Modern society is lsquo in Heidegger's sentence; all practice tradition has disintegrated RSquo;The expectations of family and social traditions are losing their reference significance.But in the face of the seemingly endless future sky, I want to follow the life of the baron on the Karvino tree.The composition, together with Chen Jianxin, deputy chairman of the Zhejiang Writing Society, the leader of the college entrance examination of Zhejiang Province, and Chen Jianxin, the head of the college entrance examination of Zhejiang Province, and the associate professor of the School of Humanities of Zhejiang University, triggered great controversy.Regarding the news that Chen Jianxin was the team leader of the composition scroll, but at the same time, he edited the college entrance examination composition training books and went to the college entrance examination composition lectures in each middle school.

People in the Chinese education industry believe that this time Zhejiang's full score composition disclosed in the publication as soon as possible, which is illegal, and such obscure compositions are used as full score compositions and disclosed.Guidance.

Regarding the act of Chen Jianxin's status and lectures as the leader of the composition reading group, Wang Xuming, a former spokesman for the Ministry of Education and the former president of the Chinese Publishing House, believed that the relevant departments should check it.Wang Xuming emphasized that positions involving public interests should avoid potential commercialization and interests, and behaviors similar to books and lectures should be prohibited.

How is the full score of controversial composition?

On the public account of Zhejiang Teaching Monthly, about living on the tree, Chen Jianxin commented that the first scroll teacher gave only 39 points in this composition, but the latter two gave a high score of 55 points.

Li Nan is one of the teachers who participated in the reading of the college entrance examination composition of Zhejiang Province and one of the members of the Zhejiang Writing Society. In the past few years, she also participated in the college entrance examination composition.She told China News Weekly that as far as composition scrolls are concerned, there are 8 groups who directly participate in the papers this year, with more than 20 people in each group.The issue of too large differences in the review is composed of teachers of Zhejiang University.

Li Nan said that the scroll time of the Zhejiang College Entrance Examination this year is from July 13th to 21st. The teacher of the audit team will be in place a few days in advance, comment on a dozen samples, and pick a few scoring compositions.After the teachers of the middle schools in each group arrive, the teachers will discuss and benefit and summarize the opinions at the team leaders of each group.The team leader discussed the teacher in the audit team to determine the scoring rules, and then started trial evaluation and positive evaluation.

Zhang Hao is a teacher of the School of History of Zhejiang.He told China News Weekly that the details of the sample volume modification and scoring are that Chen Jianxin led everyone to discuss it.It was determined by Zhejiang University and the Examination Institute. There were six or seven teachers in the audit team this year.

Li Nan said that this full score composition was controversial in the group scoring. After the three evaluations, the review team was sent to, that is, when this composition was raised in the review team, there were already 39 points and two 55 points scores.EssenceWhen Li Nan was half half of the composition scroll, he saw the life living on the tree.At that time, Chen Jianxin's members of the audit team were discussing the score of this composition and tentatively set 55 points.The final score of 60 points is finally determined after all high score compositions are discussed after all the reviews are over.This final process was completed by the audit team, and the middle school teachers did not participate.According to a number of teachers who participated in the college entrance examination composition, the allusion and famous sayings of living and famous quotes in the essays of the tree were given before the full scores, and the scroll teachers were confirmed and confirmed.The Zhejiang Education Examination Institute also said on August 4th that there was no problem with the composition of the composition: there were no problems.

But even so, this full score is made, which has caused huge controversy.Well -known writer Ma Boyong commented that this article is not equipped.Lu Yang, a professor at the Department of History of Peking University, pointed out on Weibo that many articles and improper quotation were used.

Wang Xuming, a former spokesman for the Ministry of Education and former president of the Chinese Publishing House, stated on China News Weekly that the composition is mediocre, vocabulary stacking, and using words to teeth, which is the biggest problem.The article he published in his public account stated that this composition is too much to attract theory. In fact, the first teacher gave 39 points right. Unfortunately, this time the truth was indeed in the hands of a few people, but most people were by the majority of people.And power negative.

