After two double aircraft carrier exercises held in the South China Sea in July, the US Navy Liden aircraft carrier entered the South China Sea again to hold exercises.

News Network of the United States Navy Association on August 17 news shows that the Reagan carrier who entered the South China Sea exercises is currently in the bus Strait.

China ’s exercises like the U.S. military and the frequent activities of U.S. warships have always held opposition in the South China Sea. They believe that this has exacerbated the tension and is not conducive to regional stability.

Reagan aircraft carrier is very active in West Tai

According to Reuters on August 15, the U.S. Navy pointed out in a statement that the Reagan carrier conducted a exercise in the South China Sea on the 14th.There was also one cruiser and two destroyers who went to the South China Sea together with the aircraft carrier. The US military's reconnaissance aircraft in Japan also crossed the Basilica Strait to enter the South China Sea.

Reagan aircraft carrier and escort ship entered the South China Sea from the Bus Strait, and stayed in the waters near the Dongsha Islands during the period.Reuters said that a strike group headed by Aircraft carrier conducted flight and maritime drills.

For this exercise, U.S. commander Qiao Shuya Middot; Feigen commented: integrated with our partners, to ensure the rapid and lethality of the co-troops, and the Indian Ocean that maintains free and open-Pacific-Pacific-Pacific region.important.

Reagan aircraft carrier

Reagan aircraft carrier is deployed in Japan and started the spring cruise task on June 8. On the same day, the Nimitz carrier also started the Asia -Pacific cruise.10,000 tons, up to more than 80 carrier -based aircraft, including fighters, electronic warfare aircraft, early warning aircraft and anti -submarine helicopters, have strong offensive and defensive capabilities.

The Reagan carrier who performed the Xitai cruise mission is very active. It not only held multiple exercises in the South China Sea, but also held joint exercises with Australia, Japan and other countries in the Western Pacific.The U.S. Navy previously released news. On July 17, the US Navy's Nimitz and the Ridan two aircraft carrier battle group conducted high -end dual aircraft carrier exercises on the South China Sea on the same day.This is the second time the U.S. military held a double aircraft carrier exercise in the South China Sea in July.On July 6th, the Liman and the Nimitz carrier formed a formation of double aircraft carrier operations in the South China Sea.

On July 19, the Japanese Maritime Self -Defense Force, Australian Defense Forces and the US Navy's Ridan Aircraft Carrier strike group began to conduct three sides in the Philippine waters.Another aircraft carrier Nimitz conducted joint exercises in the waters near the Andanman and Nicoba Islands on July 20.

U.S. nuclear -powered aircraft carriers have recently held exercises at a high frequency in the Western Pacific region that has aroused great attention from the outside world.

The U.S. military suddenly shows that on the one hand, although the epidemic has an impact on the U.S. military, the U.S. military still has strong combat capabilities.Hu Yishan, a senior researcher at the Institute of Affairs, told Surging News ( that considering the change of elections and strategic focus, the US military's actions in the South China Sea will maintain a high level of state.

For the United States for dual -aircraft carrier exercises in the South China Sea, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian responded that with the joint efforts of China and ASEAN countries, the situation in the South China Sea has maintained its overall stability and development.In this situation, the United States deliberately sent heavy troops to conduct large -scale military exercises in the relevant waters of the South China Sea, showing off their force, and it was completely attentive.The United States has repeatedly provoked the relationship between the state of the separated areas, promotes the militaryization of the South China Sea, and destroys peace and stability in the South China Sea.The international community, especially the country, can be clearly seen.

RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft, looks like a passenger aircraft

US military action intensity increases, risk increases

In addition to maritime actions, the US military air action has also been more frequent in the near future, and the intensity and targetedness have been greatly enhanced. According to media reports, the US reconnaissance aircraft also used civil aviation passenger aircraft to cover the implementation tasks, increasing the risk of civil aircraft.Two days after the announcement of the Riden No. two days later, on August 16th, a B-1B strategic bomber took off from the Guam Anderson Air Force Base. After an air refueling in the air-fired air-tilted machine in the KC-135 air, the B-1B strategic bomber approached the approachingEast China Sea Air Defense Recognition Zone.

B-1B is a supersonic bomber equipped by the US Air Force. It has increased significantly in the Western Pacific region since the epidemic.In May this year, the B-1B bomber went to the Western Pacific to perform the task nearly 10 times, which is the month with the most frequently in recent years.

