On August 12, China Discipline Inspection, Supervision, and Press, analyzed the former party committee member and inspector of the Department of Transportation of the Tibet Autonomous Region, Somon Pei (the main hall level) serious violation of discipline and violations.

According to the article, at the beginning of 2016, the extortion gang headed by the criminals Ni Moumou was a threat to master the photos, videos, and part of the disciplinary facts of the Soran group to enter and exit entertainment venues.

From September 2016 to 2019, in order to satisfy the appetite of Niger's gang, Soran Puppet arranged for the businessman Tang Moumou 27 times to pay Niger more than RMB 4 million.

Soran group was born in October 1958. In the Tibetan Cardman, the article introduced that Soran Pei was born in a poor farmer's family.

The Soran group worked in the Shannan region for a long time. He served as deputy director of the Shannan Regional Planning Commission and the director of the Grain Reserve Bureau of Shannan.

In 2007, Soran Group was transferred to the party committee and deputy director of the Communications Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region.According to reports, the first Slang group in the new position is full of passion and energy.

However, shortly after, his thoughts slowly changed: thinking that he had worked for nearly 40 years, his work qualifications were not light, there was no effort without credit, and now he retired, and it is too late to enjoy it.This gives some people with ulterior motives, they want to try to meet him, compliment him, and attach him.

In 2013, the engineering contractor Tang Moumou introduced the Soran group.At first, Tang Moumou gave him smoke, wine, and soil specialties in the name of the New Year and holidays.The Soran group declined at the beginning, but couldn't stand Tang Moumou's soft and hard bubbles, and eventually she was glad to accept it. This made Tang Moumou feel that Soran group was not a hard bone.

In order to further have a good relationship with Soran, in order to be specially taken care of in the project, Tang Moumou voted for him and often invited him to eat, drink, and sing in a high -end restaurant place and luxury entertainment venue.At least fifty or sixty times a year, most of which are required by Somo group, and each time spent 10,000 or 20,000 yuan.The investigator introduced that sometimes Tang Moumou was not present, and Soran Pei even asked him to transfer the bill.

In addition, Soran Group also asked Tang Moumou for 7 mobile phones for a break from mobile phones and breaking, with a total value of more than 80,000 yuan.For a long time, I went to a high -end restaurant with Tang Moumou to drink and sing at high -end entertainment venues, so that I forgot my vows when joining the party, and lost the basic quality that a leading cadre should have.Unbearable initiation.Soran group said.

In April 2015, the Sauron group went to Chengdu on a business trip and saw a house of about 80 square meters, and immediately ordered.

Soon after, the developer urged him to pay more than 100 million yuan.Soran group thought of Tang Moumou again, and expressed his intention to borrow some money to pay the house.Tang Moumou, who was righteous, agreed again.I feel that this is a respect for myself and an recognition of my status. I mistakenly believe that power is a special resource, and the benefits generated are unavoidable.

Soran group said that his selfish thoughts were filled with his mind. He seemed to treat power as his wealth tool mdash; mdash; used the power to create the biggest opportunity for Tang Moumou to get the greatest opportunity to get the corresponding return from it.

After investigation, from 2014 to 2019, in order to obtain Tang Moumou's strong support for money for a long time, Soran Poyu uses his position convenience.In the following ways, by greeting from other units, it is helpful to ask the trusted person Tang Moumou to contradict related projects in Naqu, Shannan, Ali and other places, so as to obtain unfair interests.

Even when the village work team was sent to the village in the village, I still did not forget to bridge Tang Moumou. It can be described as lsquo;The investigator introduced that Sulang Qunpei spared no effort to help, in exchange for millions of yuan in income.

At the beginning of 2016, the extortion gang headed by the criminals Ni Moumou was a threat to master the photos, videos, and part of the disciplinary facts in the entertainment venue in the entertainment venues and extort them.

Slanders who are not hard in Slang are afraid of their discipline and illegal facts, and political life will be affected, so she tries to end the matter with the luck of holding money to eliminate money.He assumed Tang Moumou to meet the requirements of Nivo's gang through transfer or cash.

From September 2016 to 2019, in order to satisfy the appetite of Ni Moumou, Soran Pei arranged 27 times to arrange Tang Moumou to pay more than RMB 4 million.

In May 2019, Soran was investigated.After investigation, the Salang group has the following violations of discipline and laws and suspected crimes.

In terms of violation of the party's discipline: Soran groups violate political discipline and political rules, fight for organizational review; violate the spirit of the eight central regulations, accept banquets and high -end entertainment arrangements; violate clean discipline; violate work discipline, intervene in engineering projectsBidding.

The above -mentioned behavior of Soran also constitutes a duty illegal.

In terms of suspected crimes: Soran group uses the convenience of his position and the convenience conditions formed by his authority or status, and seek benefits for others in the aspects of contracting projects, illegally accept others' property, and suspected bribery crimes.

As a leading cadre of the party members, the Salang group is lost in ideals and beliefs, the discipline is weak, and the law of the party and the law of the party and the law of the party is seriously violated.Convergence and not getting started.

In accordance with the relevant regulations of the Communist Party of China Disciplinary Action Regulations, the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China is given to the Salarn group to expel party sanctions and cancel its retirement treatment.

The suspected crime was transferred to the procuratorate to review and prosecute in accordance with the law, and the property involved was transferred with the case.

Soran group resumes, Soray, male, Tibetan, born in October 1958. He was born in Langcazi County, Tibet. He studied in college. He joined the work in August 1972 and joined the Communist Party of China in September 1983.

From August 1972 to June 1975, the Workers wholesale Department of the Shannan District Trade Company of Tibet Autonomous Region; June 1975 to April 1983, worked in the Business Bureau of the Shannan Regional Commercial Bureau in the Shannan area of Tibet; From April 1983 to November 1985, he served as Deputy Manager of Foreign Trade Corporation of Shannan District, Tibet Autonomous Region; from November 1985 to July 1987, he served as Deputy Factory Director (Deputy Section) of the Food Processing Factory (Deputy Section); From November 2009 to January 2015, he served as a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Communications Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region; from January 2015 to December 2018, he served as a member of the Party Committee and Inspector of the Transportation Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region; in December 2018, in December 2018,retire.

It was investigated in May 2019.

Source: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision News