01 Viewpoint

Barin announced the normalization of relations with Israel last Friday (11th), and established diplomatic relations with the second Persian Gulf country and Israel within one month after the UAE.US President Trump took the lead in inviting merits, saying that this was a historic breakthrough in peaceful progress in the Middle East.At this time, Trump continued to two cities, one after another, to add the UAE and the new diplomatic relations between Israel and Balin, naturally, it was naturally added to the schedule of its decent diplomatic performance.However, instead of Trump ’s son -in -law Kushner, the son -in -law of the Middle East policy, in recent years, this diplomatic breakthrough reflects more in the three major sectors of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Iran in the three major sectors in the Middle East in recent years.

The island nation Balin, located on the west coast of Persia, is located between the two major power of Saudi Arabia and Iran in the Middle East. Its population distribution also reflects the tap of the two major sects of Sunny and Shiites.Although it is a country with a large number of Shiites in the Islamic world, its ruling class is a clear Sunni elite and forms a domestic instability.In 2011, the Spring of Arabia was swept through the entire Middle East by Tunisia, and Barin could not be spared. It was demanded by the masses' demonstration democratic reforms and Shiita factional rights.The fearful King of Barin, who was deeply scared, used the neighboring Saudi Arabia and the UAE military police to suppress demonstration. Since then, Barin has actually become a vassal country.

Saudi Arabia's Arabia

Saudi Arabia's alliance with the United States can be traced back to World War II.After the Iranian revolution in 1979, the United States and Saudi Arabia cooperated to fight against the Middle East expansion.Whether it was the Iraqi War in the 1980s, and in recent years, the Lebanon Organization, the Syrian Bashar regime, and the Yemenhase Army.Another power of Israel is getting closer and closer. The second largest leader of the Sunni school has established diplomatic relations with the UAE and Barin, and has long been found.

Israel has established the country in 1948 under the siege of the Five Arab countries. For decades, it has repeatedly repelled the criminals of neighboring countries. It has established its power as the Middle East.Although the Arab brothers Palestinian's home has long been occupied for a long time, and the number of people has been separated from all over the place, the Arab countries are incompetent in the face of Israel, which has a good weapon and the army, and Washington supported by Washington.After the death of Nastel, Egypt abandoned the United States and signed the David Camp Agreement in 1978 to become the first country to establish diplomatic relations with Israel.Since then, the relationship between Israel and Arabia has gradually thawed, and in 1994, it was built with Jordan under the needle of Klinton.

Although Egypt and Jordan have long been normalized with Israel, Saudi Arabia is also informing Iran's informal cooperation with Israel and diplomacy.The guardians of the two holy cities, Liad's rushing and Israel's establishment of diplomatic relations will inevitably cause Muslims worldwide to abandon the Palestinians' infamous infamous.Therefore, although the UAE and Barin have been voted for Israel, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel is normalized, and there seems to be a large number of ways to go.The two Persian Gulf countries have established diplomatic relations with Israel, and they also make a goodwill from Trump to add points to their diplomatic scores.

Saudi reporter Kashuji was killed at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul in 2018, causing a big wave of international waves, and it was even more dissatisfied with American politics.At that time, there were comments that bold imaginations were that the United States had no need to die for Saudi Arabia. The muddy water of the two major power hegemony in Shay could even seek reconciliation with Tehran.However, as Iran's sanctions in the United States, it has fell to China and Russia, and the haze of the New Cold War between China and the United States has emerged, and the difficulty of thawing the United States and Iraq is getting higher and higher.The triangular relationship is becoming more stable, and it seems that the structure of Shatai's opposition seems to have gradually buckled the background of the Sino -US hegemony.

Regardless of whether it was wins or re -election on November 3, Sands became closer and closer with the two major powers, and it was difficult to reverse the tone of Iran.In this situation, it is impossible for Washington's strategy to change with Iranian in Iran. When Tehran is forced to rely more on China and Russia, whether the Middle East will play another new Chinese and Russian ideas on the Saudi and Iraqi countries.It is not known.However, under the jungle rules of this great country, Saudi Arabia further fell to Israel, but sacrificed facing the Palestinian of the West Bank of the West Coast.The so -called Muslim brothers' friendship and the same branches of the Arab League are just a joke under realistic interests.