Originally, 10 high score compositions were released

In the article on August 2nd, Chen Jianxin wrote: In my decades of college entrance examination composition, this is a composition that is rarely encountered. The text is old and obscure.In terms of deep thinking and stability, it is appropriate to say that this article is full, which also shows the composition level of Zhejiang senior students.

After the article was released, it was deleted. A staff member of the Monthly Monthly Magazine responded to the media on August 4 that the aforementioned WeChat article was deleted because the recruitment of the college entrance examination in Zhejiang Province was still in progress, and it may not be suitable for release.

Li Nan said that the composition was published in the teaching monthly issue in advance, which was actually a cooperation between Zhejiang Writing Society and Teaching Monthly.The Zhejiang Writing Society is a provincial -level academic institution. It has been established for decades. In order to use the composition of the teaching monthly magazine of the teaching monthly magazine to carry out composition teaching and guidance.In the composition of the composition of the college entrance examination room in 2020, I found Teacher Chen and asked him to comment on the composition.

Today, a few explanations issued by the Zhejiang Writing Society about this college entrance examination composition full of storms, Li Nan confirmed the authenticity of the document to reporters.The explanation mentioned that the Zhejiang Writing Society and Teaching Monthly were agreed. After the teachers who participated in the scrolls of the Society, the teachers who participated in the scrolls provided 10 high -scoring composition to the teaching monthly magazine and attached comments.The editorial department of the monthly magazine agency intends to publish these compositions in the September issue. In order to warm up, one of the compositions and comments was published on the public account at the end of last month.After triggering a great network response, the monthly magazine withdrew the article and reviews, and the remaining articles and reviews were no longer published.

The description also said that the cooperation between the Provincial Writing Society and the Teaching Monthly was proposed by the members of the Society, agreed with the president, and then notified Chen Jianxin to join.Teacher Chen Jianxin is not dominated.In addition, the cooperation between the Provincial Writing Society and the magazine has no money involving money, and it is a pure professional perspective.But at present, the public account issued by this explanation has deleted the article. Li Nan said that because the public is too high.

At the end of the review of the articles on the tree, Chen Jianxin gave such a evaluation: The article expression was so academic, and it was not what ordinary high school students could do. Of course, the obscurity of them did not want students to imitate.

However, in Wang Xuming's view, the article is obscure, but it has made it full, and it is published publicly at the same time. Isn't this obviously let the public imitate?It is ridiculous to make such a full -scale composition open, and the bigger problem is that after the obscure composition is disclosed, it will make the public have a kind of composition to make the composition.The orientation of full score can be obviously concluded.

On the evening of August 5th, Wen Rimin, the editor -in -chief of the Ministry of Education hiring primary and secondary school Chinese language education script and director of the Institute of Chinese Education Institute of Language Education, also commented on his Weibo that the article was obscure and translated.Taking full score composition as a fan text.He also mentioned that the scores of the college entrance examination scores should be confidential, and all participants must disclose the scroll situation. This is discipline.This time Zhejiang Manchu composition disclosed in the publication as soon as possible, which was illegal.

Father of Zhejiang College Entrance Examination Composition:

Edited the book of the college entrance examination, the lectures in various places

According to the official website of Zhejiang University, Chen Jianxin is an associate professor at the School of Humanities of Zhejiang University. He was born in 1954. He is mainly engaged in the research and teaching of Chinese modern and contemporary literature and writing.Chang, executive director of the Lu Xun Research Association of Zhejiang Province, vice chairman of the Zhejiang Writing Society.

According to several teachers who have been serving as a college entrance examination for the college entrance examination of Zhejiang Province, Chen Jian has retired from Zhejiang University a few years ago, and he has been the leader of the composition of the college entrance examination of Zhejiang Province for 20 years.In view of this background, some media named Chen Jianxin as the father of Zhejiang college entrance examination composition.

