Ding Yun, the president of Huawei and operator of Chinese technology giant Huawei and operator, believes that China has built a 5G network in the world, but there is still a gap between the user experience, coverage, and commercial closed loop., Dumb, poor problems.

According to China 21 Financial Network, Ding Yun yesterday (14th) said at a event that in many cases, there are 5G logo on Chinese users' mobile phones, but there is actually no 5G (fifth -generation mobile communication technology).Covering, experience is still 4G, but it shows 5G.

Ding Yun also pointed out that there are 5G signal coverage in some places, but there is no 4G anchor station station, and the phone cannot be made.In addition, there are 5G coverage in some places, but the 4G anchor point is just on the edge of multiple communities. Frequent switching of 4G and 5G brings a poor user experience.

Ding Yun also compared China's 5G with South Korea, pointing out that the average 5G downward rate in China was less than half of South Korea.In addition, 5G users' penetration of 5G users at the end of September has reached 25%, while China today is about 8%.