that the procedure is illegal and the operation is irregular, but the interests of their respective interests are driven by everyone.The company has been established for more than 8 years, and has only conducted two public recruitment for the society only, and as many as 62 employees who have been hired to the group by greeting the resettlement of the resettlement relationship.The company's entry threshold has been artificially reduced, resulting in the lack of quality and work requirements for employees, which objectively brings risks to the group's guarantee business.

Opening the company's institutional assembly, all kinds of systems are all available, and all kinds of integrity and self -discipline can be found.However, the system does not strictly implement it, and the principle is lost in the face of interests and human feelings.Tu Guojun sighed in the interview and was busy for more than ten years, but he was busy with himself.

Analysis of Discipline

After review and investigation, the Tu Guojun had the following issues that violated discipline and laws and suspected crimes.

In terms of violation of the party's discipline: the Tu Guo army violated political discipline and confrontable organizational review; violated the spirit of the eight central regulations, accepted the owner of private business owners to play golf; violating organizational discipline, not as explaining the problem when the organization letter was questioned;Receive gifts.The aforementioned behavior of Tu Guojun also constitutes a duty illegal.

In terms of suspected crimes: Tu Guojun used his position to facilitate illegal possession of public property and suspected corruption crimes; he used his job convenience to seek benefits for others, accepted the property of others, and was suspected of accepting bribery.Carefully performing their duties, causing major losses of public property, state and people's interests, and suspected of neglecting their duties.

As a leading cadre of party members, Tu Guojun seriously violates the party's discipline, constitutes a duty violation of law and is suspected of crime. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he still does not converge and does not stop. The circumstances are serious and the nature is bad.In September 2018, after research by the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Autonomous Region and reported to the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region for approval, it was decided to give the Tu -Guo Army to expel party membership and dismiss public office; collect their disciplinary income; transfer their suspected criminal issues and the property involved to the judicial organs to handle according to law.

On March 23, 2020, the Tu Guo army was sentenced to 12 years and 6 months in prison for committing corruption, bribery, and negligence.