Compared with the bomber, reconnaissance machine activities are more frequent.According to the South China Sea Strategic Situment Performance Platform on August 15th, on August 15, an EP-3E electronic reconnaissance machine affiliated to the US Navy appeared in the South China Sea and launched reconnaissance flight activities in the southern Taiwan Strait.The baseline is 51.19 nautical miles (about 92.95 kilometers).In the past three days, the U.S. military has sent a total of at least 7 sub-type reconnaissance aircraft including P-8A anti-submarine patrollers, P-3C patrollers, RC-135 strategic reconnaissance aircraft and EP-3E electronic reconnaissance aircraft.

In July, the U.S. military dispatched nearly 70 sub-reconnaissance aircraft to the South China Sea for reconnaissance operations.Scouting machine, etc.The South China Sea's strategic situation point out that the U.S. military's disposal of reconnaissance aircraft in July increased significantly compared with June and May. The dispatch in May was 35 times, and the secondary frames were dispatched in June. The types and scope of activities were very wide.

The increase in military actions in the United States, so that the frequency of military forces and games of the two countries will increase, and the probability of outbreaks of emergencies increases, such as crash and boat crash.The two sides should pay attention to these emergencies.Hu Yishan said.

South China Sea's strategic situation perception platform analysis pointed out that in July, the US military's reconnaissance aircraft activities also reflected more obvious practical colors.During the South China Sea and the surrounding surroundings, such as the PLA's Xisha military exercise in July, the Hanguang Military exercise in Taiwan, and the US Navy's two double aircraft carrier exercises, the strength of the US military reconnaissance aircraft has risen accordingly.Taking the PLA's Xisha exercise period from July 1st as an example, the U.S. forces dispatched a total of 15 secondary reconnaissance aircraft in 5 days, covering P-8A, EP-3E, and RC-135U.

from August 13th to 16th, the U.S. military sent at least seven secondary reconnaissance aircraft to the surrounding airspace around Taiwan also reflected a relatively obvious combat color.

On August 13, a spokesman for the Eastern Theater, Zhang Chunhui, said that recently, the Chinese People's Liberation Army's Eastern theater's multi -military multi -direction system dispatched troops to continuously organize actual combat drills in the Taiwan Strait and the north and south ends to further test further inspectionImprove multi -military joint combat capabilities.

Singapore joint early newspapers pointed out that scholars believe that the exercise of the Eastern theater is to make a deterrent and let the opponent know that it is difficult. The purpose is to prevent war and cool down the tension.To prevent it from the name of the exercise, quickly transform the exercise into offensive capabilities, and launch a military blow to Taiwan.

Recently, the United States played lsquo; Taiwan brand RSQUO; increase is the main reason for the complex situation. Military expert Han Dong believes that the US Minister of Health's visit to Taiwan, US military aircraft entering Taiwan airspace and a number of military sales.The PLA's exercise is a need for the current security situation of the Taiwan Strait and the need to maintain the needs of national sovereignty.

Borrowing aircraft cover reconnaissance to increase the risk of civil aviation flight

Global Network on the 12th quoted the Hong Kong media South China Morning Post reported that U.S. reconnaissance planes used civil aviation passenger aircraft as a covering China on the South China Sea, which increased the risk of civil aviation flight.

Experts believe that there is no need to use civil aircraft to cover the peacetime reconnaissance aircraft during the peace period.But there is a possibility to test the response ability of the opponent's air defense system with a passenger aircraft cover.

According to the South China Morning Post, a source and multiple observers warned that the US Air Force's approaching reconnaissance operations carried out near the Chinese coast brought risks to passenger planes flying over the South China Sea.It is reported that a source who is closely related to the Chinese military told the South China Morning Post that the U.S. military has a variety of reconnaissance aircraft developed based on commercial aircraft. When they are close to the Chinese airspace, they usually follow the civil aviation aircraft as a cover.

The US Air Force RC-135 series reconnaissance aircraft is an electronic strategic reconnaissance aircraft developed on the basis of Boeing-707 passenger aircraft. The radar signal characteristics are indeed the same as the passenger aircraft.The effect, but the radar response signal of the aircraft is not right, so the military aircraft will soon be recognized.Aviation expert Wang Yannan told Peng Mei News.

Earlier, Israel and the US Air Force had a case of military aircraft disguised as passenger aircraft to start military operations.However, the reconnaissance operation in peacetime was not necessary to disguise it as a passenger aircraft, because the electronic reconnaissance aircraft similar to the RC-135 can complete the task outside the opponent's aim.Opponer's air defense system.

If the U.S. military really borrows a passenger aircraft to cover the reconnaissance operation, this is very dangerous, because it is easy to cause military misjudgment and affect the safety of civil aviation aircraft.In 1983, flight No. 007 was shot down by the Soviet army. In 1988, a civil airliner was shot down by the US military aircraft. Both incidents caused serious casualties, because the passenger plane was misjudged as a military aircraft.