CCTV News reported on August 7 that from last year to now, as long as Canada is mentioned, people immediately think of Meng Wanzhou.Today, Meng Wanzhou has been detained by Canada for more than 600 days.A few days ago, the chief prosecutor of Canada claimed that Meng Wanzhou's demand for extradance to the United States was met.

In this context, when China and Canada have established diplomatic relations for 50 years, where will China -Canada relations go?On August 6, Bai Yansong connected Chinese ambassador to Canada Cong Peiwu. Meng Wanzhou incident is a serious political event planned in the United States. Canada acts as accomplices and thugs.span>

This is a serious political event together.

On December 1, 2018, when Chinese citizen Ms. Meng Wanzhou was riding a special plane in Vancouver, Canada was detained at the United States as required to ask her.indignation.

This is planned by the United States in order to suppress Huawei and other high -tech companies in China.

This incident itself is a serious political event planned in order to suppress Huawei and other high -tech companies in China.But the Canadian side grasped people, so the United States is the culprit and the Canadian side is the accomplice. On this issue, Canada has an unswerving responsibility.

We have also urged the Canadian government to recognize the situation, seriously reflect, correct mistakes, and release Ms. Meng Wanzhou as soon as possible, so that she can return to the United States safely.Regarding her state, she must be under great pressure, but she is still very strong.

Embassy provided due help.

Since the Meng Wanzhou incident, the embassy has done the following work in accordance with domestic requirements:

Event nature: Continue to explain the nature of the incident from people from all walks of life, its political and unreasonableness to people from all walks of life.It is required to face up to the Chinese government, maintain a firm determination to maintain the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and enterprises, and ask them to take measures to correct errors and release Ms. Meng Wanzhou as soon as possible.

Consular protection: The embassy has repeatedly emphasized to the relevant Canadian departments to protect Ms. Meng's personal safety and dignity.The Consulate General in Vancouver also visited her many times. The ambassador also visited Ms. Meng Wanzhou to convey the greetings of the motherland's loved ones and emphasized to her that the great motherland and 1.4 billion Chinese people are her strong backing.

Public opinion: Many people in Canada have been misled by the United States and Western politicians, thinking that China stares at the Meng Wanzhou incident and Canada is relatively weak because of Canada's strength.This is not the case at all.In this kind of thing, it is not based on the large and small, strong, and weakness of national strength, but to determine our attitude based on the matter itself.We also ask all sectors of Canada to have a correct reflection on this.

If Meng Wanzhou is extradited to the United States by Canada, what impact will it have on China -Canada relations?

will have a serious impact, and the Chinese side will resolutely oppose it.

Some media reports in the West are not in line with the facts. In fact, it is a statement made by the lawyer of the Canadian judicial minister. In fact, it is also the point he made from the beginning as a prosecution lawyer.Resolutely oppose.The issue of extradition is still a hypothetical issue. If it really happens, of course, it will have a serious impact.Because this matter itself has strong political and non -righteousness, the Chinese people are strongly indignant, and we also show him that the Chinese government's determination to safeguard its own interests is unswerving.China is no longer poverty -stricken and weak in China, and the world is no longer the world that the United States and the West want to do.We will continue to do related work, continue to effectively respond to this incident, urge the Canadian side to correct errors, and release Ms. Meng Wanzhou.

There are more and more voices of justice?

There are more and more rational people and insights in Canada.

At the beginning of the Meng Wanzhou incident, some people in Canada pointed out that the incident itself was political and non -righteous, and it also actively did work to solve this problem.Recently, more and more rational people and people in Canada have seen this.The documents revealed by the Canadian court also showed that the Royal Royal Police believed that the arrest of Ms. Meng was highly political from the beginning, so not only did Canada see this, but also made a voices of justice.And this view is cross -party, and they call on the Canadian government to reflect seriously and not be used by the United States.The Canadian government should listen carefully and reflects on what they do in the Meng Wanzhou incident.

What do you think of the dominance of the American boss?

Many people have a very good view of this.

The US government has engaged in priority and hegemonism in the United States in recent years. It has waved sanctions with the sanctions, and sanctions are not only pointing to China and other countries, but also to allies.If you use it, discarding, and constantly retreating groups to destroy the contract, all of which have aroused strong dissatisfaction among many people in Canada.

Although Canada is an allies and near neighbors in the United States, they are very uncomfortable with this approach. Many people say that the United States is the idea of the Cold War and hegemony. They are worried that the United States will eventually add the hegemonic mentality to themselves.On the body.In fact, it has been performed very obvious in the Meng Wanzhou incident.There is another example.During the fight against the epidemic, the United States once threatened not to export the N95 mask to Canada, so I can imagine how disgusting the Canadian people are. They think that the United States cannot be reliable at a critical moment.

Get more help, lose the way.

and Canada wants to exit various multilateral organizations in the United States, including recently announced the withdrawal from the World Health Organization.Because Canada still believes in multilateralism, they are very clear about the American hegemonic mentality.This also fully illustrates a reason that MDASH; mdash;This behavior of the United States can be reflected in its allies. For its allies, many people are unbearable.

How far is Meng Wanzhou left home?

Justice may be late, but never absent.

The United States is the initiator of the incident, but Canada acts as the role of accomplice and thugs.Nowadays, people are in the hands of Canada. This is why we have been urging Canada to take the political and non -righteousness of the incident, take practical measures as soon as possible, and make correct decisions, so that Ms. Meng Wanzhou can be safe as soon as possible as soon as possibleback to China.