According to the official website of Zhejiang University, Chen Jianxin's research and thesis publishing basically stopped around 2006. At this time, Chen Jianxin was over 50 years old.Zhang Hao, a teacher of the School of Humanities of Zhejiang University, said that in 2018, Chen Jianxin also published an academic work with the main consciousness of the writer and the mirror of cultural reconstruction.

China News Weekly searched Wanfang Database and learned that in 2010, Chen Jianxin completed the doctoral dissertation of the same question.Zhang Hao said that he should be able to judge that in the past ten years, Chen Jianxin's main energy should be placed on the writing of the college entrance examination.

Taking Chen Jianxin as one of the editor-in-chief, the college entrance examination composition of the middle school Chinese high-level, and special teachers, the college entrance examination composition was included in the 2016-2019 college entrance examination full score and high score composition, and the review expert review was attached.This college entrance examination is 59 yuan for literary education, and its marketing point is led by the scroll expert.Li Nan said that in 2016, in order to cope with the emergence of the college entrance examination in the new curriculum standard, Chen Jianxin also organized a number of teachers who participated in the college entrance examination Chinese scrolls to write a detailed evaluation of the discussion articles.

In addition, Chen Jianxin also conducted a guiding lecture on the writing of college entrance examination compositions in middle schools.According to the incomplete inquiries of China News Weekly, Chen Jianxin went to Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School in April 2017, May 2018, October 2018, and March 2019, respectively.Deqing No. 1 Middle School gave students a special lecture on college entrance examination composition.Chen Jianxin also served as the judges of the 6th National Elementary and Middle School Essay Contest and New Concept Composition Contest, which was initiated and hosted by the Qianjiang Evening News.

In many lectures, Chen Jianxin mentioned that he should avoid talking composition, and once called Qu Yuan, Tao Yuanming, and Su Shi as the three giants in the composition.According to media reports, six or seven years ago, after the person in charge of the Reading Team of the College Entrance Examination Composition Reading Team in Zhejiang Province made such opinions, the opinions were transmitted to schools in the province.Contemporary, shifting from domestic to foreign countries, shifting from well -known people to unknown people.

In the lecture, Chen Jianxin also opposed the style of writing, advocating accurate, simple, smooth, and clear language.Many people are caught in a misunderstanding, thinking that in a beautiful language and unusual words, it is a good article. Writing is not simply stacking materials.Chen Jianxin also set up an online course of the composition of the college entrance examination scorers to the candidates for the college entrance examination. Paying on the major platforms can be listened to, the cost ranges from 159 yuan to 199 yuan.

In Wang Xuming's opinion, whether it is a book or a lecture, Chen Jianxin's participation as the leader of the college entrance examination composition reading team is not appropriate.

Wang Xuming said that there are relevant regulations in the country, and those with the topics of college entrance examinations are strictly prohibited from issuing books and opening a lecture within a certain period of time. For the scrollers, they should also follow such regulations. If there is no such regulations, it should be supplemented.

Because the scrollers are in positions related to public interests, they should pay more attention to the hiding of their own roles when they are engaged in these tasks, rather than using this as a signboard and shake around.As the leader of the scroll team, but also guiding the college entrance examination composition on weekdays, it is easy to cause orientation from the beginning to the end to the students' daily writing, training to the exam, and even the possibility of affecting the fairness of the college entrance examination.In most cases the acts of publishing and lectures are the primary goal of pursuing commercial interests. It is only a shortcut and speculative test -taking skills that teach students, instead of improving students' writing level in accordance with the laws of Chinese education.

Wang Xuming also said that for Chen Jianxin's reality of the leader of the 20 -year volume group in a row, it should also be adjusted through institutional design to ensure that it will be replaced for about 3 to 5 years to ensure the supplementary blood supplement, the normal flow of personnel, and the quality of the scroll.

(Li Nan and Zhang Hao in the text are a pseudonym)