Chinese scholar Li Yi laughed in a forum last month that the Chinese crown was died of 4,000 people, but compared with 220,000 people in the United States, they were not dead.After the circulation of related films on the Chinese network, it caused public opinion to be siege, and criticized Li Yi cold blood, no humanity, and Verser.

Netease News Yisi Video on Monday (23rd) disclosed a film lectured in the Shenzhen Bay Forum on October 16.

Li Yi smiled and said in his speech: I just returned from the United States last month, and I really came back. I was covered. Why are so many people still wearing a mask ... So we still died 4,000,right?But compared with 220,000 people who died in the United States, if you die, it means that one person has not died, right?

Li Yi also said that the global economy is now unique in China. China has surpassed the United States in advance. In 2027, there is no problem. The United States cannot live. The 1.4 billion Chinese people can hardly know this. It is not that the United States is in China.The United States can't survive.

After the above film was circulating on the Internet, Li Yi was surrounded by a large number of netizens, criticizing him cold -blooded and unmanned: Although he wanted to satire in the United States, each number was a god of life and speaking.The people of the art can also exaggerate. In the eyes of Sven, in the eyes of unscrupulous so -called experts, life is just a bunch of cold numbers.

According to Li Yi's personal Weibo information, he claims to be a sociologist in the United States.Overseas media reported that Li Yi also worked at the Chongyang Financial Research Institute of Renmin University of China.

On the 23rd, the Beijing News also commented on the film, and asked Li Yi: Four thousand people are equal to a dead, how can the life of the deceased be returned to zero?

This article was written by the author Xiong Zhi. The risk of the epidemic has not yet been lifted, but it has such an amazing argument, which makes people confused.What is even more confusing is that this scholar is a little bit of hippie smiling face to talk about this thunder quotation.In the film, under the background of Li Yi's self -righteous humor and confidence, no respect for life can not be seen at all.

Comments and criticized that under the big data logic of Li Yi's cold blood, life seems to be just the statistics of cold ice, and it can even be turned into zero by the four houses and five.There is no doubt that this is completely ignored by countless families in the epidemic.

In this regard, Li Yi posted a post on Weibo the next day (24th) to return to Xiong Zhi and threatened to sue.

Li Yi first said that Xiong Zhi's article was completely false, and emphasized that his speech video was widely circulated on the mainland and overseas, and received a huge number of clicks and extensive praise.

He also mentioned that in the speech video, he compared the results of the resistance and struggle between China and the United States. From the context, it was very clear that it was a great mistake in praising China's resistance to the struggle for resistance in China and criticizing the resistance of the United States.

Li Yi also said that the hostile forces at home and abroad, starting from the evil purpose of cracking down on well -known patriots, deliberately disconnected the righteousness, deleted the premise of the four words compared with the United States, there was nothing, rumors, vicious attacks, and malicious slanders.These bad guys are criminals of slander, criminals, and should have been rope.

He finally warned Xiong Zhi to be cautious and criticized Xiong Zhi as a media person. He lacked basic work skills. The full text of the removal of many platforms, not to read it at all, and wrote this pair based on the videos forged by the criminals.My reputation has great damage articles.

What should you do to correct your mistake?Should I go to the court to sue you for a slander?

According to the latest notification of the National Health and Health Committee of China, as of yesterday, 4,634 people in mainland China died of crown disease; according to statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 7:30 in the morning, there were 250,000 infected death in the United States.9477 people.