Justice may be late, but never absent.We hope that Ms. Meng can return to China smoothly as soon as possible.

Meng Wanzhou incident backgroundIs Sino -Canadian relations optimistic in the future?

The healthy and stable development of relations between the two countries is the trend of the times.

The Meng Wanzhou incident tells us again that in order to develop the relationship between the two countries, we must comply with the principles of respect and respect for equality.Now that China has done something wrong, but the Canadian party has done the wrong thing, so we repeatedly asked the Canadian party to correct the mistakes and make the correct decision.

In the long run, we must have confidence in the development of Sino -Canadian relations, because the experience of establishing diplomatic relations with China -Canada relations for 50 years also shows that the healthy and stable development of relations between the two countries is in line with the common significance of the two countries. This is also the development of the times.The choice, the trend of the development of the times.

The United States suppress Huawei to be better to develop, and Canada has to make a correct decision

Ambassador Cong Peiwu said that we have recently explained to them when we were communicating with Canada that the United States has been universalizing the concept of national security and politics for so many years.High -tech companies, this shows that the United States just does not want us to live a good life, and tolerate others to develop better and faster.Many domestic people in Canada have a deep understanding of this.

Canada has to make a judgment by itself. After all, Huawei has a good cooperative relationship in Canada. It has also invested a lot of experience for many years, including building 4G for remote areas in rural areas to get a lot of people.Canada should not be under pressure from the United States, not interfered with the United States, and make a correct decision from its current interests and long -term interests.Only in this way can it help increase Chinese investors' confidence in Canada and maintain the independent international image advertised by Canada.

Canada does not have to choose to stand in the Chinese and American side teams, do not act as a tool for the United States to implement hegemony

First, I hope that Canada has sufficient political wisdom, and can develop relations with China while developing a relationship with the United States. This is actually done by most countries in the world;

Second, I hope that Canada can make decisions from its own interests, and do not act as the tools and helpers for the United States to implement hegemony.

Canadian people still have their own spirit, including the launch of the Iraq war in the United States in 2003. Canada explicitly refused to participate and stated that they would not participate in military operations without the United Nations.As early as 1970, the leaders of China and Canada made the right decision and established diplomatic relations. This is actually earlier than the US President Nixon's visit to China., Develop relations with China.Canada should maintain their own traditions.In addition, Ambassador Cong Peiwu also exchanged issues such as the Canadian epidemic situation and the status quo of Chinese students in Canada.

The situation of the Canadian epidemic is complicated, there is a second wave of rebound risk

At present, the cumulative number of cases in Canada is nearly 120,000, the domestic epidemic situation is complicated, and there is the risk of a second wave of rebound.Re -labor and re -production have brought close contact, and the risk of infection has risen, and it is necessary to re -classes in primary and secondary schools in autumn. This is also the focus of public opinion in Canada.

At the same time, the mentality of Canada's public epidemic prevention is also lazy.For several months of restrictive measures, many young people have psychologically fatigue. After the entertainment venues and catering industries have been resumed, people's gatherings have increased, and the chances of infection have increased significantly.

Overseas input also has risks.Canada and the United States have nearly 9,000 kilometers of border lines.At the beginning of the outbreak, most cases were introduced from the United States and Europe, so the Canadian people are now paying more attention to border risk control.

The latest poll responded, nearly 80%of the Canadian people were worried about the arrival of the second wave of epidemic.

The embassy can help the students who can do my best to stay in the Canadian Students

Ambassador Cong Peiwu introduced that the health and safety of Chinese citizens in Canada, including international students, have always been a problem that the party and the government are very concerned about.General Secretary Xi Jinping also made important instructions on protecting the health and safety of overseas Chinese citizens. The embassies and four consulates in Canada are also seriously implementing the requirements of General Secretary Xi and the deployment of the Party Central Committee to do a good job of related work.

The first is the stability.We convened many academic discussions, including video connections, convey the greetings of the party and the country in a timely manner, and alleviate their tension.Some time ago, according to domestic deployment, we sent domestic health packages and epidemic prevention materials to the hands of international students in time, so that they could at least have sufficient reserves in terms of epidemic prevention materials and relieve their pressure.In addition, we have prepared a hotline platform for psychological support, because with the continuation of the epidemic, many international students have some pressure. In this regard, we have also established a platform.Essence

The second is the study of stability.Studies are the key to international students, so we have been urging Canadian universities to provide high -quality online lessons for international students during this time, so that students can feel that they can not be affected in terms of whether they return to China in Canada or to return to China.Great comfort.

The third is to live a stable life.Because the epidemic is inevitable to bring trouble to everyone's lives, we also urge Canadian universities to maintain basic facilities on campus during the epidemic period, such as dormitories, catering, etc., so that students have as little worries as much as possible in this regard.At the same time, the local overseas Chinese house is organized to help international students open a team to help, which can alleviate.

As for the difficulty of returning to school after school in the fall, Ambassador Cong Peiwu said that there is worrying to understand, but don't worry too much.The Canadian government said that autumn schools are mainly based on online teaching. Unless the school has special requirements, you can not hurry to return to the campus.

(The original title Meng Wanzhou was seized for over 600 days, Bai Yansong dialogue to the Chinese ambassador to Canada: Do not serve as a tool for the United States to implement hegemony)